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The 90's Thread

edited March 2008 in Everything Else
Alright 90's kids. Lets talk about 90's shit. ( I couldn't think of any clever way to open this thread. :P) I remember it better than the 80's since I was 4 when it ended.

Anyway anyone remember pogs? The trend I look back on and realized was so dumb and so cheap to make. I had a lot ranging from the official ones I won to those cheap dollar store knock offs you punch out of a sheet.

I loved Nirvana a lot back then and learned what suicide was because of Kurt Cobain.

Baby stuff was all the rage at my school. Everyone wore a few plastic toy pacifiers around their neck. Even as a kid I thought that trend was stupid.

All the early nicktoons was really awesome. SNICK was my favorite night to watch TV. NickJr had my first favorite anime. Now all of it sucks epically.


  • Pogs... *wiki* OoOoOoOoH Flippos. I 'collected' those with my little brother. We had hundreds of them. Never really played 'the game' (I lost the game) associated with it though.

    Nothing comes to mind though, and we certainly had none of that crazy pacifier neck chain stuff going on.
  • MC Hammer ftw
  • I remember owning and wearing a lot of flannel jackets way back when.
  • Hypercolor shirts.
  • edited March 2008
    That Macarena thing.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited March 2008
    Oh good lord the 90's.

    Pogs were cool, however I remember when making friendship bracelets out of neon colored nylon was cool. Also the WWJD bracelets because all my friends were in Younglife, so it was the rage.

    I remember wearing Hypercolor shirts. There was a brief period during my freshman year, where I was in my "islander thug" phase. I would wear Top Dawg shirts with baggy jeans that were too long but I folded inside and stapled. I also wore a lot of black eyeliner and brown lip liner along with the gold "Guam" chain because I'm Guamanian. When I look at some of those pics now I just put my face in my palm and sigh.

    Nicktoons were the shit. Doug, Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, and Aaah! Real Monsters were all the shit. I really miss watching Doug. However we must not forget the X-Men, Spiderman, & Batman cartoons. They made watching tv worth it.

    Another phase was the big bangs in a "fan" shape or crimping or getting your hair permed. Ugh.

    I jammed to MC Hammer, Kris Kross, C & C Music Factory, Snap, and anything of that nature.

    I know there's more, but I can't think of any right now.

    P.S. Beverly Hills 90210 Let Donna Martin Graduate! >.>
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited March 2008
    Spice Girls were my role models. 4 friends and I would choose to spice girl to represent but I always had to be Posh because our name is Victoria. I really loved Scary spice. Backstreet Boys were my fantasy reverse harem. I watched Titanic over and over again. I thought high school was like Saved by the Bell back in elementary.
    I remember owning and wearing a lot of flannel jackets way back when.
    Me too.

    I remember loving 90's house music. It was weird in my hip hop laden area. I did love TLC, MC Hammer, Queen Latifah and a bunch of stuff I can't remember now.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I thought high school was like Saved by the Bell back in elementary.
    Everyone did. I also thought the 50's were just like Happy Days when I was in elementary school.
  • I thought high school was like Saved by the Bell back in elementary.
    Everyone did. I also thought the 50's were just like Happy Days when I was in elementary school.
    I thought the 50's was more like Grease back then.

    ...I still want my own Pink Ladies. :(
  • edited March 2008
    My childhood was ruled by the TV and my neighbors tree house. I remember watching all of the cartoons mentioned above along with Darkwing Duck, Tale Spin, Duck Tales, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Goof Troop, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Pinky and the Brain. I didn't watch any live action TV shows, so I can't talk about them. I did have about twenty Pogs though.

    I really didn't wear any of the fashion of the 90's as I was far too little for most of it. The only clothes I can remember wearing besides Catholic school uniforms (shudder, at least I was the skeptic in the class) were Disney related. I wore some Lion King and some Mickey Mouse shirts. That's all I have seen in photographs, anyway.

    I mostly remember the late 90's with the Pokemons and the Dragon Ball Zs. I also collected Pokemon cards.

    The only music I remember listening to was (shudder at the thought) Backstreet Boys. I even went to one of their concerts (I was seven-ish so cut me some slack). I have not gone to a concert since because of that horrible horrible event.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Y'all be makin' me feel old!!! The 90's for me was Grunge music, Ren and Stimpy, digging lots of holes in the ground and helping the American Army ship a whole lot of tanks from Germany back to the US. Lots of beer too. The second half was work, work, work, marriage, have a kid.
  • My childhood was ruled by the TV and my neighbors tree house.
    "My childhood"? Dude, you're still in your childhood. If you were going to reminisce about your childhood, you'd have to start with yesterday.
  • Remember that craze that I still to this day never figured out why it was so popular....pogs.
  • That was year 0 to 9 when I was a kid. ^_^ Let's see what I remember.. We lived in a small town so everything trendy came so late. I didn't watch much of the live actions, nor did I watch cartoons until I was older (like, 6 or 7) because I was always running around.

    I remember Pogs and Pokemon trading cards. My first actual cartoon shows I watched regularly were Pokemon and Dragonball Z - I became more of a fan of cartoons when I moved to the city I live in now in the summer of 2000 - and I really have no clue what happened with fashion. I never followed any trends because I was so young...
  • edited March 2008
    My childhood was ruled by the TV and my neighbors tree house.
    "My childhood"? Dude, you're stillinyour childhood. If you were going to reminisce about your childhood, you'd have to start with yesterday.
    I am technically an adult now, and when I say my child hood I mean pre-high school and in some cases pre-middle school.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited March 2008
    Well, I was born in 1990, so I wasn't very old going through them.

    Fond memories:
    - good shows on disney, nick, and cartoon network
    - pokemon gold....and pokemon cards (not that I still don't play pokemon and own the cards now.....:D)
    - legos. Yes, they're still around...but I was really, really into them in the 90s.

    Meh memories:
    - pogs. I used to own a ton, mostly from the "make your own" sets....kinda lame.

    Shit memories:
    - awful fashion....just awful.
    - crappy music like Nsync, Backstreet boys, Hanson...boy bands in general, crappy pop music....then again, a lot of that hasn't changed, but now I at least know of good bands to listen to.
    - Windows 95 and earlier
    - using old ass macs at school
    Post edited by Dkong on
  • Well, I was born in 1990, so I wasn't very old going through them.

    Fond memories:
    - good shows on disney, nick, and cartoon network
    - pokemon gold....and pokemon cards (not that I still don't play pokemon and own the cards now.....:D)
    - legos. Yes, they're still around...but I was really, really into them in the 90s.

    Meh memories:
    - pogs. I used to own a ton, mostly from the "make your own" sets....kinda lame.

    Shit memories:
    - awful fashion....just awful.
    - crappy music like Nsync, Backstreet boys, Hanson...boy bands in general, crappy pop music....then again, a lot of that hasn't changed, but now I at least know of good bands to listen to.
    - Windows 95 and earlier
    - using old ass macs at school
    All I can say is dido.
  • edited March 2008
    All I can say is dido.
    Aeneas was kind of a bitch, but I don't see what that has to do with the 1990s. But yeah, what he said.
    Post edited by rhinocero on
  • The first computer with sound I ever saw. Man, Zoombinis kicked ass.
  • MTV sucked but it sucks ten times less than it does now. It had The Maxx, Beavis and Butthead and Daria. Singled Out was a fun show and there was still music videos.
  • edited March 2008
    My childhood was ruled by the TV and my neighbors tree house.
    "My childhood"? Dude, you're stillinyour childhood. If you were going to reminisce about your childhood, you'd have to start with yesterday.
    I am technically an adult now, and when I say my child hood I mean pre-high school and in some cases pre-middle school.
    Please don't take this the wrong way, but:

    Still in High School + Mommy still confiscating toys = Child.

    That's not necessarily a bad thing. Even though it was lousy, I would give Jason's right arm to have five minutes of my childhood back. Be happy that you still have some of your childhood left.

    And, to be more on topic, the 90s sucked just as much as every decade before and every decade to follow. I liked the 60s and the 70s marginally better, mostly because you could smoke anywhere you wanted without being hassled.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Ummm... Pogs were NEVER cool.
  • image
    Seen 20+ times.....

    and owned the soundtrack.
  • image
    That movie was amazingly awful and was all that I wanted to watch in 1st grade.
  • That movie was amazingly awful and was all that I wanted to watch in 1st grade.
    Awful? What the hell are you talking about? Space Jam is a masterpiece.
  • It was the most quotable movie in 96' in elementary school.

    Speaking of movies Disney brought out a lot of good stuff. Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Kimba remake The Lion King.

    Plus a lot of non disney fillms I loved like, Pebble and the Penguin, Cats Don't Dance, Troll in Central Park and so on.
  • edited March 2008
    Fuck I loved Space Jam.

    Pogs were never cool down in Florida/Lower Alabama either.

    The early 90's was covered by my Nintendo, and Super Mario Bros., Silent Service, Top Gun, and a few others.

    Why has no-one mentioned the Nintendo 64. That machine ruled a good portion of the late 90's, because I got it the day it came out. Super Mario 64, I love thee.

    I never liked Nick Jr. I liked SNick or whatever it was called for a while. I was never a really big cartoon watcher, and I only caught a few on Saturday morning.

    Arcades. Arcades. Arcades. I was such a fucking arcade connoisseur back then, got damn.

    That's all I got for now. Maybe I'll think of more later.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Pogs rocked, I still have my Earthbound pogs somewhere I hope.

    The SNES for the win.

    The Adventures of Pete and Pete is without a doubt one of the best shows ever.

    Weezer definitely rocks and I get to relive it all in Rock Band.
  • *looks at her PSone*

    Good times. Good times.

    Arcades! My grandma would take me and my cousins all the time.


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