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The Hockey Thread



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    And of course, Mama Holtby
  • I see nobody has made any posts here since last night.
  • I see nobody has made any posts here since last night.
    Posting will commence around 7:30PM.
  • Claude Giroux is suspended for the rest of the season.
  • Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory...fuck
  • Posting has resumed. I admit the fix is in. I don't care.
  • That penalty did it.

    Four minutes. OT with a power play. Goal with less than six seconds to go ahead of time.

    This game approached, but did not quite reach, the level of that one Tigers game at RIT. I still have the ticket from that game.
  • Because it's the Caps...
  • How ironic that Ward was the one to draw that penalty. He scored in OT of Game 7 against the Bruins. I'll consider this payback by the hockey gods.
  • There won't be another home game. Or, if there is, it will be a game 7... during Zenkaikon.
  • This game approached, but did not quite reach, the level of that one Tigers game at RIT. I still have the ticket from that game.
    Now that I'm getting into Tigers hockey, and can probably relate somewhat, I think this deserves an explanation.

  • edited May 2012
    Coyotes are head'n to the third round of the play-off's!

    I went to this game, and this is the first time I've been to a Coyotes game where every single seat in the stadium was full. Mike Smith almost made a score at the end, and if he did make that, it would have been like the ending of Redline, I swear. Everyone was chanting "Beat L.A." with one minute to go, man, I have never cheered so hard in my life! I swear, the Coyotes better get the Stanley Cup, and achieve the most ultimate underdog story!
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • It's not a stadium, it's an arena.
  • Yotes gonna get crushed by the Kings.
  • That's my dad during regular season games.
  • That's my dad during regular season games.
    My condolences.
  • This goddamn Devils game... I have never been so anxious for a hockey game before in my life. 7:30 can't come soon enough...
  • Bye bye Flyers.
  • Not disappointed at all. Now for that awkward period where I root for the Rags to win for a change...
  • Well, this season ended pretty fittingly. Still fucking disappointed. Lost my faith in Laviolette.
  • Dominated today. Bring on game 7.
  • Stupid rags goal should have been taken away on a clear goalie interference call. Cost Holtby his first playoff shutout.

  • Rangers are 4-0 in game 7s at MSG.

    Holtby is undefeated this season in games following losses. Oh, he just won.

    Are the odds in our favor?

  • Are the odds in our favor?
    In sports, odds like that can actually matter, as the players' psychological states are indeed carried over between games. ;^)

  • edited May 2012

    If players' psychological states are carried over, I feel sorry for the rangers because the caps outright dominated and frustrated the shit out of them last game. Also torts is funny when he's pissed.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • At least we got that one off-the-butt goal in and it wasn't a shut out. I don't see how that was interference.
  • edited May 2012
    Goals should be disallowed only if: (1) an attacking player, either by his positioning or by contact, impairs the goalkeeper’s ability to move freely within his crease or defend his goal; or (2) an attacking player initiates intentional or deliberate contact with a goalkeeper, inside or outside of his goal crease. Incidental contact with a goalkeeper will be permitted, and resulting goals allowed, when such contact is initiated outside of the goal crease, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact. The rule will be enforced exclusively in accordance with the on-ice judgment of the Referee(s), and not by means of video replay or review.

    Hagelin has Holtby in a pretty clear leg-lock within the crease preventing him from full mobility. In addition, he couldn't raise is stick-side arm because of contact with Hagelin. It doesn't really get more clearer than this.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Dale Hunter is stepping down and Semin is going free agent. Lots of big things happening to the Caps this off-season, just hope that GMGM doesn't fuck it up.
  • edited May 2012
    Well, Hunter leaving was predictable the moment he signed a 1 year contract as head coach. However, in another way this actually give him the freedom to actually experiment and play around with the line-up without having to fear the repercussions too much. In turn, I think the Caps were closer to actually being competitive in the playoffs than they have in any of the previous 5 years or so. However, I think their window is closing.

    Semin leaving should be actually beneficial to the Caps. I think Semin is a bit overrated, and not worth the 6.7 million cap hit that he currently has. Cutting him loose could very much help the team. As sad as it is though, he is probably the 2nd best free agent forward on the market this off-season behind Parise (not counting players set to retire or re-sign with their current clubs, e.g. Doan, Selanne).

    Flyers off-season may be the team looking into the Suter sweep-stakes, getting rid of the defensive mess that is Matt Carle (though lip service is being paid) and acquire a good defensive forward like Paul Gaustad. Oh Ian Laperriere, how I miss you.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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