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Barack Obama



  • She is basically saying she hates black people, particularly those with funny names AND that she hates anyone that is not her religion. Sorry to say this, but fuck your mom - she isnota classy lady.
    One thing that is funny. My grandmother told me she was not like that at all when she was a kid. And she didn't get it from my dad either. Despite the fact they believe the same thing, my dad is far more reasonable. What could possibly turn someone to the dark side like that? (Star Wars pun unintentional. -_-)
    From what I have gather from human history I have notice that people turn ugly when they are afraid of something. I wonder what is your mother afraid of?
  • I was ill yesterday. I saw Obama's TV ad and I was healed. He is so inspiring, my wife wept openly before the ad was even half finished. I love this guy.

    Just a thought about how a person can change from being fairly liberal to being fairly conservative as they age - many people here are very young. I'm not going to bash anyone for being young, but you guys simply haven't had the experience of trying to decide if you can afford a gallon of milk or whether you should try to get along with half a gallon. You've never been in trouble with the IRS. You've never had to pay a mortgage, or pay for a car loan, or a student loan, or insurance. You've never had the responsibility to care for your own children. including never having to pay for or rely on child support. You've also never had to work in a job you don't like with people you don't like so you can have money to meet all these obligations. You've never had to see any of your dreams fade away because you have these obligations.

    All that stuff can be scarier than the scariest horror movie you've ever seen, and it doesn't stop after two hours. After many years of this kind of thing, many people are just scared enough to buy what the conservatives are selling.

    So try to understand your mom, even when she's not being classy. She's probably just profoundly sad and frightened.
  • I was ill yesterday. I saw Obama's TV ad and I was healed. He is so inspiring, my wife wept openly before the ad was even half finished. I love this guy.

    Just a thought about how a person can change from being fairly liberal to being fairly conservative as they age - many people here are very young. I'm not going to bash anyone for being young, but you guys simply haven't had the experience of trying to decide if you can afford a gallon of milk or whether you should try to get along with half a gallon. You've never been in trouble with the IRS. You've never had to pay a mortgage, or pay for a car loan, or a student loan, or insurance. You've never had the responsibility to care for your own children. including never having to pay for or rely on child support. You've also never had to work in a job you don't like with people you don't like so you can have money to meet all these obligations. You've never had to see any of your dreams fade away because you have these obligations.

    All that stuff can be scarier than the scariest horror movie you've ever seen, and it doesn't stop after two hours. After many years of this kind of thing, many people are just scared enough to buy what the conservatives are selling.

    So try to understand your mom, even when she's not being classy. She's probably just profoundly sad and frightened.
    Which is ironic considering McCain's tax, health, education, economic, and social plans would all fuck people like her royally.
  • I just love this. I have mentioned my mother believed that Obama was the Antichrist, but today she went one step further. Her reason for claiming that he is: He descends from Arabs. First off, that's racist (which means my mother is not only delusional, but is a hypocrite), and second off, Kenya is in Africa! I didn't know that the Bible said a Kenyan (or a Arab, for that matter) would be the Antichrist. Never mind the fact that the book of Revelations is allegedly meant to be an allegorical attack on the Roman Empire.

    The reason this got brought up was that I just got an Obama pin. I already have one strike for being an atheist, now I have strike two for showing my support. She has told me that when my dad leaves for work and I do anything else she doesn't like, I'm gone. I've gone from being just sad to utterly pissed.
    She is basically saying she hates black people, particularly those with funny names AND that she hates anyone that is not her religion. Sorry to say this, but fuck your mom - she isnota classy lady.
    There are many Arabs that live in Africa. There are also many white people who live in Africa. What would you call a white man who descends from white parents from South Africa who is born in the USA? Could he claim to be an African-American?

    There is a line of research into Obama's father's family tree that asks whether or not Obama has more "black" ancestors or "arab" ancestors. Some of these researchers have said that even though Obama is technically an African-American he is not an African-American as it is commonly defined in the USA. They say he is actually an Arab-American due to his bloodline and family genealogy.

    If Obama is found to be an Arab-American rather than an African-American it destroys the image of Obama as being the first black President. He will instead be the first Arab-American President and what's wrong with that?
    Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian, that from his mother. What those who want Mr. Obama to write history by becoming "America's first African-American president" ignore is that his father was ethnically Arabic, with only 1 relative ethnically African Negro - a maternal great-grandparent (Sen. Obama's great-great grandparent, thus the 6.25% ethnic contribution to the senator's ethnic composition.).

    That means that Mr. Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side. He is 43.75% Arabic, and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side.

    Put another way, his father could honestly claim African-American ethnic classification. He was the last generation able to do so.
    Post, Tribune: Is Obama really African-American?

    I'm not voting for him because of his ethnicity (I consider it racist to vote for or against someone based on their race). I'm voting for him because of the issues. Perhaps you should sit down with your mom and point out that he is 50% white and that she can vote for his "white half" if his outward skin color offends her so much.
  • Did anyone see him on the Daily Show last night? Funny stuff, that was.
  • I think Obama will be at the Rachel Maddow show today.
  • What could possibly turn someone to the dark side like that? (Star Wars pun unintentional. -_-)
    Mental illness.
    Might not be that far off.

    Your mom is missing something in her life, so she's filled that void with fervent religion. It really is like an illness. It's sad, but your mother's concept of self was stripped away and replaced with something else a while back.
  • Perhaps you should sit down with your mom and point out that he is 50% white and that she can vote for his "white half" if his outward skin color offends her so much.
    One drop rule. This sort of stuff is deep-rooted and profoundly fucked.
  • Rym told me about an Egyptian guy he worked with at IBM who used to go around saying he was African American. I think that's awesome.
  • Perhaps you should sit down with your mom and point out that he is 50% white and that she can vote for his "white half" if his outward skin color offends her so much.
    One drop rule.This sort of stuff is deep-rooted and profoundly fucked.
    Obama is black like vanilla ice cream with some chocolate syrup is chocolate ice cream. However, you're never going to be able to convince those people that it isn't chocolate.
  • Wait, is your grandmother ok with you? Go live with her if you get kicked out.
    All she knows is that there is a family argument involving religion. She herself is Baptist (not Southern Baptist), and is almost into her seventies. She is not well, and while she isn't bigoted toward atheists, it would likely be a big shock for her to find out. Also, it would be quite impossible for me to live with her because I am allergic to cigarette smoke, and she smokes indoors.
    From what I have gather from human history I have notice that people turn ugly when they are afraid of something. I wonder what is your mother afraid of?
    She believes the end is near.
    Just a thought about how a person can change from being fairly liberal to being fairly conservative as they age - many people here are very young.
    . . . .

    All that stuff can be scarier than the scariest horror movie you've ever seen, and it doesn't stop after two hours. After many years of this kind of thing, many people are just scared enough to buy what the conservatives are selling.

    So try to understand your mom, even when she's not being classy. She's probably just profoundly sad and frightened.
    Relevance? I did not say anything about conservatism. In fact, she's not political, and has mostly heard stuff about Obama from her fellow crazies. She takes them seriously, so she acts. What I'm talking about is her delusion and hypocrisy. She has suggested that because I support him, I am lower than dirt. That atheists like me are bringing about a great evil. This is more than just fear, hungryjoe. This is hatred.
  • That sucks dude. Religious fervor turns otherwise reasonable people crazy. If it's that bad, I'd consider appeasing her until you are capable of being self sufficient. Being truely hated is not cool.
  • Obama is black like vanilla ice cream with some chocolate syrup is chocolate ice cream. However, you're never going to be able to convince those people that it isn't chocolate.
    That's actually an interesting point. He was raised by a white American mother and a Kenyan immigrant father, and grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. He has pretty much none of the African American cultural experience.
  • Obama is black like vanilla ice cream with some chocolate syrup is chocolate ice cream. However, you're never going to be able to convince those people that it isn't chocolate.
    That's actually an interesting point. He was raised by a white American mother and a Kenyan immigrant father, and grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. He has pretty much none of the African American cultural experience.
    His Kenyan father left when he was about 2 years old. He did have a father in Indonesia (mother remarried) for a while until he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii.

    So no, he did not grow up living the "struggle" the way many black Americans did. But, I don't think he claimed to have personally led that sort of life.
  • She believes the end is near.
    The apostles supposedly believed it was near, too. Too bad both the pre-millenial and millenial eschatalogical models have expired, if you take Revelations literally, the way evangelicals claim.
  • I think Obama will be at the Rachel Maddow show today.
    Even more incentive to watch the Rachel Maddow show! Aside from it just being completely awesome!
  • This is more than just fear, hungryjoe. This is hatred.
    Remember Yoda:
    "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering". I really do feel sorry for your family as a whole.
  • His Kenyan father left when he was about 2 years old.
    Hm, I didn't know that. I think it still makes my point, though -- that there is an African-American culture that's distinct from being of African descent, and he most likely didn't have much to do with it. That's not a judgment, just an observation.
  • I think Obama will be at the Rachel Maddow show today.
    Even more incentive to watch the Rachel Maddow show! Aside from it just being completely awesome!
    That interview was FTW!
  • I think Obama will be at the Rachel Maddow show today.
    Even more incentive to watch the Rachel Maddow show! Aside from it just being completely awesome!
    That interview was FTW!
    QFT. I have the biggest crush on Rachel Maddow. ^_^
  • I think Obama will be at the Rachel Maddow show today.
    Even more incentive to watch the Rachel Maddow show! Aside from it just being completely awesome!
    That interview was FTW!
    QFT. I have the biggest crush on Rachel Maddow. ^_^
    Hey! Heyheyhey!
  • Don't worry, she still likes you best.
  • Don't worry, she still likes you best.
    Well, he does live with me, so he is the more convenient option. ^_~
  • QFT. I have the biggest crush on Rachel Maddow. ^_^
    Hey! Heyheyhey!
    Bow-chicka-wow-wow...Adam, you're upset by this prospect? ^_~
  • If I could vote in this election I would vote for Obama. We learn about American politics in school and such, but I can't really say I understand it. So I can't really back my opinion up by facts. I don't want to write about your politics and get things wrong. So that was my disclaimer for what I am about to say. He he.
    When I watch Obama talk, I get emotional. He effects me as person, I believe in what he says and I'm not even an American! Maybe he is the biggest hustler, swindler and hoax ever, but he is damn good at what he does. Talking to people and make them believe him. I guess that's called a politician.
    I truly believe that the USA needs a person like Obama. If McCain wins I will lose faith in you guys (USA). Again, I don't really know anything about how it is to live in your country. I feel that if McCain wins, nothing will change. Maybe I'm wrong about that. But another Republican as president? The Republican party has been in control for so long, why should they have another chance? I just don't grasp it. So sorry if I made a fool of myself or anything. Just felt like sharing my views. Even if they don't matter at all.

    You probably know about this If the world could vote.
    If not, the current results:
    Barack Obama 86.9%
    John McCain 13.1%
    The world wants Obama, do you need a better reason for electing a President. Then again, most of the people who vote on this site probably is as knowledgeable about the real politics of the USA as me.
  • When I watch Obama talk, I get emotional.
    People said the same thing about Hitler. Now I'm not saying the man is evil, but don't judge the man based on how he says something. Judge him by what he says. I like Obama, he's a smart dude, but I disagree with his ideas on a fundamental level. I'm republican through and through. Is that gonna make McCain president, probably not. The only way Obama might not win at this point is if there's a crazy Bradley effect or half the democrats don't show up. Even then, McCain would only slightly eek it out. Part of me does want to see the first black president so I wish him well.
  • I wonder what republican would say if they see this.
  • I like Obama, he's a smart dude, but I disagree with his ideas on a fundamental level.
    Which ideas?
    I'm republican through and through.
    So, on what issues do you agree with the Republican party? Among others, you've got:
    • Anti-gay sentiment
    • Anti-reproductive rights
    • Deregulation
    • An aggressive national security foreign policy
    • Massive deficit spending
    • High-income tax breaks
    What policies and/or platforms of the Republican party and/or McCain do you agree with? How do they differ from Obama's?
  • edited October 2008
    I like Obama, he's a smart dude, but I disagree with his ideas on a fundamental level.
    Which ideas?
    The way taxes should be structured. I don't believe in the "spread the wealth" idea. Anyway, we're spreading the wealth pretty well right now, why does it have to be even more lopsided.
    I'm republican through and through.
    So, on what issues do you agree with the Republican party? Among others, you've got:
    • Anti-gay sentiment
    • Anti-reproductive rights
    • Deregulation
    • An aggressive national security foreign policy
    • Massive deficit spending
    • High-income tax breaks
    What policies and/or platforms of the Republican party and/or McCain do you agree with? How do they differ from Obama's?
    • Anti-gay sentiment: Marraige is between a Man and Woman, this has been the fabric of society even back in ancient Greece when homosexuality was considered more pure than heterosexuality. I don't hate gays, I have gay friends.
    • Anti-reproductive rights: As a man I don't feel I'm qualified to even have an opinion here.
    • Deregulation: Yes, like it. More so I don't like too much regulation.
    • An aggressive national security foreign policy: I want out of Iraq as much as the next guy, but there's no sense leaving it a mess when we're so close to actually succeeding there.
    • Massive deficit spending: I actually favor increased taxes to pay down the debt, but as this is political suicide there's no candidate that supports it.
    • High-income tax breaks, as Bush said in 00, "they're the ones paying all the taxes."
    If we're going cut taxes, I favor McCain's plan of cutting corporate income tax to help create jobs.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I wonder what republican would say if they seethis.
    If this is accurate, it pretty much just proves how stupid people in the red states are. People who make 30k a year bitching about redistribution of wealth are idiots. If you told them that reducing the redistribution of wealth would lower their standard of living (in a way they would believe, somehow...) then perhaps they would quit complaining about being "punished" for success. Half of them probably don't even know what socialism is...they're just afraid of it because OHNOES that sounds like communism, and communism is bad, right? I don't hate my state...I really don't...but a lot of the people here are just idiots.
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