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Barack Obama



  • It's not the government's job to raise children and I never, ever want it to be.
    Education of children and raising of children are completely different issues.
    Could you elaborate on this?

    Are they different like regular M&Ms; are different from peanut M&Ms;? Or are they different the way cats and dogs are different?
  • ......
    edited November 2008
    Yes, the minorities should speak up. However, what do you do when there is no way to speak? You go in to vote, and you hate all the choices equally. Does that mean you should vote anyway? Any of the choices is just lying about what you want. There is no choice that matches your stance on the issues. What do you do? All you can do is write-in a vote, but even then it won't mean anything because you can only write-in someone who has applied for being a write-in candidate.
    Haven't solved that part. I know not everything about US politics, for example, I never heard about a write-in before. A question to make sure I remembered this correctly, but when you go to vote, you not only vote for a new president in the US, but also for various points, no? If so, is there any requirement that you vote for a new president? You could just fill in your stance on the points on the voting machine/paper and leave the president blank. If there are no other things to vote for, then there indeed little reason to go and vote, however, you could go and vote for the person of a small chance-less party who aligns best with the points you find most important. This too gives the signal that you want US politics to change so that you will be represented. At the least you will have voted, and are not one of the idiots who threw their voice and opinion away by not voting.

    Are they different like regular M&Ms; are different from peanut M&Ms;? Or are they different the way cats and dogs are different?
    *gives you a shovel and a bucket for the sandbox*

    To raise is to parent, and to educate is to teach. Raising a child (properly) means to me, at a basic level, fulfilling the child's rights, provide an adequate standard of living, provide health care, provide education, etc. Educating a child is where the child learns new skills. Writing, math, biology. Most children are being educated at a school (for the most part), this is where they also should learn how their body works and what happens to their body if they have unprotected sex. You have to teach, to educate them what an STD will do to their body if they're not careful. In short, raising a child (properly) is to provide it with love, safety and a (possibility for a) future; educating a child is to teach it skills for its future.
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited November 2008
    Haven't solved that part. I know not everything about US politics, for example, I never heard about a write-in before. A question to make sure I remembered this correctly, but when you go to vote, you not only vote for a new president in the US, but also for various points, no? If so, is there any requirement that you vote for a new president? You could just fill in your stance on the points on the voting machine/paper and leave the president blank. If there are no other things to vote for, then there indeed little reason to go and vote, however, you could go and vote for the person of a small chance-less party who aligns best with the points you find most important. This too gives the signal that you want US politics to change so that you will be represented. At the least you will have voted, and are not one of the idiots who threw their voice and opinion away by not voting.
    There are a couple local referendums (issues) to vote on, but for the most part it's candidates. I'm still going to go and vote present at the very least. I'm going to research the Republican Leadership Council as they seem to support the ideals I hold.
    To raise is to parent, and to educate is to teach. Raising a child (properly) means to me, at a basic level, fulfilling the child's rights, provide an adequate standard of living, provide health care, provide education, etc. Educating a child is where the child learns new skills. Writing, math, biology. Most children are being educated at a school (for the most part), this is where they also should learn how their body works and what happens to their body if they have unprotected sex. You have to teach, to educate them what an STD will do to their body if they're not careful. In short, raising a child (properly) is to provide it with love, safety and a (possibility for a) future; educating a child is to teach it skills for its future.
    I only said parents should teach children these things if school doesn't. Since it seems abstinence only is the policies of school now, I would teach my children about this. At the least very least I'd give them a list of STD's and set them down in front of Wikipedia.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I only said parents should teach children these things if school doesn't. Since it seems abstinence only is the policies of school now, I would teach my children about this. At the least very least I'd give them a list of STD's and set them down in front of Wikipedia.
    I was only explaining it to Master John. I specifically put "(for the most part)" in there, since not everything that a child learns is at school. I'm just of the opinion that sex education should happen in school. Just like smoking education, god do smoker lungs look ugly.
  • To raise is to parent, and to educate is to teach. Raising a child (properly) means to me, at a basic level, fulfilling the child's rights, provide an adequate standard of living, provide health care, provide education, etc. Educating a child is where the child learns new skills. Writing, math, biology. Most children are being educated at a school (for the most part), this is where they also should learn how their body works and what happens to their body if they have unprotected sex. You have to teach, to educate them what an STD will do to their body if they're not careful. In short, raising a child (properly) is to provide it with love, safety and a (possibility for a) future; educating a child is to teach it skills for its future.
    It sounds like you think a parent has no role in their child's development other than room, board, doctor visits and sending the kid to school. A parent is the first (and most important) teacher in a child's life. I see the education of a child as a part of parenting.

    Please note that you listed "provide education" as part of parenting. So, how can parenting and the educating of children be two different things if educating is part of parenting? Or do you believe that a parent should not be allowed to educate their child?
  • I only said parents should teach children these things if school doesn't.
    A more important point being: there is no reason a school should not be educating, regardless of parental involvement.
    Unfortunately, I can't get you the full text of the article, buthere's an abstract about that very thing.
    This is why I like having scientist friends. Thanks for the backup. ;)
  • It sounds like you think a parent has no role in their child's development other than room, board, doctor visits and sending the kid to school. A parent is the first (and most important) teacher in a child's life. I see the education of a child as a part of parenting.

    Please note that you listed "provide education" as part of parenting. So, how can parenting and the educating of children be two different things if educating is part of parenting? Or do you believe that a parent should not be allowed to educate their child?
    I already addressed these points in the post you quoted and the post above yours. Please pay attention. To humour you I shall spend even more of my time highlighting the specific parts, okay? Then you may go back to your sandbox. Also, I damn well know that I listed that parents should provide education. What that means is that the parents should send their children to school, or home school them. I explained this after the parenting.
    To raise is to parent, and to educate is to teach. Raising a child (properly) means to me, at a basic level, fulfilling the child's rights, provide an adequate standard of living, provide health care, provide education, etc. Educating a child is where the child learns new skills. Writing, math, biology. Most children are being educated at a school (for the most part), this is where they also should learn how their body works and what happens to their body if they have unprotected sex. You have to teach, to educate them what an STD will do to their body if they're not careful. In short, raising a child (properly) is to provide it with love, safety and a (possibility for a) future; educating a child is to teach it skills for its future.
    Please don't become another idiot who skips the most important parts of a post and/or the comprehending part of reading text.
  • Teddy Roosevelt,
    Teddy Roosevelt was nearly a socialist ^_^ but it was different back then :-p
  • ......
    edited November 2008
    @Master John's whisper: You are a fucking idiot. If you fail to understand English, you shut up, you don't try your hand at condescension or arguing, that's a recipe for failure. Please reread my original post continuously until you understand it.
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited November 2008
    What the hell is the civilian national security force and where does he plan to get the extra half a trillion to fund them as well as our military?

    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I am going to see Obama tomorrow night. He will be a couple of blocks away from my house :D
    Is a nice end to his campaign since he will end, where everything started :D
  • What the hell is the civilian national security force and where does he plan to get the extra half a trillion to fund them as well as our military?

    I'm sure comrade Obama will find ample ways to fund his secret police force. I hope you have all of your papers in order comrade gedavids else you will be deported to a labor camp in American Siberia, also known as Alaska.
  • edited November 2008
    I'm sure comrade Obama will find ample ways to fund his secret police force. I hope you have all of your papers in order comrade gedavids else you will be deported to a labor camp in American Siberia, also known as Alaska.
    I think he's thinking along the lines of the Civil Air Patrol or Merchant Marines.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I'm sure comrade Obama will find ample ways to fund his secret police force. I hope you have all of your papers in order comrade gedavids else you will be deported to a labor camp in American Siberia, also known as Alaska.
    I think he's thinking along the lines of theCivil Air PatrolorMerchant Marines.
    Or perhaps he's thinking more along the lines of the Office of Civil Defense from the Second World War. Sounds like a good idea to me. More feet on the ground and eyes in the sky.
  • There are no links or actual articles, however on the home pages of MSNBC and CNN it says that Barack Obama's gradmother died. How sad and unfortunate.
  • There are no links or actual articles, however on the home pages of MSNBC and CNN it says that Barack Obama's gradmother died. How sad and unfortunate.
    Yea talk about SUCK, I mean one more day and she could have seen her grandchild become president..
  • I know the man has got to be stressed up the whazoo right about now, and this definitely doesn't help.
  • edited November 2008
    I just came from the rally Manassas. I stood up for 4 hours but it was worth it. pictures to come tomorrow :D
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • There are no links or actual articles, however on the home pages of MSNBC and CNN it says that Barack Obama's gradmother died. How sad and unfortunate.
    Yea talk about SUCK, I mean one more day and she could have seen her grandchild become president..
    At least he took the time off to go see her and say goodbye, and didn't try to push it off til after the election. He got to have some closure.
  • The 4 hours wait was worth it. I finished "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Companion" while waiting for this.
  • image
    I got to shake his hand, it was awesome.
  • With it looking more and more likely that Obama will become the next President I can only hope that he will govern in an inclusive fashion and not simply be a far left version of Bush. We will see.

    I will also expect those on here who have criticized Bush for his attitudes and actions to hold to the same standards in regards to Obama. I would be greatly disappointed if the FRC members ignore or excuse the actions of an Obama administration that would elicit condemnation if they were done under a Republican administration.
  • Steve, there are clearly people on the board who are lefties. However, I can assure you that I, and most nerds, merely have an inherent distrust of authority. We hate whoever is in charge, even if we voted for them. Also, we're New Yorker's. We'll boo our own sport's teams.
  • With it looking more and more likely that Obama will become the next President I can only hope that he will govern in an inclusive fashion and not simply be a far left version of Bush. We will see.

    I will also expect those on here who have criticized Bush for his attitudes and actions to hold to the same standards in regards to Obama. I would be greatly disappointed if the FRC members ignore or excuse the actions of an Obama administration that would elicit condemnation if they were done under a Republican administration.
    I expect those who have slavishly backed GWB to remember that their party is rapidly becoming irrelevant and that, once Obama is Commander-in-Chief, criticisms of Obama could be considered treason.
  • Ahaha. Steve is back.
  • Welcome back, Steve. We's wonderin' if we done skeer'd ya off.
  • As per some earlier discussion: It doesn't matter whether sexual orientation is a product of biology or choice. Something does not need to be biologically determined to be legitimate. If I recall correctly, the U.S. Constitution already provides protection for things that are the product of choice - like, oh, you know, religion. If choice of faith can be respected, why can't choice of (legal-aged and consenting) sexual partner not also be protected?
  • Welcome back, Steve. We's wonderin' if we done skeer'd ya off.
    QFT. I missed you, ya big lug. ;^)
  • As per some earlier discussion: It doesn't matter whether sexual orientation is a product of biology or choice. Something does not need to be biologically determined to be legitimate. If I recall correctly, the U.S. Constitution already provides protection for things that are the product of choice - like, oh, you know, religion. If choice of faith can be respected, why can't choice of (legal-aged and consenting) sexual partner not also be protected?
    Exactly what I saw. If it's biological, then it's discriminating against people for something they can't help. If it's by choice, then it's discriminating against people based on a choice they make. Granted, we can discriminate against people based on things that are choices, like if someone chooses to rob a bank. However, the choice to be gay, if it exists, is a choice that hurts nobody. Thus it would be discriminatory and anti-freedom to punish that choice in any way.
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