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Barack Obama



  • 3. How sad are you going to be when the Supreme Court denies cert and doesn't even hear this case?
    I don't think he knows how a write of certiorari works. It happens to be one of the few writs I know.

  • 3. How sad are you going to be when the Supreme Court denies cert and doesn't even hear this case?
    I will be happy if it is based on supporting documentation provided by Obama.

    You seem to be under some strange delusion that anyone that questions Obama's legitimacy is somehow against the man. Why are you so scared of the rule of law being followed and his legitimacy being proven? What harm comes from Obama proving his natural born citizenship status? The only potential harm in this case is if Obama is found not to be a natural born citizen, a very unlikely outcome.
  • Why are you so scared of the rule of law being followed and his legitimacy being proven?
    Johnny, I ain't a-scared of nothin' concerning "the rule of law". The rule of law is being followed here, and will more likely than not result in the Supreme Court refusing to waste their time on this stupid-ass case.

    Obama won. He won in a landslide. He will be the POTUS. He will be the Commander in Chief. There's nothing you can do about it. Get used to it.
  • edited November 2008
    Why are you so scared of the rule of law being followed and his legitimacy being proven?
    Johnny, I ain't a-scared of nothin' concerning "the rule of law". The rule of law is being followed here, and will more likely than not result in the Supreme Court refusing to waste their time on this stupid-ass case.

    Obama won. He won in a landslide. He will be the POTUS. He will be the Commander in Chief. There's nothing you can do about it. Get used to it.
    you are 100% scared of Obama being ruled invalid to serve under the rules as set forth in the Constitution.

    Here is another article from WND. The third bullet point in the article has been refuted but not the rest.

    Here are the documents in the Berg case. Of particular note is this one. It is an affidavit from the Rev Kweli Shuhubia and in it is a conversation with Obama's grandmother where she repeatedly insists she was present in Kenya for Obama's birth.

    Back to the legal standing issue, can the electors sue for proof of eligibility under the Constitution?

    If this goes before SCOTUS and they find Obama to be ineligible to be President we will have some serious problems in this country. We'll have the Obama supporters going on and on about how SCOTUS stole the election (again) and we'll have Hillary supporters bitching about how the DNC and Obama betrayed them by putting forth a nominee that was ineligible to be President.

    Dismissing the case based on legal standing is the worst thing that can happen. That sends the message that the people don't matter in this country at all.
    Post edited by Master John on
  • edited November 2008
    It is an affidavit from the Rev Kweli Shuhubia and in it is a conversation with Obama's grandmother where she repeatedly insists she was present in Kenya for Obama's birth.
    My grandmother says that Jesus himself personally delivers the means of her survival, when it's pretty clearly the government through Social Security and Medicare. Old peoples is crazy. Facts are less so. If you're so goddamn convinced he was born in Kenya, perhaps you'd like to explain to me why a newspaper announcement appeared in a 1961 Honolulu newspaper announcing his birth?
    Dismissing the case based on legal standing is the worst thing that can happen. That sends the message that the people don't matter in this country at all.
    EDIT: Also, no, it really doesn't. It send the message that this is a tin-foil-hat conspiracy. Which it is.
    Post edited by konistehrad on
  • It is an affidavit from the Rev Kweli Shuhubia and in it is a conversation with Obama's grandmother where she repeatedly insists she was present in Kenya for Obama's birth.
    My grandmother says that Jesus himself personally delivers the means of her survival, when it's pretty clearly the government through Social Security and Medicare. Old peoples is crazy. Facts are less so. If you're so goddamn convinced he was born in Kenya, perhaps you'd like to explain to me why a newspaper announcement appeared in a 1961 Honolulu newspaper announcing his birth?
    I never said I was convinced he was born in Kenya. However I do want to see all the evidence Berg has and the response of President-elect Obama. I want Obama to blow this guy out of the water 100% and prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is a natural born citizen of the USA. I want all doubt about Obama's eligibility to be POTUS to be gone before he takes the oath of office.
  • It is an affidavit from the Rev Kweli Shuhubia and in it is a conversation with Obama's grandmother where she repeatedly insists she was present in Kenya for Obama's birth.
    My grandmother says that Jesus himself personally delivers the means of her survival, when it's pretty clearly the government through Social Security and Medicare. Old peoples is crazy. Facts are less so. If you're so goddamn convinced he was born in Kenya, perhaps you'd like to explain to me why a newspaper announcement appeared in a 1961 Honolulu newspaper announcing his birth?
    I never said I was convinced he was born in Kenya. However I do want to see all the evidence Berg has and the response of President-elect Obama. I want Obama to blow this guy out of the water 100% and prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that he is a natural born citizen of the USA. I want all doubt about Obama's eligibility to be POTUS to be gone before he takes the oath of office.
    The facts of the case are this: Barack Obama was born in Honolulu County, Hawaii in 1961, two years after it became a state. There is no evidence that he ever renounced his citizenship or had to be re-nationalized.
    The accused shouldn't, and doesn't, have to prove that they DIDN'T do something. The accusing party has to prove that they did. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. Where is your hard evidence that Barack Obama renounced his citizenship? If you don't have any, you really should be dropping this line of attack, as it's unfruitful.
  • you are 100% scared of Obama being ruled invalid to serve under the rules as set forth in the Constitution.
    Um, no. If there is one thing in life that I am confidently not scared about, it is that SCOTUS will deny cert and not hear this case.

    Maybe if you would take that tinfoil hat off your head and thought about it, you would see that you are wrong about this.
  • you are 100% scared of Obama being ruled invalid to serve under the rules as set forth in the Constitution.
    Um, no. If there is one thing in life that I am confidently not scared about, it is that SCOTUS will deny cert and not hear this case.

    Maybe if you would take that tinfoil hat off your head and thought about it, you would see that you are wrong about this.
    So you are scared! You clearly state that you are not scared of SCOTUS denying cert, which is something I never accused you of being scared of. I accused you of being scared of Obama being found ineligible to serve under the rules set forth in the Constitution.

    You might want to get those rose tinted glasses checked.
  • Why can people just deal with the fact the Barack Obama will become President of the USA on January 20th 2009 :D
  • Why can people just deal with the fact the Barack Obama will become President of the USA on January 20th 2009 :D
    Some of us simply want these bullshit conspiracy theories to be blown out of the water rather than thrown out on a filing technicality.
  • Some of us simply want these bullshit conspiracy theories to be blown out of the water rather than thrown out on a filing technicality.
    And some of us want to perpetuate a campaign of FUD on a non-issue, where the evidence and facts (which utterly destroy any malicious claims) have already been presented in multiple ways and at multiple times by multiple people. But some of us just don't get it, don't know when to give up. Am I right, Master John?
  • Some of us simply want these bullshit conspiracy theories to be blown out of the water rather than thrown out on a filing technicality.
    And some of us want to perpetuate a campaign of FUD on a non-issue, where the evidence and facts (which utterly destroy any malicious claims) have already been presented in multiple ways and at multiple times by multiple people. But some of us just don't get it, don't know when to give up. Am I right, Master John?
    Yes, I've noticed that on here. Don't worry, I wont hold it against you.
  • So you are scared! You clearly state that you are not scared of SCOTUS denying cert, which is something I never accused you of being scared of. I accused you of being scared of Obama being found ineligible to serve under the rules set forth in the Constitution.

    You might want to get those rose tinted glasses checked.
    What you say doesn't even make sense. I am not afraid or scared of "Obama being found ineligible to serve under the rules set forth in the Constitution". That's like saying I'm scared that laser beams will shoot out of my eyes. It's not going to happen. As Mr. Cawdor says, it's a non-issue. Get over it.
  • That's like saying I'm scared that laser beams will shoot out of my eyes
    As if you would be scared, even if it did happen!
  • That's like saying I'm scared that laser beams will shoot out of my eyes
    As if you would be scared, even if it did happen!
    FUCK YEAH! Instantly cooked chicken!

    . . .

    Wait, that's meat-vision.
  • edited November 2008
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Words cannot describe the awesome that is contained within that video.
  • Awesome. I added that show to my Google Reader almost immediately after watching it.
  • I really loved the "all black people are Muslim" line. Good shit.
  • That was a good article. I especially like the part where Ayers mentions that it shouldn't be a bad thing to talk to people of differing viewpoints.
  • Is it just me, or is his nose crooked?
  • Is it just me, or is his nose crooked?
    Every president is crooked in some way; Be thankful it's just his nose.
  • Is it just me, or is his nose crooked?
    Every president is crooked in some way; Be thankful hopeful that it's just his nose.
    Fixed that for you.
  • Justice Ginsberg just had surgery for pancreatic cancer. Thank God Obama won. Otherwise, Rush Limbaugh might be the next Supreme Court Justice.
  • Justice Ginsberg just had surgery for pancreatic cancer.Thank God Obama won. Otherwise, Rush Limbaugh might be the next Supreme Court Justice.
    Unlike Steve Jobs she actually did not hesitate to get the surgery.
  • Justice Ginsberg just had surgery for pancreatic cancer.Thank God Obama won. Otherwise, Rush Limbaugh might be the next Supreme Court Justice.
    Unlike Steve Jobs she actually did not hesitate to get the surgery.
    Also, unlike Steve Jobs, she is 75 years old.
  • edited February 2009
    Also, unlike Steve Jobs, she is 75 years old.
    Something Steve Jobs will most likely never be, probably as a result of the aforementioned avoidance of medicine.
    Post edited by Apreche on
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