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  • Don't keep them in your wallet. The constant rubbing and body heat can make them more likely to break. Also, it makes you look a bit desperate, or at the least, like a bit of a douche.
    See this is how little I know about that sort of thing. Never really been an issue since I can just keep them in my purse, but since I'm in a monogamous relationship I don't need them.

    Plus in the past the guy seemed to have them on hand and I never thought about what guys did to hide it from people.
  • Don't keep them in your wallet. The constant rubbing and body heat can make them more likely to break. Also, it makes you look a bit desperate, or at the least, like a bit of a douche.
    See this is how little I know about that sort of thing. Never really been an issue since I can just keep them in my purse, but since I'm in a monogamous relationship I don't need them.

    Plus in the past the guy seemed to have them on hand and I never thought about what guys did to hide it from people.
    i learned that when I was a younger, so I would be the one to keep them in my purse in relationships.
  • See this is how little I know about that sort of thing. Never really been an issue since I can just keep them in my purse, but since I'm in a monogamous relationship I don't need them.
    Nah, that's alright - if everybody knew about it, nobody would keep them in their wallets, either, but how many wallets to you see with that distinctive ring in it? Hell, a lot of people don't even bother checking if it's in or out of date(fnarr fnarr) before they use it.

    A purse is a fine place for one, since purses don't usually ride around in your hip pocket day and night.
    Plus in the past the guy seemed to have them on hand and I never thought about what guys did to hide it from people.
    I'll almost always have one to hand if I'm going out(even to work, it has happened in the past), I usually just have two or three in a little tin about an inch square, like a little mint tin. Not that I expect to use them all in an evening(though one supposes it is possible), that way I have one, and I also have one if one of my mates forgets.
    I don't think you really hide them from people, but it's not a case of just wearing one on a necklace, either - if you're too obvious about it, then you tend not to have use for one, as many people may think you're expecting a bit too much. Pretty much the rule is "Carry one, but just be chill about it."
  • I'll figure something out.
  • edited August 2011
    I'll figure something out.
    If all else fails, just tell her they are your father's.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Tell her that you're keeping them for emergency water storage, like the SAS.

    "Mom, they're ribbed for her survival."
  • I'll figure something out.
    If all else fails, just tell her they are your father's.
    My parents are divorced, so...
  • edited August 2011
    My parents are divorced, so...
    Pretend they're balloons for if you accidentally have a party.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My parents are divorced, so...
    Pretend they're balloons for if you accidentally have a party.
    My uncle did this. Jokes about blowing were not in small amount.
  • I probably shouldn't leave them in my room, nothing would theoretically ever be happening there. My mom would kill me if I had sex in her house, so I'd never risk doing it there. Theoretically, of course.
    I wouldn't suggest that such a thing would be likely. But you still need a place to store them. Condoms usually come in boxes. You're not going to need a box on any given occasion. Just take one or two with you when you think there's a chance. And as Churba said, never store them in your wallet.

    Also, you might be surprised at how your mom will actually react if she did find them. I grew up in a Catholic family and so I just always assumed that my parents were anti-sex-before-marriage, since they were very modest people in most respects. But then, when I finally did get into a relationship, they pretty much assumed that I was having sex. I was downright speechless when I realized that.
  • See, this is why I always carry a small messenger bag...well, for all intents and purposes, a purse, the benefits of space way outweigh any stupid hit in "man-pride."
  • 30L Daypack FTW. It lets me carry a change of clothes, which is a good contingency plan for general bacchanalia.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm well known for my magic sack.

    Which is the general nickname for the various satchels I normally carry, in which I keep all sorts of odds and ends - Dice, Cards, Duct tape, 60 Meters of 120 pound test Braided line(as a replacement for the reel of 550 cord, which is a little too bulky, and a bit much for what I need most of the time), notepads, blades, pens, jeweler's loupe, mints, hackey sack, so on. It got the name from a scouting trip where one of the cubs asked me why I always have something useful to what we're doing in my bag - despite long being told over and over to be prepared - so I looked him dead in the eye and said "Magic Sack." From there, it spread around till it was just what everyone called it.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That's more or less what I'm working toward. I'm adding an inch-long, 200 lumen flashlight pretty soon. Also getting a Petzl screwlock carabiner; it's a good improvised melée weapon, and makes a nice keychain. You can tow a car with it, too.
  • edited August 2011
    That's more or less what I'm working toward. I'm adding an inch-long, 200 lumen flashlight pretty soon. Also getting a Petzl screwlock carabiner; it's a good improvised melée weapon, and makes a nice keychain. You can tow a car with it, too.
    See, I want to get a good messenger bag, but I've not seen anything close to a decent one down here, and timbuk2 bags are fucking stupid expensive. I have a collection of bags at the moment - a Duffel, a climbing pack, a daypack, and a satchel or two, and I switch between as necessary.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • One of the funnest things in my Boy Scout troop was to take a new scout hiking without telling him what to bring. One mile into it, when the kid is about to die, we open his backpack and laugh at all the random crap he brought. One of the funniest items was "Funky Flames" that changed the color of fire. Had the kid been listening, he would have heard that at the place we were hiking, there were no fires allowed. >.<
  • edited August 2011
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • You guys dont' have the sex face? That strange grimace that everyone gets at the end of sex. Just me then? One 'fun' game one of my ex's and I had was to wait till we were doing the underpants Charleston then pull the strangest face you can. Who ever losses has to buy the wine for the night. You also know its love when you can get away with shouting out Star Trek quotes.
  • One of the funnest things in my Boy Scout troop was to take a new scout hiking without telling him what to bring. One mile into it, when the kid is about to die, we open his backpack and laugh at all the random crap he brought. One of the funniest items was "Funky Flames" that changed the color of fire. Had the kid been listening, he would have heard that at the place we were hiking, there were no fires allowed. >.<</p>
    Heh - I remember those kids. If we're going on a long hike, I bust out the ALICE rig, travel pretty light.
    I don't carry much, so I have a small bag, but it works pretty well.
    I just have a waxed canvas converse satchel that's little more than a sack with a strap, cost me five pounds from Argos.
    You guys dont' have the sex face? That strange grimace that everyone gets at the end of sex. Just me then? One 'fun' game one of my ex's and I had was to wait till we were doing the underpants Charleston then pull the strangest face you can. Who ever losses has to buy the wine for the night. You also know its love when you can get away with shouting out Star Trek quotes.
    That's always a laugh, and most people do get some sort of a sex face.
  • I kinda find it scary seeing some peoples. I knew one girl who's eyes used to role back. I was worried that she was dying.
  • See, I want to get a good messenger bag, but I've not seen anything close to a decent one down here, and timbuk2 bags are fucking stupid expensive. I have a collection of bags at the moment - a Duffel, a climbing pack, a daypack, and a satchel or two, and I switch between as necessary.
    I think Rym did a thing of the day where he talked about some guide to manliness. I remember following the link and they had some links to some NICE leather bags. The only challenge is that iirc they are more expensive than the timbuk2 bags you were QQing about. Those bags were NICE and at least worth a look. If I can find it, I'll get a link here.
  • You guys dont' have the sex face? That strange grimace that everyone gets at the end of sex. Just me then? One 'fun' game one of my ex's and I had was to wait till we were doing the underpants Charleston then pull the strangest face you can. Who ever losses has to buy the wine for the night. You also know its love when you can get away with shouting out Star Trek quotes.
    I don't even.... What the.... *head explodes* You have won the internet for the next .03 seconds.
  • I don't even.... What the.... *head explodes*
    You sir have never been to Brussels then. Worryingly thats not the weirdest thing I have done.
  • I have not and it is now on Ye Olde Tyme Bucket List.
  • Worth it, so so worth it.
  • [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
  • [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
    {write lonely poetry, drink bourbon out of bottle, hate life}
  • edited August 2011
    [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
    {write lonely poetry, drink bourbon out of bottle, hate life}
    ⟨get rejected because you're a self-centered, quiet, pitiful, morose little man. repeat cycle.⟩
    Post edited by Walker on
  • [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
    {write lonely poetry, drink bourbon out of bottle, hate life}
    ⟨get rejected because you're a self-centered, quiet, pitiful, morose little man. repeat cycle.⟩
  • [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
    {write lonely poetry, drink bourbon out of bottle, hate life}
    ⟨get rejected because you're a self-centered, quiet, pitiful, morose little man. repeat cycle.⟩
    [complain on how well the thread was going and how it wasn't just whining about not dating as supposed to actual dating.]
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