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  • [insert whiny complaints of loneliness]
    {write lonely poetry, drink bourbon out of bottle, hate life}
    ⟨get rejected because you're a self-centered, quiet, pitiful, morose little man. repeat cycle.⟩
    [complain on how well the thread was going and how it wasn't just whining about not dating as supposed to actual dating.]
  • Yeah, dating is a lot like fishing, if you think too hard about it, you won't catch anything, so the trick is to stand there, have fun, and let go of the little ones until you catch the one you want.
  • Yeah, dating is a lot like fishing, if you think too hard about it, you won't catch anything, so the trick is to stand there, have fun, and let go of the little ones until you catch the one you want.
    Also, don't have sex with minnows.
  • Yeah, dating is a lot like fishing, if you think too hard about it, you won't catch anything, so the trick is to stand there, have fun, and let go of the little ones until you catch the one you want.
    Also, don't have sex with minnows.
    Are the minnows children or midgets?
  • Are the minnows children or midgets?
    Nah, Midgets are more like whitebait - Nice enough in an omlette, but not exactly what you'd call a proper catch.
  • You guys dont' have the sex face? That strange grimace that everyone gets at the end of sex. Just me then? One 'fun' game one of my ex's and I had was to wait till we were doing the underpants Charleston then pull the strangest face you can. Who ever losses has to buy the wine for the night. You also know its love when you can get away with shouting out Star Trek quotes.
    Next objective: Instead of Star Trek, put on your best Kenshiro face and utter "Omae wa mo shindeiru."
  • edited August 2011
    Forget after sex, what you gotta work on is your BEFORE sex routine.

    I recommend this.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Nah, Midgets are more like whitebait - Nice enough in an omlette, but not exactly what you'd call a proper catch.
    Whats the octopus?
    Instead of Star Trek, put on your best Kenshiro face and utter "Omae wa mo shindeiru.
    We have shouted at each other in bad Japanese accents. We watched Detroit Metal City....did not end well. I had fallen asleep at some point and was woke by my girlfriend being Krauser in my ear.
  • I had fallen asleep at some point and was woke by my girlfriend being Krauser in my ear.
    How is this "not ending well"? That's freaking awesome!
  • I had fallen asleep at some point and was woke by my girlfriend being Krauser in my ear.
    That gives me several mental images and non of them are pleasant.
  • Have you been woken by that before? Needless to say it wasn't my manliest moment.
  • edited August 2011
    Whats the octopus?
    Good when barbecued?

    Either bunny boilers or clingy, needy sorts.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Whats the octopus?
    Good when barbecued?
    Since when did this metaphor turn into cannibalism?
  • Dude at the off-license, who I talk with when I go in there, asked me if I was married.

    I know I've got the beard and everything but I can't look that old.
  • I know I've got the beard and everything but I can't look that old.
    I have the same problem, had a beard at 16 people still think I'm in my 30's. Im only 21.
  • I have the same problem, had a beard at 16 people still think I'm in my 30's. Im only 21.
    To be fair, you do live in west country. They might have been asking if you were married because they thought you were sixteen.
  • Pfft, amateurs. Guesses for my age are all over the place, my widow's peak not helping.
  • I bumped into another student in the hall once. His reaction? "Oh, excuse me professor."
  • "Oh, excuse me professor."
    Again same problem. I trundled into an exam dressed as a 90's cast off and was promptly mistaken for a professor by the examiner.
  • People used to think I was older, but it's leveled out now as I slowly approach the age most people thought I was in the first place.
  • edited August 2011
    Guesses for my age are all over the place, my widow's peak not helping.
    I tell most people I meet that I'm older than they think, to which they usually guess 24. Being three years older than that, I must look way younger than I am. But I got a widow's peak that is undeniably obvious. I have no idea how that doesn't age me more.

    Although I know many women like the older man look, I don't think that applies to widows peaks :(
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I sometimes get called younger. YESSS!
  • Most of my life I always looked far too young. I think growing out my hair is fixing that, so I can actually try to look like a 19 year old, rather than being able to masquerade as a high schooler still...
  • People still ask if I'm a freshman in high school. It's the fault of my really round face, and probably my usually-lazy way of dressing. Also my "innocence", I suppose. I'm trying to upgrade my wardrobe through smart shopping and altering pieces I already have to suit me better, and hopefully that will help.
    The clothing issue is fixable, but I'll always have a round, cutesy face. It's nice for when I want to cosplay a CLAMP girl, not so nice for being Yoko. If I had a dime for every time I heard "You're an adorable Yoko!", I'd be rich. And every time I was like "Thanks... ._. (Not what I was really hoping for...)"
    My roommate and his boyfriend were joking about hooking me up with some of the marching band freshman this year... college freshman, but ehh... that's still really weird to think about.
  • If I had a dime for every time I heard "You're an adorable Yoko!", I'd be rich. And every time I was like "Thanks... ._. (Not what I was really hoping for...)"
    But I'm sure drooling fanboys wouldn't have been enjoyed that much more.
  • If I had a dime for every time I heard "You're an adorable Yoko!", I'd be rich. And every time I was like "Thanks... ._. (Not what I was really hoping for...)"
    But I'm sure drooling fanboys wouldn't have been enjoyed that much more.
    It's something I kind of had accepted when I decided to cosplay Yoko. I had my fair share of creepers even with being ~adorable~. It didn't really bother me, I'm not one of those girls that's like, "I'm displaying my boobs, but HOW DARE YOU ADMIRE THEM!". If they're out there, then hey, they're out there. Just don't touch or be really rude/gross about it.
  • Yea I once dated a girl who was 25 and I was 23 and they kept asking me what my daughter wanted or if she wanted a children's menu..... (The glare that waiter would get was awesomely powerful.)
  • I sometimes get called younger. YESSS!
    When I was around twenty (that's when I joined the forum) I was still mistaken as a high schooler/college freshman, now people are adding 10-20 years to my age. That's what long hair and a beard do to you.

  • As you aged, you got more badass looking! I'm falling in love...
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