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California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban



  • by 2005 13 out of 13 Canadian provinces and territories had legalized gay marriage.
    Norway has allowed "partnership" between the same sex since 1993, but didn't allow marriage until 2009. Though I think partnership is the same as what marriage is most other places, and marriage is when you register it in the state-church's database thing.
  • "Dear New York, what took you so long? Love, the state the Red Sox are from" -- Constantine von Hoffman (DadThatGeeksTogether)
  • edited June 2011
    ...still too late.
    ...for? Sorry, I'm too busy being thrilled that I finally have the right to marry the woman I love in the state that I love to care about beating Canada in a race. Moving forward, not back - aren't we?
    @Judith: You and Natalie getting married? That sounds
    We would only be too happy to invite you guys so that we may blur the lines of everyone's sexualities some more. :)
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • ...still too late.
    ...for? Sorry, I'm too busy being thrilled that I finally have the right to marry the woman I love in the state that I love to care about beating Canada in a race. Moving forward, not back - aren't we?

    It's funny that people have to brag about other countries and not concentrate that something actually positive has happened and hopefully will set the precedence for future states to follow.

    GO NYC!
  • It's funny that people have to brag about other countries
    Acting like already having equal rights for homosexuals as heterosexuals is bragworthy is black humour. Get the joke. The national government not yet having forced the rights for homosexuals to marry down the throats of states is despicable. Every state that gives these rights before it is enforced from the national government is a black mark against the US as a country. This news is a double edged sword. Let's say hurray and then frown and don't get in the way of us frowning.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again, the US is just a bunch of wannabe countries that want to have a sugar daddy.
    GO NYC!
    At least know your own 'country'.
  • Nine, you need to get a life.
  • GO NYC!
    At least know your own 'country'.
    That is a lot more interesting if you misread the C as a Euro (American keyboard, can't type the symbol.) Also, know your own state.
  • ...still too late.
    Just in general. Bans on gay marriage should never have existed in the first place. Therefore, by definition, any time they repeal those laws is too late.

    For a while one of the big strike against the United States was that gay marriage was not legal here. Because the United States is generally a more conservative nation than others, it could be expected to take a while for gay marriage to be passed. With every state that legalizes gay marriage, the United States comes one step closer to joining the 21st century. That's what I meant by my comments.

    And, in closing, The Onion is always right, even when it's not factual.
  • And, in closing, The Onion is always right, even when it's not factual.
    Shame society's going to be destroyed by the invasions in 2015, so we'll never reach that far ;P.
  • Nine, you need to get a life.
    Nine is sadly missed, but this new guy is a passable replacement.
  • I just don't really appreciate any implication that this is not a cause for celebration and a signal of progress, at this point. No, it never should have been banned. Yes, it has taken us too long to get to the point we're at now. Yes, it's still a long way to go. No, I will not let that dampen my happiness. No, I won't let said happiness dull my will to fight for full equality. I think the positive energy from the victory in NY can only serve to energize the gay community and ignite major change, and that it is ONLY something to be grateful for.
    Nine, you need to get a life.
    Nine?! Is that you??
  • edited June 2011
    Also, know your own state.
    Rochelle doesn't live in NY. I know this from listening to ATW9K, a podcast started to make useless trivia trivially useful.
    Shame society's going to be destroyed by the invasions in 2015
    No, I will not let that dampen my happiness.
    Fuck no. I can say hurray to one thing and frown at the same time to THOSE STATES. Now get married you crazy lesbian before the world ends, seeing as how the US accepting homosexuals MUST BE a sign of the apocalypse being in full swing.
    Nine?! Is that you??
    Do you take "No, never. You can't make me say it!" for an answer?
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Now get married you crazy lesbian before the world ends, seeing as how the US accepting homosexuals MUST BE a sign of the apocalypse being in full swing.
    I am a sign of the apocalypse. My wedding will see the country swallowed into a rainbow crater.
    Do you take "No, never. You can't make me say it!" for an answer?
    Current ambient temperature and humidity make me say "No, never. You can't make me."
  • Current ambient temperature and humidity make me say "No, never. You can't make me."
    And they make me say "You're a wuss."
  • And they make me say "You're a wuss."
    Inside temperature > outside temperature. You know this fact. I told you man.
  • Current ambient temperature and humidity make me say "No, never. You can't make me."
    And they make me say "You're a wuss."
    It was 25 degrees here, jesus shit. I'll never know how you Australians can survive weather that would make me absolutely buttdevasted.
  • It was 25 degrees here, jesus shit. I'll never know how you Australians can survive weather that would make me absolutely buttdevasted.
    25C? That's hot? That sounds like a right pleasant day to me. We've been getting 35-40 here with upwards of 50% humidity for the past month and nobody cares because it's Florida, that's how it is.
  • 25C? That's hot? That sounds like a right pleasant day to me. We've been getting 35-40 here with upwards of 50% humidity for the past month and nobody cares because it's Florida, that's how it is.
    Celcius? That's pretty close to the new guy up there's weather, so as to him, so to you.
    It was 25 degrees here, jesus shit. I'll never know how you Australians can survive weather that would make me absolutely buttdevasted.
    Where I live, during the summer, it's generally 35-ish during the day, sometimes hitting 40C, and 23-25 degrees at night, on a good night, with 90-100% humidity. From Observing the Ex Fiance's first summer, you're pretty fucked for the first week or two, you sweat like a pig, feel pretty nasty, and then you just sack up and get used to it. And you'll probably want to be drinking a shitload of water, too - you'd be used to it, but not enough that you won't get heat stroke or heat exhaustion pretty quick, or at least, quicker than the people who have had a few years to get used to it.

    It's really not that bad though, you don't notice it so much after a while. Though, there are other tricks you have to learn - for example, always walking fast over roads, and not walking on roads barefoot. Because the road gets hot enough to quite literally fry an egg, and quite quickly too. On the upside, when you're back home and somewhere colder, you don't feel as hot.
  • Celcius? That's pretty close to the new guy up there's weather, so as to him, so to you.
    Yeah, in Celcius. It doesn't bother me much (except for my glasses fogging up when I walk outside), but it's really unseasonable for this early in the summer. Doesn't usually get this hot consistently until late July/early August.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, in Celcius. It doesn't bother me much (except for my glasses fogging up when I walk outside), but it's really unseasonable for this early in the summer. Doesn't usually get this hot consistently until late July/early August.
    Ah, fair enough, that makes sense. Last I checked the weather here, tells me that it's 17 degrees, 82% relative humidity, with a 6 knot south easterly, with 13 knot gusts. I should also note, it's pretty close to the middle of winter right now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Current ambient temperature and humidity make me say "No, never. You can't make me."
    So hard to get. :P I promise my lesbian germs aren't that contagious.
  • Celcius? That's pretty close to the new guy up there's weather, so as to him, so to you.
    Nope. It was over 30°C here during the day with 60+% humidity... OUTSIDE. Inside it was worse. 1.6km/h wind is barely a fucking draft to cool off with almost every window and door open that could open. At 3 o'clock it was still over 26°C (my thermostat can't go higher) so fuck that. 25°C is great weather. It's something like that today. Thank god it's something like that today. Far more pleasant. Gotta gradually get warmer days. Not FIRST WEEK OF SUMMER, THIRTY TO THIRTY-FIVE ACROSS THE COUNTRY WOOOO-WOOOOO!
    So hard to get. :P I promise my lesbian germs aren't that contagious.
    I.. what? B-WHAT? I don't even. You do recall I have a dick right?
  • I.. what? B-WHAT? I don't even. You do recall I have a dick right?
    How could we have known that? You hadn't posted about your dick in your 62 posts at the time.
  • I.. what? B-WHAT? I don't even. You do recall I have a dick right?
    Yes. I'm just having fun getting some Nine reactions.
  • Al Franken takes down a liar:
  • Al Franken takes down a liar:
    Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. That senator is a good man. And a democrat.
  • Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. That senator is a good man. And a democrat.
    An iota of faith was restored for me today. (:
  • edited July 2011
    I used to laugh whenever I saw Al Franken sitting in the senate. Because it's Al Franken. Sitting in the senate.

    It isn't so funny anymore. He's pretty damned good.
    Post edited by Byron on
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