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California Supreme Court Overturns Gay Marriage Ban



  • So the leading coalition in England is looking to legalize gay marriage.

    It's kinda weird living in a civilized country. I suppose it's the price you pay for [Badthink removed -Minitruth.].
  • civilized country
    That's also a police state.
  • I've never found it coincidental that Orwell was British.
  • civilized country
    That's also a police state.
    The US is a police state too, Scott. Maybe not in quite the same way, but there's a camera on almost every street corner in Chicago, and the government uses wiretaps on citizens all the time for stupid shit.
  • edited September 2011
    That was the joke Scott. I assume everyone here has read 1984.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • there's a camera on almost every street corner in Chicago
    Seriously? I can't imagine that.
  • there's a camera on almost every street corner in Chicago
    Seriously? I can't imagine that.
    It's pretty simple, really, you just take London, then remove about half the cameras.
  • I don't think I could live in a place with so many cameras. It makes me feel dirty somehow.
  • I don't think I could live in a place with so many cameras. It makes me feel dirty somehow.
    Even just visiting, scarily, you stop noticing it after a while. It just blends into the background.
  • Why would anyone be concerned? People can already see you in public places. Adding cameras to the mix means nothing except more accurate information for court cases.
  • Why would anyone be concerned? People can already see you in public places. Adding cameras to the mix means nothing except more accurate information for court cases.
    Er, not really, actually. For every thousand cameras operated by the Home Office(which operates some 10,000 odd cameras), roughly one crime is solved due to the cameras. With how they're currently used, they're vastly ineffective for the purpose.
  • Perhaps if they had guns mounted on them...
  • Perhaps if they had guns mounted on them...
    Can't do that, guns are mostly illegal there. They have to mount Knives on them.
  • I don't think bayonet cameras would be very effective.
  • I don't think bayonet cameras would be very effective.
    What if the camera had some method to propel the bayonet over long distances. Perhaps some sort of taut string attached to flexible wood.
  • What if the camera had some method to propel the bayonet over long distances. Perhaps some sort of taut string attached to flexible wood.
    Some sort of...knife gun? You're insane.
  • What if the camera had some method to propel the bayonet over long distances. Perhaps some sort of taut string attached to flexible wood.
    Some sort of...knife gun? You're insane.
    That clearly wouldn't work because it's a 'gun'. Some sort of knife whip or telescoping knife-a-majig would be the way to go.
  • Spring loaded boxing glove holding a knife.
  • Spring loaded boxing glove holding a knife.
    And the knife, in turn, is holding a tiny gun.
  • I don't think I could live in a place with so many cameras. It makes me feel dirty somehow.
    I'm a big proponent of cameras like that in all public places. But,I want easy, open access to the data generated by the public at large. I'd even accept a time delay of, say, three days or so to prevent imminent stalking and the like.

    In the vast majority of altercations I've ever had with anyone in public, the other party has been demonstrably at fault. I should find an objective record of this eminently useful in the course of my life.
  • I'm a big proponent of cameras like that in all public places. But,I want easy, open access to the data generated by the public at large. I'd even accept a time delay of, say, three days or so to prevent imminent stalking and the like.

    In the vast majority of altercations I've ever had with anyone in public, the other party has been demonstrably at fault. I should find an objective record of this eminently useful in the course of my life.
    You realize the only people with the time to wade through video like that are old people with the get off my lawn attitude, kids will be f-ed.
  • kids will be f-ed.
    No. 4chan kids will be mining for metaphorical gold all day long.
  • No. 4chan kids will be mining for metaphorical gold all day long.
    So fat troll kids will win while all the cool adventurous kids will be f-ed. Getting caught by night-vision park cameras and killed by Terminator robots... I mean... what?
  • You realize the only people with the time to wade through video like that are old people with the get off my lawn attitude, kids will be f-ed.
    The key is we need to get rid of many silly laws. Curfews and park closures at night were the most common laws I broke as a kid (after freeway speedlimits).
  • Good, now all the people at pride complaining that the repeal of DADT wasn't any faster than any other legislation will shut up.
  • That was the joke Scott. I assume everyone here has read 1984.
    Something on NU's campus apparently involves using CCTV to make sure no one steals bikes. In a rather poorly-planned move, the posters have the classic "Big Brother Eyes" and read "BIKE THIEVES, WE ARE WATCHING YOU."

    The irony is almost painful.
  • Knife Whip - Check out Ivy in Soul Calibur. Duh.
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