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Screw Front Row Crew – Listen to a real podcast on Wednesday!

edited June 2008 in Everything Else
Good God! I haven't listen to this horrid podcast in a long time and sadly it hasn't changed. If you guys want to listen to an awesome podcast about anime, listen to my show. Ditch these guys and click on the link below, and stop listening to Geek "Sike's" same old self-serving bullshit every week – especially on Wednesday.


  • Is this some kind of a joke?
  • lols

    If you're going to talk trash, at least make your link properly.
  • Neither of those are links.
    And your podcast really sucks, hate to say. I've tried listening to it three times, and I still can't stick with it.
    You guys spend most of your "reviews" summarizing the show. If I want a summery, I'll look at Wikipedia.
  • Nice URL, why not make it easier instead of making people copy and paste?
  • Is this some kind of a joke?
    Bad troll is bad.
  • Is this some kind of a joke?
    Obvious troll is obvious.
  • Is this for reals! Seriously is this guy trying to start shit! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

    Yeah, dude, I tried you and didn't like it but I at least respected you as a fellow podcaster. Now I don't. Go away.
  • Obvious 4Chan users are obvious.
  • edited June 2008
    The link is blocked, but is this the infamous Anime Pulse?

    BTW, I love how you pwned yourself with not linking, and saying "click the link". Good game.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Obvious 4Chan users are obvious.
    How dare you defy longcat, heathen!
  • Obvious 4Chan users are obvious.
    How dare you defy longcat, heathen!
    Mudkipz no leik you, Dutopia!
  • Geeksikes is hilariously aweful though.
  • click on the link below
    What link? All I see is an URL. A garbled mess of an URL at that.
    stop listening to Geek "Sike's" same old self-serving bullshit every week
    Eh... yes? No? Who are these Geek "Sike's"?

    Also, a question, how can one without iTunes subscribe to your podcast and thus listen? Besides the fact that you fail at making links, you also fail at actually getting an audience by posting URLs that require proprietary software to be installed on the computer that's trying to visit said link. The problem here is that said software only runs on Windows and Mac, thus limiting your potential audience in the already small podcast-listening group of people. And perhaps add the name of your podcast to your post? At least then those without iTunes and who are at least slightly interested can look for you online.

    Judging from Neito's post this quote:
    Good God! I haven't listen to this horrid podcast in a long time and sadly it hasn't changed.
    is self-referential? I think it's safe to give you this advice, and for the love of god try to not fail, okay?
  • Welcome to "Spot the impostor 101" ...
  • Ichigo is a stupid name from a stupid anime.

  • Welcome to "Spot the impostor 101" ...
    I'd like the think this forum can find trolls.

    This thread is now about anonymity on the internet and the ease of impersonation on said interntrons.
  • I didn't say troll. I said impostor to point out that this is obviously not Ichigo of Anime Pulse.
  • This thread has won my heart.
  • edited June 2008
    This thread has won my heart.
    And my ax!
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Obvious 4Chan users are obvious.
    How dare you defy longcat, heathen!
    Who needs longcat when you have longdog!


    I took this photo :D
  • This thread has won my heart.
    And my ax!
    And my bow!
  • Hmmm.... I copied and pasted that long garbled url and it took me to itunes... I guess this guy has a real podcast.
  • Hmmm.... I copied and pasted that long garbled url and it took me to itunes... I guess this guy has a real podcast.
    A real terrible podcast.

    A-hyuck a-hyuck a-hyuck

  • Ichigo, thanks for stimulating forum activity. It was getting a little quiet in here.
  • edited June 2008
    Hmmm.... I copied and pasted that long garbled url and it took me to itunes... I guess this guy has a real podcast.
    Look at that!
    This podcast exists.
    Post edited by Jeremwah on
  • edited June 2008
    Look at that!
    Now that's a real podcast.

    Hurr hurr hurr
    Post edited by whatever on
  • mmmmm... chocolate....
  • mmmmm... chocolate....
  • The audio quality is so astounding. It really picks up all the necessities, like the breathing and shuffling.
  • mmmmm... chocolate....
This discussion has been closed.