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Screw Front Row Crew – Listen to a real podcast on Wednesday!



  • C-c-c-combobreaker!
    What combo?!
    Ohoho, silly man.
  • Combo?
    What combo?!
    Ohoho, silly man.
    What Jeremy meant to say was "Thanks to... The Powerpuff Girls." Then he was going to include a humorous image macro of the said trio of super powered girls. Guess he's too much of a douche to follow through.
  • What Jeremy meant to say was "Thanks to... The Powerpuff Girls." Then he was going to include a humorous image macro of the said trio of super powered girls. Guess he's too much of a douche to follow through.
    What Ameen is saying is that he told me to post the Powerpuff Girls image after I'd already posted.

  • edited June 2008
    O.K., so now you, the opposing party, can decide if my opinion and standpoint is worth it or not...?
    I don't need to. Anyone who takes even the most cursory of glances at that discussion will see that you've done little but babble.
    I linked to the other thread to point out that we discussed this topic already recently. The discussion didn't go anywhere and therefore the thread was vacated and sunk. As I said, the issue is pretty much stuck and because it's a matter of personal opinion, there isn't anything that will get it unstuck. So far I did not argue for or against AP in any form.
    As I said before, if you don't want to participate in such a discussion, then why did you respond to Bear Police's post? There wasn't any need to point anything out because not a single pro-AP argument was raised. Everything before was one-sided. There was no back and forth.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • What do you want from me? As I stated on multiple occasions, I don't think they are the greatest thing ever either. All I am saying is that they are not as terrible as the people in this forum try to make them out to be. I find them O.K. and they complement the other anime podcasts I listen to. I'm not going to praise them into high heavens but I like them and I'm not going to just stand on the sidelines when someone bashes them for no real reason.

    I responded to Bear Police's post to point out that we already had this discussion and that there is no point in doing it again. Is that hard to understand? Maybe it would have been easier to understand if a neutral party had pointed that out. What I tried to express wasn't that I don't want this discussion again, but that this forum doesn't need to have this discussion again.
  • edited June 2008
    I responded to Bear Police's post to point out that we already had this discussion and that there is no point in doing it again. Is that hard to understand? Maybe it would have been easier to understand if a neutral party had pointed that out. What I tried to express wasn't that I don't want this discussion again, but that this forum doesn't need to have this discussion again.
    Oh, I understand that bit clearly. What I fail to see is why you thought an off-handed comment like that would lead to the same discussion.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • It's probably the sheer superiority in numbers of the "AP=Shit" standpoint represented in this forum, but if this forum was somewhat balanced in this regard it would have been the same thing and happened earlier in the thread. I was tempted to make the arguments. I didn't because the discussion will not move anywhere. I'm not going to stand on the sideline when someone bashes them or anything else I like, but it is also my opinion that this particular discussion isn't going anywhere and we proved that point in the other discussion thread. I get the impression here that what you are trying to tell me is that I can't defend something I like and others don't and I have to shut up because I am in a severe minority.
  • I don't know much about Anime Pulse or Ichigo, but from the few times he's been mentioned on AWO and Geeknights, the impression I got was that the real Ichigo is a much nicer person on the whole than whoever made the posts here. Alas, no IP comparisons are available, thus I don't know if this is someone badly impersonating him, or if he's just gotten extremely cocky and jerk-faced since I last heard about him.
  • I've listened to anime pulse and WAR and some of the other podcasts that are anime-related. Honestly, they're either boring or so horribly produced as to be unlistenable. 'Ichi' is pretty much in both of those categories.

    This thread is also pretty spectacular, and I don't mean that in any particularly good or bad way.
  • All right, kids. This thread is done.
This discussion has been closed.