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Screw Front Row Crew – Listen to a real podcast on Wednesday!



  • Am I now not allowed anymore to point out that we already discussed the same topic?
    Also, when and where did I "whine" about it?
  • I think we have established that you guys hate Anime Pulse and think that it is terrible and I do not. I also doubt either party will budge from their respective standpoints. Therefore I believe a discussion to be completely useless.
    I believe your mom to be completely useless.
    I have several objective "studies" that prove otherwise.
    *respect knuckles*
  • Good point, Bear Police.
  • The Front Row Crew Forums: We're all about class.
  • Funny thread is really fuckin' funny.
  • Wait... So, the guy who does Anime Pulse suddenly decided that we somehow have something against him? We mentioned his show, what, once, over a year ago?

    Let it go, dude. Just let it go.
  • Wait... So, the guy who does Anime Pulse suddenly decided that we somehow have something against him? We mentioned his show, what, once, over a year ago?

    Let it go, dude. Just let it go.
    He can't. It's eating at him furiously like a free chicken buffet in the ghetto.
  • Oh the wit.
  • I believe your mom to be completely useless.
  • Objection!
  • I always forget that this forum has some of the best usernames ever, but regardless: Epic win for Your Mom.
  • Am I now not allowed anymore to point out that we already discussed the same topic?
    Also, when and where did I "whine" about it?
    There was no dispute here on that topic until you chimed in. Bear Police expressed his dislike for the show and you responded immediately with "Please, let's not go over this again". You weren't simply pointing something out. You were trying to preempt that entire line of discussion because you don't agree with it instead of arguing properly or leaving it alone. That's whining.
  • I always forget that this forum has some of the best usernames ever, but regardless: Epic win for Your Mom.
    I know right.
  • Hey guys!
  • -Insert Witty Synopsis Here-
  • Hey guys!
  • edited June 2008
    Andrew, I desperately miss your offensive MS Paintings.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • That's whining.
    I think our definitions of that term do not correlate. Also, just simply looking at the title of this thread should be enough to foresee what would happen here.

    Anyways, are you trying to say that I have to count up all the points I already made in the other discussion again here to have a valid standpoint rather than being able to link to it?
  • edited June 2008
    <Bad Joke>
    We're no strangers to trolls...
    You know the flames, and so do I!
    A strong joke is what I'm looking for....
    You wouldn't get this from and other board!
    Annnnndddd if I tell you how I'm typing
    I don't think you'll... UNDERSTAND
    Never gonna GIVE THIS UP
    Never gonna LET IT DIE
    Never gonna accept the truth, and shut up!
    </Bad Joke>
    Post edited by Neito on
  • That's whining.
    I think our definitions of that term do not correlate. Also, just simply looking at the title of this thread should be enough to foresee what would happen here.

    Anyways, are you trying to say that I have to count up all the points I already made in the other discussion again here to have a valid standpoint rather than being able to link to it?
    Yes. Do it.

  • Am I doing it right?
  • Stop making me realize that I'm old.
  • Getter Robo teaches us that any dinosaur that comes from space is a threat and must be dealt with quickly.
  • Getter Robo teaches us that any dinosaur that comes from space is a threat and must be dealt with quickly.
  • edited June 2008
    I listen to them once a month (if I have time), but they are also associated with "Manga Pulse" and they suck because they said that Tezuka's Buddha was a horrible manga.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Geez. I guess copying and pasting a URL is too much for you mouth-breathing yokels. From the looks of things, that's probably a good thing. I don't want any of you idiots listening to my podcast. And yes, I did hear your lame comments about my show. Next time I see any of you Geek Freaks at a con, I'm going to smack you upside the head. Believe it!
  • edited June 2008
    Geez. I guess copying and pasting a URL is too much for you mouth-breathing yokels. From the looks of things, that's probably a good thing. I don't want any of you idiots listening to my podcast. And yes, I did hear your lame comments about my show. Next time I see any of you Geek Freaks at a con, I'm going to smack you upside the head. Believe it!
    Post edited by whatever on
  • Next time I see any of you Geek Freaks at a con, I'm going to smack you upside the head. Believe it!
    Surely no *real* person talks like that.
  • edited June 2008
    I think our definitions of that term do not correlate. Also, just simply looking at the title of this thread should be enough to foresee what would happen here.
    If you foresaw what would happen and you don't want to argue the subject again, why do you care?
    Anyways, are you trying to say that I have to count up all the points I already made in the other discussion again here to have a valid standpoint rather than being able to link to it?
    Your question would be a valid one if you were trying to make any point of worth to begin with. Also, last I checked, your standpoint wasn't so valid as the last exchange in that thread would suggest.
    Post edited by One Sin on
  • Geez. I guess copying and pasting a URL is too much for you mouth-breathing yokels.
    Why do people assume that everyone is using iTunes? It didn't even me what podcast is was when I clicked on the real link Dutopia made. I guess I'm glad I didn't though...
This discussion has been closed.