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Desktop Screenshots - Summer 08



  • Gone back to setting a static desktop as of late. Here's what I've set it at currently:
  • imageBoring, yes I know.
  • Gone back to setting a static desktop as of late. Here's what I've set it at currently
    Post that wallpaper standalone, please.
  • Wish I could remember where I found it so that I could give credit. Here it is anyway, though:
  • edited September 2008
    Desktop" />
    Sorry about the size. Old image.
    Post edited by Pseudocidal on
  • Photobucket" />
    I prefer this one anyway.
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    Sorry about the size. Old image.
    I prefer this one anyway.
    You deleted and screwed up both! O.o
    Boring, yes I know.
    Wha? No, it's awesome. :D I wish I had that wallpaper to inform people that are looking over your shoulder to gtfo.
    Gone back to setting a static desktop as of late. Here's what I've set it at currently:
    Nice, I lol'd at the Desktop clutter folder.

    @Günter, that one is cute, can you upload the original one please?
    Post edited by ... on
  • I love wallpaper.
  • Jason, that desktop is amazing and I shall make it my own.
  • edited September 2008
    Really? Fuck it, one's of the U.S. Air Force Cyber Command logo the other is identical to Jason's. Damn!
    Post edited by Pseudocidal on
  • Really? Fuck it, one's a the U.S. Air Force Cyber Command logo the other is identical to Jason's. Damn!
    Throw the phrases "ill" and "health care" in there a couple of times and I could swear you were Sarah Palin.
  • Really? Fuck it, one's a the U.S. Air Force Cyber Command logo the other is identical to Jason's. Damn!
    Throw the phrases "ill" and "health care" in there a couple of times and I could swear you were Sarah Palin.
    I'm sorry. I'm running off of about 3 hours of sleep so my compositional skills are lagging. I do wish I had her legs though.
  • edited September 2008
    I do wish I had her legs though.
    Like... as a trophy? Or do you mean you wish you had legs like hers? I'm fine with it either way.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • imagePhotobucket" />
    Numero uno.
  • edited September 2008
    Post edited by Pseudocidal on
  • ......
    edited September 2008
    <a><img src="http://<a href=" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Photobucket" border="0"></a>" />
    <a><img src="http://<a href=" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Photobucket" border="0"></a>" />
    You keep screwing up, eh? How do you even do that? All you have to do is copy-paste. Secondly, perhaps you could use the edit button? Or perhaps don't hit "Add your comments" before you've pasted in all of your post? n_n Would really help. Now excuse me while I go stab out my eyes to cleanse them of this VLC infection.
    Post edited by ... on

  • @Günter, that one is cute, can you upload the original one please?
    There you go.
  • You keep screwing up, eh? How do you even do that? All you have to do is copy-paste. Secondly, perhaps you could use the edit button? Or perhaps don't hit "Add your comments" before you've pasted in all of your post? n_n Would really help. Now excuse me while I go stab out my eyes to cleanse them of this VLC infection.
    How do I keep screwing up? I've never used a BBS board before this. I'll get the hang of it. If One NarutoBleachBall Z taught me anything, it's that getting your ass kicked repeatedly will overcome any adversity. Now in your post are you correcting my code or are you telling me what to delete? Your help would be appreciated.
  • I do wish I had her legs though.
    Like... as a trophy? Or do you mean you wish you had legslikehers? I'm fine with it either way.
    Sorry, but your question reminds me of that movie "A Christmas Story".
    To answer your question, I wish I had legs like hers because: A)I'm a dude. B) I'm a liberal. C) I'm in the military. To be fair it was just some goofy inside joke I was making at my own expense that should have probably never posted.
  • I've never used a BBS board before this.
    . . . This is not a pathetic pos BBS board. We use (x)html around these parts, I hope you aren't the kind of person that drowns in a simple a tag. :) And the red text is what screws your post up and/or doesn't do a thing. I seem to have put a < in the wrong place though, fixing, fixed. I'll let standards compliance slip for the moment, but abide them from your next post onward. And again, stop double-posting in such short intervals. If there's more than, say, 10 days between the posts, that's perfectly fine, however, if it's 10 minutes, that's just silly and annoying.
  • I've never used a BBS board before this.
    . . . This is not a pathetic pos BBS board. We use (x)html around these parts, I hope you aren't the kind of person that drowns in a simple a tag. :) And the red text is what screws your post up and/or doesn't do a thing. I seem to have put a < in the wrong place though, fixing, fixed. I'll let standards compliance slip for the moment, but abide them from your next post onward. And again, stop double-posting in such short intervals. If there's more than, say, 10 days between the posts, that's perfectly fine, however, if it's 10 minutes, that's just silly and annoying.
    Ah-ha! Thank you very much! As you can tell I don't have much experience on the internet and networking side of computers (I've spent most of my last five years away from civilization). Your leniency in regards to forum standards is also much appreciated, oh wise and benevolent one, though I think I may be sticking to text only posts until I can bone up on html. I will not be so quick to appear incompotent again! And now, without further ado, I ride!
  • I've never used a BBS board before this.
    . . . This is not a pathetic pos BBS board. We use (x)html around these parts, I hope you aren't the kind of person that drowns in a simple a tag. :) And the red text is what screws your post up and/or doesn't do a thing. I seem to have put a < in the wrong place though, fixing, fixed. I'll let standards compliance slip for the moment, but abide them from your next post onward. And again, stop double-posting in such short intervals. If there's more than, say, 10 days between the posts, that's perfectly fine, however, if it's 10 minutes, that's just silly and annoying.
    Ah-ha! Thank you very much! As you can tell I don't have much experience on the internet and networking side of computers (I've spent most of my last five years away from civilization). Your leniency in regards to forum standards is also much appreciated, oh wise and benevolent one, though I think I may be sticking to text only posts until I can bone up on html. I will not be so quick to appear incompotent again! And now, without further ado, I ride!
    ...You could just use the buttons at the top of the text editor.
  • I've never used a BBS board before this.
    . . . This is not a pathetic pos BBS board. We use (x)html around these parts, I hope you aren't the kind of person that drowns in a simple a tag. :) And the red text is what screws your post up and/or doesn't do a thing. I seem to have put a < in the wrong place though, fixing, fixed. I'll let standards compliance slip for the moment, but abide them from your next post onward. And again, stop double-posting in such short intervals. If there's more than, say, 10 days between the posts, that's perfectly fine, however, if it's 10 minutes, that's just silly and annoying.
    Ah-ha! Thank you very much! As you can tell I don't have much experience on the internet and networking side of computers (I've spent most of my last five years away from civilization). Your leniency in regards to forum standards is also much appreciated, oh wise and benevolent one, though I think I may be sticking to text only posts until I can bone up on html. I will not be so quick to appear incompotent again! And now, without further ado, I ride!
    ...You could just use the buttons at the top of the text editor.
    I did.
  • I think it's hilarious how many people use Linux, yet they do everything they can to get their GUI to be just like OSX.
    That's because they are to busy copying other OS's than making their own original GUI. As well as trying to make there wobbly windows more wobbly, rather than making Linux more user-friendly and compatible. Hey I want to listen to music on my Linux box...But I can't because Linux can't do sound for shit, the Macintosh Plus could make and play music for cripes-sake and it's over 20 years old!

    Whoa, where am I? I must of gone on another Linux rant.
  • I think it's hilarious how many people use Linux, yet they do everything they can to get their GUI to be just like OSX.
    That's because they are to busy copying other OS's than making their own original GUI. As well as trying to make there wobbly windows more wobbly, rather than making Linux more user-friendly and compatible. Hey I want to listen to music on my Linux box...But I can't because Linux can't do sound for shit, the Macintosh Plus could make and play music for cripes-sake and it's over 20 years old!

    Whoa, where am I? I must of gone on another Linux rant.
    Kid, for fuck sake, go away.
  • Hey I want to listen to music on my Linux box...But I can't because Linux can't do sound for shit,
    You really have no idea what the sound problems in linux really are if you cite that as an example.
  • edited September 2008
    Oh, I'm sorry I'm just stereotyping Linux, just like how the Linux user are stereotyping everyone else.
    Post edited by CHOIS CHOIS CHOIS on
  • You are crusin' for a bruisin', my friend.
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