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Fast Karate Is Awsome



  • Fast Karate is my go-to background noise when I'm concentrating on some inane or mundane task. SHOCKWAVE, BITCH!
  • I will randomly yell out "Shockwave, bitch" while owning someone at something. The fact that I can use Shockwave online in Transformers: War for Cybertron makes that factoid even better.
  • I will randomly yell out "Shockwave, bitch" while owning someone at something. The fact that I can use Shockwave online in Transformers: War for Cybertron makes that factoid even better.
    You can't shoot for shit Shockwave!

    Actually, Shockwave is the best, and my favorite.
  • /Humiliation.
  • What episode is this from? I might have missed it.

    However, I was just thinking about some of the more memorable FK moments. I really enjoy their food stories. Not because it's about food, but how they explain them.

    One example is the marshmallow cake story and how some martial arts instructor would eat a whole cake within one class session and how that is considered the epitome of hardcore. Or something along those lines. Regardless, it amused me.

    I'll also repeat, I enjoy when they would make fun of Filipinos. It makes my heart smile.
  • Sweet Zombie Jesus. Can somebody please tell me which episode the one with the Donut Water was?

    My favorite episode is still the River City Ransom one. "He beat Tanaka into the shape of a coin!"
    Hypervelocity Wolf Cannon is also not to be underrated.
    "How did the donut water get past the FDA?" "Well, we licensed it as a car product."
  • edited July 2010
    Video which states in no uncertain terms that Fast Karate is even more awesome than I thought previously.
    Is there any more?
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Video which states in no uncertain terms that Fast Karate is even more awesome than I thought previously.
    Is there any more?
    Of such videos or of Fast Karate?


    Must Hear episodes:
    The Donut Level In This Room Is Off The Charts
    We Name Him Hanabi. He Gon Brow Up
    Panda Banana
    Hypervelocity Wolf Cannon
  • Video which states in no uncertain terms that Fast Karate is even more awesome than I thought previously.
    Is there any more?
    Of such videos or of Fast Karate?
    Specifically of the original video. That was only half the story, and it happens to be my favorite moment of audio ever.
  • With respect, learn to use teh googling.
  • With respect, learn to use teh googling.
    What a concept! I even found this while taking your advice!
  • What software were those vids made in?
  • What software were those vids made in?
    Yes, tell us! The world needs one of these videos for Hanabi!
  • What software were those vids made in?
    Yes, tell us! The world needs one of these videos for Hanabi!
    I listened to that last night... I laughed so hard that my laugh sounded like a raspy gasping sound and I could barely breathe. My parents were quite worried by this sight as I walked out of my room. After about 6 minutes of continuous laughter, I stopped. It was a harder laugh than the one I had on the M.D. Geist episode of Anime World Order, at about the point where Daryl describes M.D. Krauzer accidentally impaling the little boy.
  • It was a harder laugh than the one I had on the M.D. Geist episode of Anime World Order, at about the point where Daryl describes M.D. Krauzer accidentally impaling the little boy.
    The funniest episodes of AWO are ODIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN and the first Hentai episode.
  • Those videos were most likely done in Final Cut Pro.
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2010
    It was a harder laugh than the one I had on the M.D. Geist episode of Anime World Order, at about the point where Daryl describes M.D. Krauzer accidentally impaling the little boy.
    The funniest episodes of AWO are ODIIIIIIIIINNNNNNN and the first Hentai episode.
    M.D. Geist episode is nowhere on the radar?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2010
    I will randomly yell out "Shockwave, bitch" while owning someone at something. The fact that I can use Shockwave online in Transformers: War for Cybertron makes that factoid even better.
    Here is something that I have as a present for you and every other fan of Shockwave.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited July 2010
    I will randomly yell out "Shockwave, bitch" while owning someone at something. The fact that I can use Shockwave online in Transformers: War for Cybertron makes that factoid even better.
    Here is something that I have as a present for you and every other fan of Shockwave.
    I can assure you, that if I can actually get my Wii working in the hotel room (unlike last year) for Otakon, you will be hearing me yell that a lot.

    Also, the picture is freaking awesome. Shockwave and Soundwave are the real reasons to watch Transformers.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • PERCEPTOR was the real reason to watch Transformers.
  • PERCEPTOR was the real reason to watch Transformers.
    That's amazing and I completely forgot that it existed.
  • GeoGeo
    edited July 2010
    I will randomly yell out "Shockwave, bitch" while owning someone at something. The fact that I can use Shockwave online in Transformers: War for Cybertron makes that factoid even better.
    Here is something that I have as a present for you and every other fan of Shockwave.
    Shockwave and Soundwave are the real reasons to watch Transformers.
    With their powers combined?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • That's amazing and I completely forgot that it existed.
    Guess who had an English accent? And guess which Transformer was non-violent and therefore attractive to Jason's parents?
  • edited July 2010
    Shockwave and Soundwave are the real reasons to watch Transformers.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • As someone who did not grow up watching this cartoon, is it worth it to do so?
  • Transformers? It holds up about as well as He-Man, G.I. Joe, and other cartoons of the same era. Don't watch it with the intent of getting anything valuable out of it :D
  • It's OK to still like Transformers, but it's not actually good. It's quite painful to be perfectly honest.

    It is not OK to still like He-Man.

    Thundercats and Voltron remain rock solid.

    I've not re-watched G.I. Joe. I don't imagine it holding up very well.
  • GI Joe is painfully Scooby Doo to watch, unless you're talking about the animated movie, which is the basis on which I've founded my morality and understanding of science.
  • GI Joe is still good, but for entirely different reasons than it was as a child.
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