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Fast Karate Is Awsome



  • Honestly, with Fast Karate, just close your eyes and point at an episode. Even if the audio quality isn't quite amazing, it'll be the best episode ever.
    The Koi Kaze episode is hysterical.

    "At first I was like, okay, this is boring, I'm kind of falling asleep, nothing's happening but it's not exactly bad...But then, I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • You won't be disappointed.
    You mean Calvin won't be disappointed.
    right right, my mistake
  • Honestly, with Fast Karate, just close your eyes and point at an episode. Even if the audio quality isn't quite amazing, it'll be the best episode ever.
    The Koi Kaze episode is hysterical.

    "At first I was like, okay, this is boring, I'm kind of falling asleep, nothing's happening but it's not exactly bad...But then, I was like AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! AAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Oh man, I forgot about that episode, I think i'll listen to it now
  • Whenever Joel goes "OLD MAN...YOU SEEK THE SPELL OF MASTERY!?" I crack up.

    Also: "Noooooooooooo! My kokuuuuuu!"
  • My favorite is the one where they talk about Getter Robo.
  • edited January 2011
    Anytime Joel laughs hard. Anytime.

    Listen to the beginning of "Relationship Status Single" and you'll see.
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Your Momma is like a light switch, She has sex with babies.
  • Your Momma is like a light switch, She has sex with babies.
    I used this joke in real life this weekend. It was glorious.
  • Your Momma is like a light switch, She has sex with babies.
    I used this joke in real life this weekend. It was glorious.
    It's basically the end game when you bust that out, There is NO way anyone can come back from that. Well, unless you just so happen to be dissing on bat-man, because his parents are DEAD!!!!
  • edited January 2011

    Also I love that Joel's Xbox Live tag is "Tanaka is Fired"
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • I've been listening to the older episodes, as i'm sure everyone who posts in this thread does, I've been loving the 24 episodes. It's amazing how they can make that show good just by a few waterboarding and almeda double crosses
  • Dave and Joel's "Three Fast Three Furious" prediction is confirmed with Vin Diesel's triumphant return in tonight's Superbowl trailer for "FAST FIVE."
  • Its only a matter time before the dino-vasion begins.
  • Its only a matter time before the dino-vasion begins.
    Oh, you didn't see the commercial for Terra Nova?
  • The FKFTG forum is now Vanilla. That means I can finally participate there. I am so happy, so very, very happy.
  • The FKFTG forum is now Vanilla. That means I can finally participate there. I am so happy, so very, very happy.
    Hmm I did just see the news via Twitter. I may just have to go check it out myself. Not that I need to be on another forum, but this here FRC forum is the only thing not blocked at work so it'd be nice to have a second option.
  • That latest episode featuring Anime World Order, freaking hilarious!
  • OK I'm in one of those situations where you can't remember something obvious and it's killing you, and my mind is drawing such blanks that even google-fu is failing me. What was the series of YouTube videos mentioned on this show a lot where there is a guy who is super serious about being faster than someone who could pull a gun on him? Then there was a great parody video of a fat guy taking like 10x longer to run across a field and disarm the gunman. DAMN IT WHY CAN I NOT REMEMBER USELESS THINGS?
  • edited September 2011
    It's called the "21 foot rule".

    edit: added proper video and parody.

    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Thank your dear FRC Forum. I knew you would come through.
  • I refer to this rule at least once a month :-p Both of them.
  • Can anyone remember which episode it comes from?
  • Can anyone remember which episode it comes from?
    "This Chicken is Powerful", I think.
  • "Just hangin out"
  • "This is for all you gun guys out there"
  • edited September 2011
    "and knife guys and Japanese sickle and chain guys"
    Post edited by Decoy sheep on
  • And all you one knife, two knife and gun guys.
  • Crowdsourcing another quote search. There's an episode in which Joel talks about playing L4D with an Italian guy who was playing atrociously and wouldn't stop talking. At one point, someone said in Steam, "How do I melee?" to which someone of voicechat responded, "Scroll-click by default." The Italian, aghast, responded, "YOU USE-A THE MOUSE!? I USE-A THE GAMEPAD!!"

    Sound familiar to anyone? I nearly died laughing, but I can't remember the episode.
  • What anime has the techno dwarf and the motorladycycle?
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