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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • She said she wanted to do a show with me about finding Scott a girlfriend.
    I would pay serious moneys for this.
  • edited July 2011
    I would pay serious moneys for this.
    I like Scott's mom, she's a nice lady. Actually, if you got her talking about Scott as a kid, it would be really funny!
    I also think it would just be fun to hear about Scott's mom talking about him as a young geek.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • It should be called: Forever Alone?
  • His family is great. They all rag on each other but in a loving way.
  • His family is great. They all rag on each other but in a loving way.
    My family does this as well, which is probably why I am sarcastic.
  • It should be called: Forever Alone?
    I'm guessing the bold implies this is a reference to something specifically. If not: ouch.
  • Y'know, I'm not that fussed that I'm probably going to be single for a quarter of my expected life any more. I'm happy with no longer holding the belief that comitting suicide is an inevitability which puts not having a girlfriend into perspective.
  • First things first and all that.
  • edited July 2011
    Y'know, I'm not that fussed that I'm probably going to be single for a quarter of my expected life any more. I'm happy with no longer holding the belief that comitting suicide is an inevitability which puts not having a girlfriend into perspective.
    I used to view it in the opposite light. Being in a relationship, and thus having some responsibility for someone outside of myself, was reason and motivation not to commit suicide.

    Also, the good news is that, whether you realized it or not, you have denoted your expected lifetime will be quite reasonable. I used to very much shy away from questions about, say, "where do you see yourself in the next 5 years" because I didn't think I'd be around.

    Side note, I'm 27, and have only been "not single" for 3 years, so assuming I live to be about 100, I will have been single a quarter of my life (as of now) as well. I'm suspecting that it will still be much longer, but I've found ways to cope.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • It should be called: Forever Alone?
    I'm guessing the bold implies this is a reference to something specifically. If not: ouch.
  • It should be called: Forever Alone?
    I'm guessing the bold implies this is a reference to something specifically. If not: ouch.
    I'm not sure how that helps it not be ouch. Now it's like .. creepy and ouch.
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
  • Does a Thursday show HAVE to be it's own topic? After the half minute hero episode (that I thought was a fantastic episode) I could totally listen to another games episode on a Thursday. Assuming you had another game to review.

    Maybe you are trying to find "other" topics for a Thursday when perhaps you can double up occasionally. Like make NEXT Thursday a gaming episode as well.
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
    Which episodes are those?
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
    Which episodes are those?
    Apparently any of them with Kevin Smith in them?
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
    Which episodes are those?
    Apparently any of them with Kevin Smith in them?
    The privacy one. Where Scott gives out his phone number. I still crack up at that one. Who does that?? :)
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
    Which episodes are those?
    Apparently any of them with Kevin Smith in them?
    The privacy one. Where Scott gives out his phone number. I still crack up at that one. Who does that?? :)
    Someone texted me the other day to say they like the show. Was it you?
  • Hey, you guys should look into getting some of the best episodes published.
    Which episodes are those?
    Apparently any of them with Kevin Smith in them?
    The privacy one. Where Scott gives out his phone number. I still crack up at that one. Who does that?? :)
    Someone texted me the other day to say they like the show. Was it you?
    Nah, you know I like the show. I would have texted asking for a copy of Sanctuary or something.
  • I would have texted asking for a copy of Sanctuary or something.
    Get your own.
  • I would have texted asking for a copy of Sanctuary or something.
    Get your own.
    Alas... New Zealand.

    To the Internet!
  • Rym's kinda picky about wine, right? Why not do an episode about that and/or alcohol in general?
  • Rym's kinda picky about wine, right? Why not do an episode about that and/or alcohol in general?
    Scott knows next to nothing about alcohol, other than that he's never going to drink it.
  • edited July 2011
    Rym's kinda picky about wine, right? Why not do an episode about that and/or alcohol in general?
    Scott knows next to nothing about alcohol, other than that he's never going to drink it.
    He's missing out on Gods second gift to men: Single malt. I won't comment on the first :)
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • edited July 2011
    He's missing out on Gods second gift to men: Single malt. I won't comment on the first :)
    Also missing out on cancer. Alcohol is in the same class of carcinogens as tobacco. Also, it tastes like shit.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited July 2011
    Also missing out on cancer. Alcohol is in the same class of carcinogens as tobacco.
    So Is ultraviolet radiation and salted fish, but we don't see you refusing to eat salted fish or living under artificial lights in a cave now.

    And of course, let's not forget about Soot, also a known group 1 carcinogen, in a similar manner to other airborne particulate matter. Which is always amusing, considering you live in a city that consistently rates among the very worst for particulate pollution - 22st of the 25 regions Most affected by year-round particulate pollution, 21st worst in the country in particle pollution, and 17th worst for ozone pollution.

    Greatest City on earth! (if you're a Pulmonolgist.)

    (Edit - Removed "Fucking". I gotta stop using that so broadly for emphasis in text, it makes me seem angry for no real reason.)
    Post edited by Churba on
  • So Is ultraviolet radiation and salted fish, but we don't see you refusing to eat salted fish or living under artificial lights in a fucking cave now, do we, Scott?
    Salted fish? Really? What exactly counts as salted fish? If I pick any variety of fish and add salt, carcinogens appear? I can believe there might be a variety of fish that's carcinogenic, but in the same class of carcinogens as alcohol and tobacco? Seriously?
  • edited July 2011
    Salted fish? Really? What exactly counts as salted fish? If I pick any variety of fish and add salt, carcinogens appear? I can believe there might be a variety of fish that's carcinogenic, but in the same class of carcinogens as alcohol and tobacco? Seriously?
    Salt Preserved/cured fish, that's all I know. I'm not usually one to just blindly repeat from Wikipedia when I don't understand what I'm repeating, at least without pointing out at much - and I really don't understand enough about that specifically to be able to say much about it.

    What? I smoke and eat biltong, so I gotta make up for it by acting smart somewhere, don't I?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2011
    Pickling and smoking to cure food in general adds carcinogens, as well as grilling meat.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Salted fish? Really? What exactly counts as salted fish? If I pick any variety of fish and add salt, carcinogens appear? I can believe there might be a variety of fish that's carcinogenic, but in the same class of carcinogens as alcohol and tobacco? Seriously?
    Salt Preserved/cured fish, that's all I know. I'm not usually one to just blindly repeat from Wikipedia when I don't understand what I'm repeating, at least without pointing out at much - and I really don't understand enough about that specifically to be able to say much about it.

    What? I smoke and eat biltong, so I gotta make up for it by acting smart somewhere, don't I?
    Pickling and smoking to cure fool in general adds carcinogens, as well as grilling meat.
    Yes, almost everything has carcinogens, even air. It's a matter of how many and how bad they are. Pickles and X-Rays both can cause cancer. It's stupid to just point out that something is carcinogenic. It's all about HOW carcinogenic it is. Drinking alcohol is equivalently carcinogenic to smoking tobacco. In other words, VERY.
  • edited July 2011
    FYI, the link between cured meat and cancer applies to nitrates and high-temperature cooking. Bacon used to be cured with nitratres; when cooked at high temperatures, nitrates turn into nitrsoamines, which indirectly increase the risk of certain kinds of cancer (in sufficient quantity).

    Most bacon today is made with nitrites and has added vitamin C to counteract nitrosamine formation. Interestingly enough, so-called "uncured" bacon - which is a terrible misnomer because celery powder and sea salt both contain lots of nitrates - may actually be worse in the cancer regard than modern bacon, because of the lack of added vitamin C and the relatively unknown nitrate dosing levels.

    /the more you know

    EDIT: To clarify - that's not the only link between cured meat and cancer, but it's the one people are usually referring to.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
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