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Show Ideas and Reminders



  • PIXAR!
    DO IT NOW!
  • PIXAR!
    DO IT NOW!
  • Want to SOOO BAAAAAAD.
  • Want to SOOO BAAAAAAD.
    We want it SOOO BAAAAAAD.
  • Want to SOOO BAAAAAAD.
    Well then do it. It's not like you need one of the guys to help.
  • I don't want to do it by myself. It becomes rambling. I need at least someone to converse with.
  • Grab someone else who can talk about it?
  • Ro and Viga as guests via Skype?
  • edited July 2011
    Ro and Viga as guests via Skype?
    What would we talk about? Unless you want to hear me talk about penises, I guess. =/

    You can get enough of me on ATW9K.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I don't want to do it by myself. It becomes rambling. I need at least someone to converse with.
    I would be okay with talking about Pixar on a podcast.
  • edited July 2011
    The problem is that while I don't mind talking, I don't really want to go through all the effort of producing a podcast. My time is better spent on my animation projects than editing audio about stuff I like. I'd have to use Rym's computer, because that is what all the equipment is connected to, and get him to walk me through the skype recording in Audition, and his custom filters and stuff. If he was going to go through the effort to make it a geeknights quality podcast, he might as well be on it.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2011
    Ro and Viga as guests via Skype?
    What would we talk about? Unless you want to hear me talk about penises, I guess. =/

    You can get enough of me on ATW9K.
    I think Ryan would be a best choice.
    The problem is that while I don't mind talking, I don't really want to go through all the effort of producing a podcast. My time is better spent on my animation projects than editing audio about stuff I like. I'd have to use Rym's computer, because that is what all the equipment is connected to, and get him to walk me through the skype recording in Audition, and his custom filters and stuff. If he was going to go through the effort to make it a geeknights quality podcast, he might as well be on it.
    True, true. Well, I guess we have to tie Rym up and make him by FORCE! MHAHA! :P

    *ahem* Anyway, how about a show on Les Miserables? I can't wait to see it this fall and I already listen to the soundtrack!
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Green Acres and other old sitcoms.
  • The state of crime in the US.
  • If he was going to go through the effort to make it a geeknights quality podcast, he might as well be on it.
    Get him on it then! You're a woman, you're his girlfriend even! It shouldn't be that hard to persuade him.
  • The future of movie theaters.
  • edited July 2011
    The future of movie theaters.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • Smell-o-vision.
    Feel-o-rama is definitely superior. I very much enjoyed it in See you next Wednesday. Two obscure references for the price of one!
  • A-Team (or general 80s TV shows).
  • edited July 2011
    If you're looking for anime shows, try Doujin Work. It's a 15-minute show (if you ignore the live action parts) and 12 episodes, so it should be pretty manageable. Basically, it's about a girl who starts drawing hentai doujin to make money, and it touches on hentai without ever really being explicit itself. It's been a couple years since I watched it, but I remember it being one of my favorite anime at the time.

    EDIT: If you have access to the manga, don't bother with the anime.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Metal.
    We've talked about doing this show before. The thing is, Rym and Scott know so very little about it that it'd basically be "The Pete Show."

    Which I suppose is fine.

    Actually, I believe my recent incarnation of the metal panel was recorded. I'll see if it's up on Youtube.
  • that it'd basically be "The Pete Show."
    YES PLEASE. I think I'm not alone when I say that there should be more guests/interviews. Episodes with them are often the best. And there's no shame in being a good host asking good questions. They could kill 2 birds with 1 stone showing how to properly ask questions to their brought in expert.
  • Can we get an episode with at least one of the parents of either Scott or Rym as a guest to talk about what it was like raising their son?
  • Can we get an episode with at least one of the parents of either Scott or Rym as a guest to talk about what it was like raising their son?
  • Can we get an episode with at least one of the parents of either Scott or Rym as a guest to talk about what it was like raising their son?
  • Can we get an episode with at least one of the parents of either Scott or Rym as a guest to talk about what it was like raising their son?
  • that it'd basically be "The Pete Show."
    Yes. More guests! More Pete! More metal!
  • I was at Scott's parent's house for dinner a few weeks ago, and they were talking to his mom and contemplating having her on to talk about baskets or something. She said she wanted to do a show with me about finding Scott a girlfriend.
    I like Scott's mom, she's a nice lady. Actually, if you got her talking about Scott as a kid, it would be really funny!
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