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Fail of Your Day



  • All of the above except the actual vomiting. Came on a few days ago, but only mildly until today. I can't afford to go to the hospital, and I'm staying hydrated...there's not really anything they can do for it except stick a line in you anyway.

    As for what I ate...well...a lot of stuff. You know me. I like eating.
  • All of the above except the actual vomiting. Came on a few days ago, but only mildly until today. I can't afford to go to the hospital, and I'm staying hydrated...there's not really anything they can do for it except stick a line in you anyway.
    If it's a bacterial infection, it won't go away on its own.

    I guess you'll find out. Norovirus gastroenteritis just goes away.
  • This article starts out well, but rapidly devolves into pointless whinging.

    Waaa Waaa I went and lived in a country that's culturally very different to mine, and it's not fun anymore because it's not culturally like the country I came from, boo fucking hoo princess, if you hate it that much, then go back to your nice, safe, familiar culture and stop fucking whinging.
  • I don't understand how Kotaku expects anyone to read all the way through Tim "Time" Rogers's articles.
  • I don't understand how Kotaku expects anyone to read all the way through Tim "Time" Rogers's articles.
    I got halfway through before I started wondering why I started reading it, and then not much further before I wished I hadn't.

    This guy is one of those self-righteous, entitled idiots - they think that things should conform to what they chose to do, for example, A vegan who complains that a restaurant serves meat, even though they don't eat at that restaurant, or a person who chooses not to drink complaining about that other people at a party are drinking - not misbehaving, but just complaining that they're drinking.
  • I don't understand how Kotaku expects anyone to read all the way through Tim "Time" Rogers's their articles.
  • This thread grows way faster than the Boo-yah thread.
  • This thread grows way faster than the Boo-yah thread.
    It also grows faster than the Thing of your day thread, which is kind of sad.
  • Might I suggest that the reason is that people like to offer suggestions in this thread, whereas in those other threads there is no need to give helpful advice or express sympathy or concern. It could actually be indicative of an incredibly supportive community!
  • edited March 2010
    I don't understand how Kotaku expects anyone to read all the way through Tim "Time" Rogers's articles.
    I got halfway through before I started wondering why I started reading it, and then not much further before I wished I hadn't.

    This guy is one of those self-righteous, entitled idiots - they think that things should conform to what they chose to do, for example, A vegan who complains that a restaurant serves meat, even though they don't eat at that restaurant, or a person who chooses not to drink complaining about that other people at a party are drinking - not misbehaving, but just complaining that they're drinking.
    Truth be told, I learned most of these things in a one semester Intro to Japanese Culture course. It's quite obvious that this guy dialed his inner weaboo up to eleven and just hopped on the plane before actually learning anything about how Japanese culture actually functions.

    Also, Tim, you're in a place infamous for having one of the most varied diets on the planet. Don't bitch when the island nation that by a miracle can feed all 150m people on it doesn't cater to your persnickety Western diet, you asshole.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It also grows faster than the Thing of your day thread, which is kind of sad.
    But perhaps good, as maybe it shows that people aren't as addicted to scouring the internet for random videos as we thought? Maybe we do other meaningful things? Or, we all have very secret and embarrassing interests that we look up, and don't share out of fear.
  • Or, we all have very secret and embarrassing interests that we look up, and don't share out of fear.
    Or we know most of the forum wouldn't be interested. I could have things of the day all day long, but it'd mostly be videos of people getting knocked out. :)
  • edited March 2010
    Truth be told, I learned most of these things in a one semester Intro to Japanese Culture course. It's quite obvious that this guy dialed his inner weaboo up to eleven and just hopped on the plane before actually learning anything about how Japanese culture actually functions.
    Hear that - I've been in japan probably about three days, if you count every hour I've been there spread over my flying career, and I've consumed a reasonable amount of media from or about (or both) japan, along with having a few friends who have been there, Omnutia for example, and even I would expect most of these things, and the things I didn't explicitly expect, I wasn't surprised by, because I go into matters like this knowing that it's a completely different culture from my own.
    Also, Tim, you're in a place infamous for having one of the most varied diets on the planet. Don't bitch when the island nation that by a miracle can feed all 150m people on it doesn't cater to your the persnickety Western diet you chose to follow, you asshole.
    Modified for enhanced accuracy.

    Edit - Guh, I made the mistake of reading the comments on the article. Most of them are "OMG TIM UR SO AWESOMES AND SO RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING PLEASE LET ME HAVE YOUR BABIES IN ME" and some mostly more reasoned "Yeah, I think the problem is more you, than japan there, guy" but two comment made me laugh
    He has a band on MySpace? I can only assume he's the lyricist and each song is approximately 43 minutes long.
    Achievement Unlocked: Read a Tim Rogers Article - 100G
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2010
    This thread grows way faster than the Boo-yah thread.
    You tend to get more feedback when people have something they disagree on or can bitch about. Most of this thread is probably feedback.

    I'm reading the article, which I usually do bit by bit through the day, and it's noting many of the problems with Japanese society but is coming from someone with more of Scott's disposition. That said, Japan is unnerving to me some times, having been raised to think and act independently and somewhat openly (Don't laugh, Churba.), the feeling of forced happiness and cohesion can really get to you, especially when the people within the system can't seem to imagine things being any other way.

    Later: I've finished reading it now and want to let it settle in my mind a while. However, I will say this, even though it is seen to be a different culture, it's often the small details that are different yet the overarching ideas are much the same.

    In addition, people are suffering due to a system they dislike, even if they don't admit it publicly, something should be done to resolve this.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Wait two days for a package and then the post guy knocks on the door instead of ringing the bell (I'm on the second floor.), so I'm now going to have to wait even longer and probably have to collect it.
  • 20 minutes ago, a maintainance guy came into our apartment and said "Hey yeah, you know the bathroom problems Roommate B has been having? Well, we are going to cut into the floor and fix the problem with these plumbers. Going to get really dusty and everything needs to be moved. A cleaning person will then come and fix everything. Everything will be done in 2 days and we are coming in in 30 minutes."


    I had so much shit planned today! Paper to finish writing, a test, I was going to make homemade Mac and Cheese, drink some nice prentious beer, create a Stephen Colbert character in Rock Band (The infamous Rock Band Network is said to possibly release today), download Rubber Soul for Beatles: Rock Band.

    Now...all of this wouldn't be as bad but...I'M LEAVING FOR NEW YORK TOMORROW MORNING. DXXXXX
  • edited March 2010
    Waaa Waaa I went and lived in a country that's culturally very different to mine, and it's not fun anymore because it's not culturally like the country I came from, boo fucking hoo princess, if you hate it that much, then go back to your nice, safe, familiar culture and stop fucking whinging.
    Typical culture shock bullshit. Seen it before. He's lived there for a long time apparently, and when you do, you either get used to it or you become jaded. He's become jaded. The broad generalizations like "anime sucks" and "Japanese comedy sucks" just come across as ignorant. Sure, you can criticize a culture. I criticize America for patriarchal religious BS all the time, and Japan has a ton of things that I think should be addressed. (See "feminism") I hate that if you like Japan, people assume you are a weeaboo who agrees with everything about the way a culture functions. The thing is, I have seen people make much more eloquent and informed critiques/comparisons of their adopted societies.
    You tend to get more feedback when people have something they disagree on or can bitch about. Most of this thread is probably feedback.

    I'm reading the article, which I usually do bit by bit through the day, and it's noting many of the problems with Japanese society but is coming from someone with more of Scott's disposition. That said, Japan is unnerving to me some times, having been raised to think and act independently and somewhat openly (Don't laugh, Churba.), the feeling of forced happiness and cohesion can really get to you, especially when the people within the system can't seem to imagine things being any other way.

    Later: I've finished reading it now and want to let it settle in my mind a while. However, I will say this, even though it is seen to be a different culture, it's often the small details that are different yet the overarching ideas are much the same.

    In addition, people are suffering due to a system they dislike, even if they don't admit it publicly, something should be done to resolve this.
    Don't listen to this guy, though. This is typical Gaijin Japan hating. He'd write much differently about these problems if he had adjusted better. Just like you said, people are people are people the world over.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • (Don't laugh, Churba.)
    Wasn't gonna. You're a small Japanese man in a large afro-white dude body, but that small Japanese man is a REBEL.
  • Typical Apple Evil. Just sue any company who so much as looks in the direction of an iPhone without your permission. EVEN THE TECHNOLOGIES IN USE ARE PATENTLY OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

    Do any apple-ites notice how Old-School-Microsoft Apple's behavior is?
  • Wow, the patent system sure is broken. It bears repeating.
  • The fact that a thread on puppies became a flame war.
  • edited March 2010
    The fact that a thread my boyfriend posted to make me happy ended up being co-opted by dicks who made me cry all over the couch.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited March 2010
    It's U of I's Unofficial St. Patrick's Day. I saw a drunk girl walking down the street with a mug full of liquor at 7am.

    I might stay in tonight.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited March 2010
    Connect emotionally

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • In hospitial. Those painkiller are amazing. Best sleep I had, but I am in trouble. It might be serious. I might be GLUTEN INTOLERANT!!!!
  • edited March 2010
    In hospitial. Those painkiller are amazing. Best sleep I had, but I am in trouble. It might be serious. I might be GLUTEN INTOLERANT!!!!
    Welcome to the club. :P I hope you feel better soon.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • In hospitial. Those painkiller are amazing. Best sleep I had, but I am in trouble. It might be serious. I might be GLUTEN INTOLERANT!!!!
    Welcome to the club. :P I hope you feel better soon.
    In case it is a gluten thing, how do you do it?! What about cakes and pies and Italian food? Fried chicken!? Ramen!?

    They say it's malabsorption with a major possibility of Celiac disease, a virus and a more severe lactose intolerance. I really hope it's not the former. I can't have cake anymore!
  • In case it is a gluten thing, how do you do it?! What about cakes and pies and Italian food? Fried chicken!? Ramen!?
    Ramen is shit anyhow. Nothing of value is lost there. :P

    As for the other things, make your man learn to cook gluten-free.

    OK, I'll be fair. This book is pretty goddamn great.
    Fried chicken!
    I made some gluten-free oven-fried chicken. I would have pan fried it, but I was trying to keep a semblance of healthfulness. You can use gluten-free breadcrumbs, or do what I did and use gluten-free corn flakes. Get some Bob's Red Mill All-Purpose Gluten-Free flour; it'll cover those recipes that call for a couple of tablespoons of flour. If you need to replicate a recipe that's primarily flour-based, you'll need to mix starches.

    It's manageable. You'll need to start asking the waiters for an ingredients list when you go out to eat. Make sure that no gluten touches anything your food touches, or that nothing that has had gluten on it touches your food without being thoroughly cleaned first.
  • Ramen is shit anyhow. Nothing of value is lost there. :P
    Packaged ramen is shit. Real ramen, on the other hand, is THE shit.
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