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Fail of Your Day



  • Even though it's a logical fallacy, what is your definition of "mother"? Mine is someone who'll love and support you no matter what (except if you do something incredibly stupid or wrong), someone who gives you sage advice when you need it, and (in this case) someone who will be willing to not only admit that they broke something of your, that they are sorry they did it, and will be willing to replace it.
    The test is conclusive. Your joke detector is on the fritz today.
    Oh was it? Was it a referential joke of some kind? Obviously I didn't get it.
  • I'm sure it will work out! But if not, you can hang out with me so I don't have roam around by myself. :)
    Roaming is always fun. I'm sure we'll find time to hang out. But, I got in! I'm very lucky. So, I'm an Enforcer again!
  • My definition of "mother" is "the woman who gave birth to you or acted in the way that the woman who gave birth to you would have."
    How can you know how the woman who gave birth to you would have acted?
  • So most of you know I like OS-tans. WELL, AN UNNAMED ASSHOLE sent me a tinyurl link to an os-tan rule 34 page. Even though Rule 34 states that for any given topic porn must exist, I did not think such a thing existed and I was caught completely from left field. It was an "angel is a centerfold" moment. You bastard. You have robbed me of the innocence. You shall rue- RUE THE DAY! >:(
  • edited March 2010

    Their breast sizes are based on memory requirements, for crying out loud.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • >OS-tans

    Their breast sizes are based on memory requirements, for crying out loud.
    I know that. But its kind of like... You know something exists, but your mind avoids processing it's existence. It's like 2girls1cup. There was some part of you brain that knew such a thing might exist, but that didn't stop you from going "GAH! AUGH! NO!" when you saw it.
  • edited March 2010
    So most of you know I like OS-tans. WELL, AN UNNAMED ASSHOLE sent me a tinyurl link to an os-tan rule 34 page. Even though Rule 34 states that for any given topic porn must exist, I did not think such a thing existed and I was caught completely from left field. It was an "angel is a centerfold" moment. You bastard. You have robbed me of the innocence. You shall rue- RUE THE DAY! >:(
    ...Pics or it didn't happen. ~_^
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It was an "angel is a centerfold" moment.
    You're saying that your blood ran cold, and that your memories had just been stole?
  • It was an "angel is a centerfold" moment.
    You're saying that your blood ran cold, and that your memories had just been sold?
    A part of him has just been ripped, the pages from his mind are stripped. Oh no, he can't deny it; oh yea, I guess he's gotta buy it!
  • edited March 2010

    Edit: Wait a second, OS-Tans were created with the express intention of being rule 34'd.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited March 2010
    It was an "angel is a centerfold" moment.
    You're saying that your blood ran cold, and that your memories had just beensold?
    A part of him has just been ripped, the pages from his mind are stripped.
    Yes; I picked that song for a goddamn reason.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Yes; I picked that song for a goddamn reason.
    We know. Man, that's one of the songs of my childhood. <./nostalgia>
  • edited March 2010
    Took an exam today. Totally beasted the analysis, though I ran out of time to write my last few sentences, so I skipped to the conclusion. They were just elaboration anyway.

    One hour later, I realized I forgot to actually state the rule that I analyzed the facts under. The rule that I had memorized word-for-word. The rule that the professor has been harping on all semester. The rule that I wrote in my notes "STATE THIS RULE!" when making my outline for exam study. The rule that I knew I had to put in! This will surely amount to a significant loss of points, but I do not have any idea how much it will impact my grade. I just hope I hit enough of the other points in her checklist that it doesn't totally kill me. Curse you, International Shoe!
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Curse you,International Shoe!
    That has got to be one of the weirdest revenge seeking exclamations I've ever heard.
  • edited March 2010
    Curse you,International Shoe!
    Isn't that the one that established the test for systematic and continuous business?

    EDIT: Also, sadface.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Curse you,International Shoe!
    Isn't that the one that established the test for systematic and continuous business?

    EDIT: Also, sadface.
    Yes. Yes it is. I did manage to put that into my analysis... I just didn't quote the rule that all those tests fall under.
  • I just didn't quote the rule that all those tests fall under.
    Hopefully that'll only be a few points. I can't imagine that a ton of points rests on being able to quote the rule, especially when you (hypothetically) nailed everything else.
  • Hopefully that'll only be a few points. I can't imagine that a ton of points rests on being able to quote the rule, especially when you (hypothetically) nailed everything else.
    This is law school dude...

    Nuri, I hope it goes well for you. :(
  • Hopefully that'll only be a few points. I can't imagine that a ton of points rests on being able to quote the rule, especially when you (hypothetically) nailed everything else.
    This is law school dude...

    Nuri, I hope it goes well for you. :(
    Yeah, but here's the thing. It doesn't even test my ability to quote the rule. If I had been asked in the test to actually quote the rule, I could have. I just forgot to because it didn't ask.
  • Context: At RIT, we have the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, and a good portion of the students here are deaf or hard of hearing. Because of this, all of the televisions have closed captioning on and some classes as well as most guest speakers and comedians are interpreted in sign language for the deaf and hard of hearing. So here's what I saw when I logged into Facebook today regarding an upcoming campus concert:
  • And how is that a fail? Concerts were interpreted when I was at RIT. Hey, do they still have the awesome old guy who looks like Santa?
  • Hey, do they still have the awesome old guy who looks like Santa?
    Concerts were interpreted when I was at RIT.
    ...But why?
  • Concerts were interpreted when I was at RIT.
    ...But why?
    Um, for the deaf? Concert interpreters kick ass even if you can hear; the ones at Lolla last year rocked.
  • Um, for the deaf?
    Thanks, bro.

    Comedian interpreters are one thing, because what the comedian is saying and how it's being said is usually picked up by the interpreter, so it's still possible to enjoy it. Music, however, is just one of those things that it doesn't seem like you can experience if you're deaf.
  • Music, however, is just one of those things that it doesn't seem like you can experience if you're deaf.
    The last two parties I DJ-ed for were for the deaf Fraternity on campus.
  • edited March 2010
    Comedian interpreters are one thing, because what the comedian is saying and how it's being said is usually picked up by the interpreter, so it's still possible to enjoy it. Music, however, is just one of those things that it doesn't seem like you can experience if you're deaf.
    Well, the hard-of-hearing can often pick up rhythms and melodies, but not words, so interpreters are there to fill in the blanks on that. People who are almost completely deaf still go to concerts to feel beats, especially in the case of hip-hop, drum-n'-bass and really heavy metal, so interpreters are needed there as well.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Um, for the deaf?
    Thanks, bro.

    Comedian interpreters are one thing, because what the comedian is saying and how it's being said is usually picked up by the interpreter, so it's still possible to enjoy it. Music, however, is just one of those things that it doesn't seem like you can experience if you're deaf.
    Have you EVER seen Mr. Holland's Opus? As a hearing person, I often find concerts intolerable simply because they are so incredibly loud. Being deaf doesn't mean you can't feel the vibrations of the music; it just means your ears don't talk to your brain correctly.
  • So I went to a "Organizing for America" strategy session last night which was in no way was Fail of the day, but they told me a very interesting fact. In the Mass race that Scott Brown won, they moved in 8 days before the election to help Coakley out only to find she didn't have a field strategy for the week leading up to election day.... if anyone knows anything about politics not having a plan of action to mobilize voters in a state wide campaign is crazy..Let alone not having a plan in the final week of the campaign. They also showed the enthusiasm gap between the two candidates the days before they got involved (she was something like 20% behind) and on the day of election they had improved it to within 3%.... It really shows how an organized campaign can really get people to come out to the polls and it gives me hope for the midterms..(for if they would have had 2 months they might have caused her to win) The Former Obama campaign organization is still running as a well oiled machine... So the fail is really what the crap was wrong with Coakley.. (I know this is old news but as a political junkie was interesting to me).
  • Scott Brown
    He drives a truck.
  • Scott Brown
    He drives a truck.
    Democrats are fucked!!1
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