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Fail of Your Day



  • edited March 2010
    For some reason, I can't access my Flickr photos at work. I can access my account page and settings, and I can access other people's photos, but I can't access mine, nor can any of my coworkers. The only explanation that I have is that some of my photos must be flagged. I can't imagine why, though; the most "inappropriate" pictures I have are those of my beer brewing.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Just read the manga online somewhere. There you give a quick glance over the fights and just skip to the next page.
    This is what I do. The fights are hard to follow anyways. They aren't even that long anymore. The most recent fight was only long because it was a giant war between a few hundred people, with about 30-40 unique individual characters among all the grunts. Skip over the meat of the fight, deal with the plot.
  • edited March 2010
    So, my dad apparently heard about this guy's new book on the radio today. Now he thinks he knows what's best for the internet. After arguing for three hours, I've decided to give the book a once-over, so I can keep an open mind and all that. Well, this book is absolute rubbish so far. Most of the man's points went obsolete at the end of the 20th century, and I'm pretty sure he has no clue how software development works. Anyone heard of this? Anyone have an opinion?
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited March 2010
    Jim Bunning
    To those uninformed, Bunning is the douche-bag senator from Kentucky who is single-handedly stopping a temporary extension of unemployment benefits for every unemployed person in the entire nation and told the bipartisan supporters of the bill and those who are unemployed "Tough Shit." last week. I'm not paraphrasing.
    As a more spectacular example of how gigantic an asshole this moron is, here are some quotes from his wiki:
    During his reelection bid, controversy erupted when Bunning described Mongiardo as looking "like one of Saddam Hussein's sons."[7] Public pressure compelled him to apologize. Bunning was also criticized for his use of a teleprompter during a televised debate with Mongiardo where Bunning participated via satellite link, refusing to appear in person.[8] Bunning was further criticized for making an unsubstantiated claim that his wife had been attacked by Mongiardo's supporters,[9] and for calling Mongiardo "limp wristed".[7] Bunning's mental health was also questioned during the campaign.[7]
    In October, 2004 Bunning told reporters "Let me explain something: I don't watch the national news, and I don't read the paper. I haven't done that for the last six weeks. I watch Fox News to get my information."[10]
    In April 2006, Time magazine called him one of America's Five Worst Senators.[11] The magazine dubbed him The Underperformer for his "lackluster performance", saying he "shows little interest in policy unless it involves baseball", and criticized his hostility towards staff and fellow Senators and his "bizarre behavior" during his 2004 campaign.[12]
    And in response to his most recent sandbagging of the bill that would help the huge number of the unemployed in this country, he said:
    In Bunning's closing comments to the senate floor he said Democrats were remiss in causing him to miss the Kentucky basketball game vs South Carolina.
    My hatred burns like a thousand white-hot suns.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • My officemate is mumbling to himself, or perhaps at the demons in his computer, I'm not sure.
  • Fail: Activision. Specifically Bobby Kotick.
  • God damn it! This is North Carolina! It's not supposed to snow in March!
  • God damn it! This is North Carolina! It's not supposed to snow in March!
    Looks like I got out just in time! Everything's been just peachy up here in NEW YORK.
  • Looks like I got out just in time! Everything's been just peachy up here in NEW YORK.
    I just tried to make some kind of over-the-top sappy remark about how you bring the sunshine with you everywhere you go, but my fingers revolted. Even now, they're thase8othh;;a; vkl gja'gagj'a''''''jgio;arjolllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  • I just tried to make some kind of over-the-top sappy remark about how you bring the sunshine with you everywhere you go
    That's where you need to compromise.

    "You bring the sunshine skin cancer with you everywhere you go."
  • edited March 2010
    To which I would retort, "Yeah, good thing I never go up your ass; you might be shown just how far up there your head is." (Because I am a snarky bitch.)
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • "Good" thing? We talked about this; I'm not letting you up there. Nothing goes in the out holes.
  • "Good" thing? We talked about this; I'm notlettingyou up there. Nothing goes in the out holes.
    That doesn't preclude what I said. The two circumstances can co-exist. The point was simply that shedding light in the area would reveal that your head is up your ass. Thank you for ruining the joke.
  • The point was simply that shedding light in the area would reveal that your head is up your ass.
    See, but my head can't be up my ass:
    Nothing goes in the out holes.
    Thank you for ruining the joke.
    That's just one of many valuable services I provide at no additional cost to the consumer.
  • Fail: Activision. Specifically Bobby Kotick.
    The stupid part is that they have, as best we can tell so far, been fired for Not pumping out call of duty games fast enough, and wanting to do something else.
  • edited March 2010
    Fail: Activision. Specifically Bobby Kotick.
    The stupid part is that they have, as best we can tell so far, been fired for Not pumping out call of duty games fast enough, and wanting to do something else.
    That and IW's dislike of Activision has been pretty well documented. I remember this little gem from last year.
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • Jim Bunning
    To those uninformed, Bunning is the douche-bag senator from Kentucky who is single-handedly stopping a temporary extension of unemployment benefits forevery unemployed person in the entire nationand told the bipartisan supporters of the bill and those who are unemployed "Tough Shit." last week.I'm not paraphrasing.
    As a more spectacular example of how gigantic an asshole this moron is, here are some quotes from his wiki:
    During his reelection bid, controversy erupted when Bunning described Mongiardo as looking "like one of Saddam Hussein's sons."[7] Public pressure compelled him to apologize. Bunning was also criticized for his use of a teleprompter during a televised debate with Mongiardo where Bunning participated via satellite link, refusing to appear in person.[8] Bunning was further criticized for making an unsubstantiated claim that his wife had been attacked by Mongiardo's supporters,[9] and for calling Mongiardo "limp wristed".[7] Bunning's mental health was also questioned during the campaign.[7]
    In October, 2004 Bunning told reporters "Let me explain something: I don't watch the national news, and I don't read the paper. I haven't done that for the last six weeks. I watch Fox News to get my information."[10]
    In April 2006, Time magazine called him one of America's Five Worst Senators.[11] The magazine dubbed him The Underperformer for his "lackluster performance", saying he "shows little interest in policy unless it involves baseball", and criticized his hostility towards staff and fellow Senators and his "bizarre behavior" during his 2004 campaign.[12]
    And in response to his most recent sandbagging of the bill that would help the huge number of the unemployed in this country, he said:
    In Bunning's closing comments to the senate floor he said Democrats were remiss in causing him to miss the Kentucky basketball game vs South Carolina.
    My hatred burns like a thousand white-hot suns.
    This should make you happy then.
  • Wasted nearly 5 hours of my day cooking a curry that ended up tasting odd and burnt. I perfected the dish ONCE, how did I go down from there?! What am I doing wrong and why can't I remember what I exactly did right?
  • I perfected the dish ONCE, how did I go down from there?! What am I doing wrong and why can't I remember what I exactly did right?
    Put some cinnamon in. That fixes everything.
  • I perfected the dish ONCE, how did I go down from there?!
    Cooking is like race driving. Skill matters a lot, but some times you just have blind luck and other times you just have a bad day.
  • I'm wondering if I'm over complicating it or something, just because it's driving me mad. Should curry cooking take more than an hour? Because the way I make it, I make a large batch and simmer it for a long time. The perfect time I made it, it simmered, it thickened down over the course of an hour, and it came out really, really awesome. But since, I keep screwing up somewhere where it won't thicken or it doesn't taste that great.
  • Might have food poisoning. Awesome! The best part is that I have a paper due tomorrow and I have been sick since last Friday.
  • I've never heard food poisoning lasting so many days. :(
  • I've never heard food poisoning lasting so many days. :(
    1. It's not severe, so it's by no means definite.
    2. I've been feeling ill since Friday, but not with all the same symptoms. That was unclear on my part.
    3. It lasts if you keep eating whatever was making you sick, which you probably do if you're poor and don't realize it's what is making you sick.

    The solution is basically to stop eating for a while, which is fine, because pretty much the only thing I can stomach right now is yogurt.
  • because pretty much the only thing I can stomach right now is yogurt.
    Bad yogurt maybe? ^_~
  • because pretty much the only thing I can stomach right now is yogurt.
    Bad yogurt maybe? ^_~
    Haha, except that I didn't eat it during the time this came on, and it's the only thing that makes my stomach feel better. Stonyfield Farms is teh winz.
  • So, actually, it's probably something like gastroenteritis, which is much more fun.
  • I've never heard food poisoning lasting so many days. :(
    Oh, it happens. Trust me. Especially if it's bacterial; those infections persist for a while.
    So, actually, it's probably something like gastroenteritis, which is much more fun.
    Have you had gastroenteritis symptoms for a few days now? Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, etc? If so, you really need to go to the hospital and get it cultured. What did you eat in the 72 hours prior to the onset of symptoms?
  • NHL trade deadline: Major disappointment.
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