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Fail of Your Day



  • I do this all the time with my boyfriend. My hands get cold very easily so I put my hands down his shirt on his back or stomach.
    My boyfriend does this to me. e_e
  • I do this all the time with my boyfriend. My hands get cold very easily so I put my hands down his shirt on his back or stomach.
    My boyfriend does this tome. e_e
    What a dick.
  • So, my flight for noon tomorrow was just canceled.
  • I do this all the time with my boyfriend. My hands get cold very easily so I put my hands down his shirt on his back or stomach.
    My boyfriend does this tome. e_e
    What a dick.
    Seriously. You should go to PAX East and find a new gamer guy. There will be tons to choose from. I'm sure they'll come flock to you. ^_~
  • I rushed to judgment on a problem with my laptop today. I was receiving messages from the taskbar, telling me that certain files weren't working. It said I needed to run check disk to fix the problem. I stupidly decided to do a hard restart, but after waiting for minutes, not even the Windows XP screen would show up.

    I tried running the check disk repair command through the dos prompt, but after restarting I got the ntldr is missing message. After googling this message, I decided to just say, "screw it," and I reinstalled Windows XP on my machine.

    I hadn't backed my files in a while, but most of the programs I had were free downloads. Still, that wasn't any fun.
  • Well, the flight is rebooked to Sunday, meaning I won't be able to see my grandparents (who I haven't seen in almost a year), and I'll also miss a good friend's party (and the opportunity to get my linens and guitar from her, as I left them with her when I moved back to Rochester). If there was an expletive in English great enough to convey my irritation with the airline industry, I would be employing it right now.
  • edited February 2010
    I just hope this kind of shit doesn't happen with PAX.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Kate: So, I can no longer access the forum at work.
  • Kate: So, I can no longer access the forum at work.
    That is unfortunate. I hope that never happens to me.
  • What a dick.
    No, Just hands.
  • Pretty much my whole week has been full of fail.
  • I have a printmaking project due Monday that I should have been able to do tomorrow. Unfortunately, I realized too late that I forgot to get a building pass in order to do said project. I'll have to rush it Monday morning before class. Lovely.
  • My fail is sight-singing. Goddamn am I bad at this.
  • The IOC is a bitch. Unless you live in the U.S. or Canada, you can't get a good video coverage after the fact and even where it's up it is rather spotty. For that reason I had uploaded a single 11 second video of a hit by Mike Richards on Evgeni Malkin early in the Russia - Canada game. And today I got a copyright complaint :X

    Yes, I know it's in their right, but it still sucks and is stupid.
  • edited February 2010
    To: Everyone else on the road
    From: Your best friend Peter

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Apparently Natalie and I hit the pothole of death last Thursday.

    Not only does the Fit now have a flat that kept us from the ski trip, but now the whole car is kaput. Yesterday Honda came and put our spare on. The car started at that time. We had to back it up a bit so that the repairman could get to the busted tire. We left the car in our parking space for the rest of the night. Now this morning, it won't start. Indicator lights all came on at once that said the battery was dead, the oil was gone, and pretty much everything else in the car's system was broken. Natalie says it's making weird noises when she tries different things. She's calling Honda again now, we'll probably need it towed. I don't know how much of whatever the hell this is Honda will cover, how much Geico will cover, etc. All I know is that this is one of the last things either of us needed.

    I know I'm being vague, but I'm just going on what Natalie told me over the phone. What the hell is going on? :( This car isn't even 6 months old yet!
  • edited February 2010
    A picture of the aforementioned pothole.

    But seriously, WTF? That's insane! Any other signs - Ie, big puddles of oil or other fluids, etc, etc?
    Cocaine is never a solution. Unless you dissolve it in water.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • But seriously, WTF? That's insane! Any other signs - Ie, big puddles of oil or other fluids, etc, etc?
    Natalie tells me that she didn't notice any odd puddles. Granted we are parked around many puddles created by this shitass snowstorm. She called a mechanic to describe the problem, and her theory is that the battery just died and needs a jump start. Natalie said that she had to turn off a light in the car last night, and that light was left on for we-don't-know-how-long.

    Honda Care's office is closed now. :( I wish we had freakin' AAA.
  • But seriously, WTF? That's insane! Any other signs - Ie, big puddles of oil or other fluids, etc, etc?
    Natalie tells me that she didn't notice any odd puddles. Granted we are parked around many puddles created by this shitass snowstorm. She called a mechanic to describe the problem, and her theory is that the battery just died and needs a jump start. Natalie said that she had to turn off a light in the car last night, and that light was left on for we-don't-know-how-long.

    Honda Care's office is closed now. :( I wish we had freakin' AAA.
    Hm. As for the oil, did you check the dip? I assume you did, But there's no harm in asking just in case. Also, What kinda noises? Dings, bells, whistles, any more information you can give?
  • Maybe you nailed that puddle hard enough to jar a connection loose or something. I've left the dome light on overnight with no problem at all. I've also nailed potholes at 50 and not suffered any ill effects.
    Indicator lights all came on at once that said the battery was dead, the oil was gone, and pretty much everything else in the car's system was broken.
    Well, they do that at startup, but then go away. Are they persisting? Like, does everything come on and stay on?
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
  • edited February 2010
    Maybe you nailed that puddle hard enough to jar a connection loose or something. I've left the dome light on overnight with no problem at all. I've also nailed potholes at 50 and not suffered any ill effects.
    Indicator lights all came on at once that said the battery was dead, the oil was gone, and pretty much everything else in the car's system was broken.
    Well, they do that at startup, but then go away. Are they persisting? Like, does everything come on and stay on?
    Two opinions now think it's the battery, that the dome light being left on in the freezing cold finished it off. Attempts to jump start it with a generator failed. We need another car to jump it, but we don't have jumper cables. We're going to call a garage or AAA in the morning.

    The indicator lights all came on, then began flickering, and then went dead.

    Nothing else seems wrong with the car. Plus, it ran after hitting the pothole, and died after having its light left on all night. If another car can't jumpstart it, we may be in deeper trouble. :( What do you think?

    Edit: It also made a strange, loud rattling/buzz sound when Natalie tried to start it. I have no idea what that could mean.
    Post edited by loltsundere on
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
    I find it hilarious that you'd put this on the forum.
  • edited February 2010
    I got added by a spambot on MSN and was duly disappointed by the lack of witty repartee. Didn't even have the grace to ask me to a game of chess.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
    The first episode I thought of was "The Contest". I hope I was wrong.
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
    The first episode I thought of was "The Contest". I hope I was wrong.
    NO! Besides, I would lose big time. :P
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
    The first episode I thought of was "The Contest". I hope I was wrong.
    NO! Besides, I would lose big time. :P
    The Dinner Party episode?
  • My streak is over. If you watch Seinfeld, then you know what that means.
    The first episode I thought of was "The Contest". I hope I was wrong.
    NO! Besides, I would lose big time. :P
    The Dinner Partyepisode?
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