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Fail of Your Day



  • ou should get them some assertion pants.
    I prefer the assertion kilt. Vague coverage, but easy access in an emergency.
  • I was wound up to pounce already.
    Pete, I would be very careful when you state what the intention of the first amendment is.
    My assertion may be naked, but it's proudly so. No shame or pause here. I'm basing this on the writings and attitudes expressed by the framers in various forms outside of the Constitution. That's it. Now everyone quit staring at my assertion's junk, unless you're going to do something with it.
  • That was the point I was going to make, but I was waiting for the prey to take the bait. :P
  • Framers of the Constitution are not all the same people who wrote the Amendments. Just sayin'...

    You also have to be inclusive when you talk about original intent. See, some people thought the Constitution/Amendments were too broad, and some thought they were too narrow. Some wanted them construed as conservatively as possible, and some wanted them construed liberally. If you pick any one person who contributed to the Constitution, their intent will likely be different from any one other contributor. Thus, you cannot rely solely on the writing of one person (or even a few, such as the Federalist papers) to get a full understanding of the original intent. Just think of how much disagreement there is about the legislation passed in our current Congress. Would you really take the opinions of a few individuals, especially a few individuals all in the same party, as the intent of the entire Congress?

    Legislative intent is a long, hard argument to build. I'm not saying you can't do it; I'm just saying that you really need to have a well-rounded source pool.
  • Andrew, yeah, I'm bored today. Sue me.
  • edited March 2010
    Legislative intent is a long, hard argument to build. I'm not saying you can't do it; I'm just saying that you really need to have a well-rounded source pool.
    The New York State Court of Appeals doesn't seem to have a problem deciding on the intent of a law using only a handful of questionable views as their basis. :P

    Yeah, I know that many of the framers disagree with each other. The meaning of "separation of church and state" is also vague; you can have separation while maintaining communication. Jefferson never said how much separation was intended, except to have a "wall." Maybe it's a low wall, like the fence that separates neighbors. He didn't necessarily mean that we needed a monolithic and impossible separation, though I would say that we do.

    The First Amendment certainly restricts the power of the government with respect to making laws forbidding the establishment of religious practice or preventing people from exercising it freely; I would certainly consider that to be a level of separation between church and state, and it definitely constitutes a "wall" since the federal government expressly cannot do certain things on the other side of it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited March 2010
    New York CoA didn't decide the intent; it was told by the Government (a party to the law suit) what the purpose of the law was, and it used that stated purpose in its analysis. Read the case again if you don't believe me. The Court certainly didn't come up with the purpose on its own. That is part of the analysis of the validity of a law; it has to have a governmental purpose, and the means imposed by the law have to be at least rationally related to achieving that purpose. Kaye is apparently the only one who knows the definition of "rational."

    Our point is that the wall is between the government and the ability to regulate religion, not the ability to include religion in government affairs. People who rage about religious speakers being at government events are wrong when they say it's unconstitutional. It's only unconstitutional if the government makes a law that imposes those beliefs on you or favors one religion over others. They may not require that a man prove he is Christian to be President, but if a Christian president wishes to swear on a Bible the 1st Am. keeps the government from being able to tell him he is not allowed to. It goes both ways.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Why does warmed up mac and cheese never taste anything like freshly made mac and cheese?
  • Why does warmed up mac and cheese never taste anything like freshly made mac and cheese?
    It gets that weird graininess, doesn't it? Furthermore, I contend that macaroni & cheese is the only dish where the shitty box version actually tastes better than the homemade/restaurant version.
  • Why does warmed up mac and cheese never taste anything like freshly made mac and cheese?
    Homemade mac and cheese doesn't.
    Furthermore, I contend that macaroni & cheese is the only dish where the shitty box version actually tastes better than the homemade/restaurant version.
    Incorrect. You've been having shitty homemade mac. Real mac and cheese has four cheeses (cheddar, romano, gruyere, and...ementhaler, IIRC), all of which are turned into a thick sauce with heavy cream and spices, which is then poured over a dish of fresh pasta and topped with croutons.

    This type of mac has been known to taste better in subsequent days.
  • Incorrect. You've been having shitty homemade mac. Real mac and cheese has four cheeses (cheddar, romano, gruyere, and...ementhaler, IIRC), all of which are turned into a thick sauce with heavy cream and spices, which is then poured over a dish of fresh pasta and topped with croutons.
    No true scotsman doesn't make his macaroni & cheese with four cheeses, heavy cream and spices? :P I'll just have to take your word for it.
  • Homemade mac and cheese doesn't.
    No, even homemade tastes wrong compared to when it's fresh out of the pot.
  • edited March 2010
    No, even homemade tastes wrong compared to when it's fresh out of the pot.
    Well, the pot's your problem. Cook that shit in a casserole dish. If you're using yellow cheddar or American cheese try this recipe instead. As you'll read, yellow and extra sharp cheddar make the sauce grainy; try a block of Cracker Barrel white. The reason box shit doesn't get grainy is because the American cheese the use for it isn't really cheese. It's emulsified whey.
    No true scotsman doesn't make his macaroni & cheese with four cheeses, heavy cream and spices? :P I'll just have to take your word for it.
    If by mac and cheese, you mean... ^_~

    I don't want to start shit, I've just never had a grainy plate of mac in my life, much less a homemade dish that's worse that that disgusting boxed pap.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Cook that shit in a casserole dish.
    This x100. Proper mac and cheese uses a roux-based cheese sauce and is baked in a casserole.

    My mom uses butter, milk, heavy cream, cream cheese, cheddar, swiss, parmigiana, and something else. 18 grams of fat in a 100 gram serving, but motherfucker is it good.
  • My mom uses butter, milk, heavy cream, cream cheese, cheddar, swiss, parmigiana, and something else. 18 grams of fat in a 100 gram serving, but motherfucker is it good.
    That's how my moms and I do it. Different cheeses, same great taste; for extra awesome, thinly slice tomatoes and top the dish with them before baking.
  • Housemate spent 30 quid on a Tv sender, so that he can watch Cable in his bedroom. Apparently, all it achieves is stepping on the wireless router's broadcast, and sending the remote signal downstairs. Goddamnit.
  • Housemate spent 30 quid on a Tv sender, so that he can watch Cable in his bedroom. Apparently, all it achieves is stepping on the wireless router's broadcast, and sending the remote signal downstairs. Goddamnit.
    Change your router's channel.
  • Change your router's channel.
    Can't - the problem is the Sky router, which sky doesn't give us the admin password to.
  • My body hates me. I think it took my "I might have food poisoning" from 2 weeks ago as a personal challenge. I hate dry heaving so much. SO MUCH.
  • I hate dry heaving so much. SO MUCH.
    Drink water and throw it up. It's better than dry heaves.
  • Change your router's channel.
    Can't - the problem is the Sky router, which sky doesn't give us the admin password to.
    Why don't you have a good ol' WRT54G? Is the cable modem built into the router?
  • Why don't you have a good ol' WRT54G? Is the cable modem built into the router?
    Yep, the modem is built into the router, and can't afford to pick up another at the moment. I have one extra, but it's being used, and it's best used where it is. However, I'll bring it upstairs later, and see what channel the tv sender works on.
  • I hate dry heaving so much. SO MUCH.
    Drink water and throw it up. It's better than dry heaves.
    No thank you, I am not a Squirtle fan. I do not wish to emulate one.

  • EDIT:Also, PA to join places that forumites despise?

    EDIT:Nevermind, PA is still cool.
    Woooa! We still rule here in the civilized part of PA, luckily we outnumber the rural Kentucky parts.
  • edited March 2010
    Not my fail, and I found it amusing, but still, a fail.

    (At the back door of Max's dorms, where I've been waiting for lucy, his girlfriend to arrive - I'm wearing my dark suit and light trenchcoat, smoking my pipe, in a pool of shadow because the constant On-Off of the motion activated light annoyed me when I stood anywhere else)
    Lucy, on the phone, attempting to be quiet: "Max, I'm at the back door. Can you hurry, there's this really big guy here in a suit, smoking a pipe and looking at me, he's kinda freaking me out."
    Max, winding her up, since he knows what's going on: "Yeah, watch out for that guy, He's been seen around campus a lot, he's very charming, but don't be fooled, he's a vile cad, uncouth and very rough. Some people even think he might be dangerous."
    Lucy, trying harder to be quiet, and getting a little scared: "Oh god he's grinning at me, I think he heard me talking about him."
    Max: "He probably did. Don't worry, I have an idea to deal with him"
    Lucy : "What?"
    Max: "Go over, introduce yourself, and ask him to let you in, and tick off "Meet Scott, My producer and good friend" from your to-do, list, I suggest."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I literally dry-heaved when I saw the Strike Witches banner on Anime News Network.
  • Not my fail, and I found it amusing, but still, a fail.

    (At the back door of Max's dorms, where I've been waiting for lucy, his girlfriend to arrive - I'm wearing my dark suit and light trenchcoat, smoking my pipe, in a pool of shadow because the constant On-Off of the motion activated light annoyed me when I stood anywhere else)
    Lucy, on the phone, attempting to be quiet: "Max, I'm at the back door. Can you hurry, there's this really big guy here in a suit, smoking a pipe and looking at me, he's kinda freaking me out."
    Max, winding her up, since he knows what's going on: "Yeah, watch out for that guy, He's been seen around campus a lot, he's very charming, but don't be fooled, he's a vile cad, uncouth and very rough. Some people even think he might be dangerous."
    Lucy, trying harder to be quiet, and getting a little scared: "Oh god he's grinning at me, I think he heard me talking about him."
    Max: "He probably did. Don't worry, I have an idea to deal with him"
    Lucy : "What?"
    Max: "Go over, introduce yourself, and ask him to let you in, and tick off "Meet Scott, My producer and good friend" from your to-do, list, I suggest."
    XD hehehe....
  • edited March 2010
    Second fail of my day- I just listened to an episode of the 'No Agenda" podcast. By 2 minutes in, I was going "Hey, come on, it will probably get better, it's probably a joke I'm not in on.", by five minutes in, I was going "Oh god, They're not joking, are they?" and from seven minutes on, I was forcing myself to finish the episode before I unsubscribed.

    Holy god, And someone shoot me for borrowing a phrase from that jackass Curry, but I want to hit them in the mouth.

    Adam "The Crackpot" Curry lives up to his name, and then some, before suddenly screaming "HOLY SHIT!", swerving off the road, crashing through a concrete divider, driving over the bridge railing, and falling 150 feet before plunging deep into the river "You're a goddamn lunatic", because he misread the road sign that said "Now Approaching Illinois" as "Now approaching Illuminati" because the sun was in his eyes.

    And John "The Buzzkill" Devorak is about as much of a buzzkill as your sixth beer of the evening. For someone who, according to the Wikipedia article on the show(which reads like an ad copy), "tries to ground Adam in reality" He spends an awful lot of time all but repeating nearly every batshit-mental howling-at-the-moon-crazy thing Curry says almost Verbatim, the only difference being that he says it with a somewhat calmer demeanor.

    The Show is really, other than that, just your bog standard conspiracy theory media outlet, and if you don't agree with them, then with the usual arrogance of their breed, you're either one of the idiot sheeple, or a Government/WHO/Big Pharma/Dingos/CIA/Ralien/In'n'Out burger/NSA/Google/Illuminati/No agenda's/Big Oil/whoever is trendy to blame in your combination of madness and poor understanding of the world on this week's stooge.

    On a purely petty note, on the latest show, He and John mentioned the coffee party, and noted that quite a few of them looked like they hadn't washed or brushed their hair in the last 6 months, if ever - Which coming from curry, is the the pot not only calling the kettle black, but calling it offensive names about being black, burning a cross in it's yard, and then getting together a good old fashioned lynching.
    Seriously, Fabio, How about you manage to look like you've had some sort of vague, passing familiarity with my friends "Shampoo", "Conditioner" and "Comb" before commenting on anyone else.

    On the upside - The production quality was really very, very good, with even levels, no weird clicks, pops, and so on. Adam Curry does have a picture-perfect "Radio Voice", easily the equal of Leo LaPorte, if not better. Hot damn, if not for his chowing down on a big old slice of crazy cake, he could not have chosen a better career than broadcasting.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Friend of mine went to the hospital for psychiatric problems, she might be admitted to their psych ward for an indeterminate amount of time. I'm pretty okay, since I've come to terms with it - she needs to have some time to sit back and not deal with things, since she comes from a pretty damn stressful household. Still hard to cope with, though... I hope she's okay, since she pretty much fought going until she was exhausted.
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