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Fail of Your Day



  • Today's fail: People who think purified water conducts electricity.
    Wait, why doesnt it? Lack of minerals or something? Sorry, i'm not as science-y as sonic. But i do love to learn.
  • edited November 2010
    Nope.(derp) You need polarity to be conductive. Water is, relatively, not that polar when deionized; you'd still feel something but not all that much. Ionized water has hydroxide and hydronium ions floating around, and usually a lot of ionized mineral salts. These make it really, REALLY polar relative to pure water, and that's what makes salt water (and, depending on where you live, tap water) highly conductive (again, relatively speaking).
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • (and, depending on where you live, tap water)
    What in the tap water can cause it to be conductive?
  • edited November 2010
    Mineral deposits, usually. Also, chloride and fluoride ions. I don't know how conductive it is relative to medical saline or ocean water, but its plenty more conductive than deionized water.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Oooooooooo cool! Thanks WindUpBird!
  • Oooooooooo cool! Thanks WindUpBird!
    No problem. I said "nope" initially, but then I went on to directly reference mineral salts, derp. Good guess on your part!
  • Alright, who did this one?
  • Alright, who didthis one?
    I just jizzed in my pants
  • This is definitely not a fail.
  • This is definitely not a fail.
    Yeah, what the hell is that doing in the "Fail of Your Day" thread?
  • You're right. This should be its own thread.
  • image
    I saw that one too and totally cracked up.
  • I may lose my license because I let an outstanding debt to the county clerk's office go. Check I used to pay for renewal didn't work and I haven't had a chance to go since I recieved the letter, which I'm pretty sure was only last week but I don't have the envelope to see when it was postmarked.
  • Every crow in Albany decided to shit on my car this past Saturday.

    All the crows.

    On my car.

    They had other targets. Apparently, red cars are both ticket and shit magnets.
  • Because of Gooberzilla and Hollywood Hunting reviewing two X-Men movies at once I was browsing Wikipedia for Weapon X and such. Several Weapon X members are described as "currently deceased". Yay for comic book "deaths"...
  • Because of Gooberzilla and Hollywood Hunting reviewing two X-Men movies at once I was browsing Wikipedia for Weapon X and such. SeveralWeapon X membersare described as "currently deceased". Yay for comic book "deaths"...
    They've been on a roll lately. I am enjoying this influx of movies that I enjoy/hate and they keep reviewing.

    I"ll be listening to the Xmen podcasts later on today.
  • So, on the essay portion of our IIR midterms, we were given a grade out of 40. I received a 40/40, much to my delight.

    Today, before our final exam begins, my IIR teacher tells us that on our midterm, everyone received an automatic 25 points on their essay. For people who had a 30 or 35, this really means he was giving them a 5 or a 10 on their essay. However, with a 40, I could've had a real grade of anywhere from 15 to 40, since it didn't overflow...So I now have no idea what my real midterm essay grade was, and I'm not entirely sure what I'll get on my final exam essay. Awesome.
  • Every crow in Albany decided to shit on my car this past Saturday.

    All the crows.


    They had other targets. Apparently, red cars are both ticketandshit magnets.
    As horrible as that is...did you take a picture?
  • Where did you park your car as well? Was it under a pole or tree where they frequent?
  • Where did you park your car as well? Was it under a pole or tree where they frequent?
    It was under a tree, yes. However, there were many other trees around, and many other cars parked under those trees.

    Apparently, I picked the crow toilet.
    As horrible as that is...did you take a picture?
    I did, but it didn't come out very clearly. Suffice to say, it took a team of 5 guys at the car wash to get the damn thing clean. I should point out that I drive a Honda Fit, a subcompact. 5 guys to clean a subcompact, and there are still a couple of spots on it.
  • Sarah Palin Reality show clipsBiggest freaking fail of the CENTURY we should weep for the country if she ends up being president after making a freaking reality show.....
  • In this country, she may very well become president BECAUSE she was on a reality show.

    If this ever comes to pass, where shall we migrate to?
  • In this country, she may very well become president BECAUSE she was on a reality show.

    If this ever comes to pass, where shall we migrate to?
  • In this country, she may very well become president BECAUSE she was on a reality show.

    If this ever comes to pass, where shall we migrate to?
    I'm down with that.
  • I am going to Denmark or Sweden. Maybe Finland.
    Or maybe if the cold becomes too much, Costa Rica?
  • I am going to Denmark or Sweden. Maybe Finland.
    But Sweden is so formal and Finland is all stabby. I think the Netherlands is where it's at.
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