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Fail of Your Day



  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Bill Nye fainted during a talk he was giving at USC last night. He popped right back up after about ten seconds and finished his lecture like a champ, but noting that he had also fainted earlier in the day and it's unclear what his medical condition is. Many of my friends, who go to USC, were in the audience and I heard about it over Facebook and Twitter.

    Really fail: The AP wire got a hold of the story and press and bloggers are spinning the whole thing on this fact. "It appears that the students in attendance, rather than getting up from their seats to rush to Nye's aid, instead pulled out their mobile devices to post information about Nye's loss of consciousness".

    Ummm, hello? If someone faints completely out of nowhere in front of an auditorium, how fast would you really be able to react to and process what just happened? Besides, the guy was only down for ten seconds! And is it really reasonable to judge the students based on the fact that they didn't run up on stage and try to "do something" despite the fact that to administer any sort of aid to him, or even to simply move him without knowing what his condition was, could have caused serious harm? All of these articles also seem to leave out the crucial detail that an ambulance was called immediately.

    I'm fucking fuming at the comments on these news articles. Just read this shit. Fucking sensationalist media cocksuckers.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I've got a really nasty poison ivy rash. I've got to keep it bandaged so it doesn't ooze all over my pants, and the itching it so bad that I've been gritting my teeth, listening to metal and randomly punching things about twice as much as usual. It's amazing how much that feeling can put me on edge if it's bad enough.
  • Fail: Bill Nye fainted during a talk he was giving at USC last night. He popped right back up after about ten seconds and finished his lecture like a champ, but noting that he had also fainted earlier in the day and it's unclear what his medical condition is. Many of my friends, who go to USC, were in the audience and I heard about it over Facebook and Twitter.
    This made me realize I don't know how to handle losing both Bill Nye and Mr. Rodgers in my lifetime.
  • edited November 2010
    As an aside: When it comes to jaywalking in Japan, many of the really small streets are just wide enough for a car and a person to walk side by side, lacking pavement of any kind; Also, walking across two lane streets is pretty common.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I think I've done a four-lane jaywalk. It wouldn't surprise me.
  • edited November 2010
    I just wrote the lyric
    "The closest I ever got to getting road-head,
    Was that one time playing mariocart DS,
    While in bed"

    Fucking shoot me.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010
    I just wrote the lyric
    "The closest I ever got to getting road-head,
    Was that one time playing mariocart DS,
    While in bed"

    Fucking shoot me.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Bill Nye fainted during a talk he was giving at USC last night. He popped right back up after about ten seconds and finished his lecture like a champ, but noting that he had also fainted earlier in the day and it's unclear what his medical condition is. Many of my friends, who go to USC, were in the audience and I heard about it over Facebook and Twitter.
    This made me realize I don't know how to handle losing both Bill Nye and Mr. Rodgers in my lifetime.
    ...Wow...I...I don't think I could handle it either...

    On a related note, My mother compared Mr. Rogers to Hitler today. This is the exchange that followed:

    Me: Wait, what?! How could you possibly compare MR ROGERS to fucking HITLER? Mr. Rogers did so much good in the world!
    Mom: So did Hitler!
    Me: Okay, wait a minute, what good did Hitler do?
    Mom: He got rid of a lot of trash.
    Me: What?! What "trash"?!

    My dad asked us to stop because Vigen was around but I am sure that, had my father let her, she was about to say that getting rid of jews and blacks was good.

    I love my mother, but I am fucking astounded at the sheer amount of racist and anti-semitic bullshit that comes out of her mouth
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • It frightens me that unconditional love allows people to appreciate those who think the systematic extermination of more than six million people was good.
  • It frightens me that unconditional love allows people to appreciate those who think the systematic extermination of more than six million people was good.
    Agreed. No offence, man, but I'm not sure I like your mom so much, and I think I shall politely decline meeting her.
  • Fail: Malcolm was having trouble standing and walking with a limp yesterday.
    Failer: I gave him a dog aspirin, which only made him vomit for hours, and because Adam is sick, I was up all night with the little guy.
    Failest: He is still having some trouble moving around and I feel terrible that I gave him something that made the whole thing worse for the puppy. At least Adam could take off the day to get him to the vet and look after him.
  • edited November 2010
    Not really my fail, but a fail on the part of one of my co-workers. Dude is one of those "I'm so religious I don't even curse, but I'm so fake that even a blind man could see through it" types. He claimed he wouldn't let his kids watch Avatar (giant smurfs, not the kung fu cartoon) because it was "too violent" and "didn't have a good Christian message" (and yet I saw copies of Gears of War, Call of Duty, and Mercenaries 2 sitting on his desk one day). That kind of guy. I feel sorry for his kids. Anyway, as I walk past his cube yesterday I noticed that he's got a printout of one of those stupid forwarded e-mails hanging up. After three or four trips past his cube over the course of the day (he's right on one of the main aisles) I make out what it says. It's a screed against accepting the new Presidential one-dollar coins because they don't have "In God We Trust" on them. This makes me facepalm and consider it a fail for multiple reasons:

    1. The coins have had "In God We Trust" on them since they were first released in 2007. On the earlier mintings (2007-2008) it was moved from the face of the coin to the edge, to allow for more space for the Presidential portrait. In 2009 they moved it back to the obverse.

    2. All U.S. coinage is required by law to carry the motto thanks to an act of congress from July 11, 1955

    3. There was a run of the initial coins that didn't have the edge stamped properly. This was a minting error and was confined to a small run. Apparently the knee-jerk reactionary twit who created that e-mail grabbed onto that and ran with it for the "OMG THEY'RE GETTING RID OF GOD IN AMERICA" message of the e-mail.

    Is it wrong of me to want to go smack this fool upside the head?
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • edited November 2010
    Not really my fail, but a fail on the part of one of my co-workers. Dude is one of those "I'm so religious I don't even curse, but I'm so fake that even a blind man could see through it" types. He claimed he wouldn't let his kids watch Avatar (giant smurfs, not the kung fu cartoon) because it was "too violent" and "didn't have a good Christian message" (and yet I saw copies of Gears of War, Call of Duty, and Mercenaries 2 sitting on his desk one day). That kind of guy. I feel sorry for his kids. Anyway, as I walk past his cube yesterday I noticed that he's got a printout of one of those stupid forwarded e-mails hanging up. After three or four trips past his cube over the course of the day (he's right on one of the main aisles) I make out what it says. It's a screed against accepting the new Presidential one-dollar coins because they don't have "In God We Trust" on them. This makes me facepalm and consider it a fail for multiple reasons:

    1. The coins have had "In God We Trust" on them since they were first released in 2007. On the earlier mintings (2007-2008) it was moved from the face of the coin to the edge, to allow for more space for the Presidential portrait. In 2009 they moved it back to the obverse.

    2. All U.S. coinage is required by law to carry the motto thanks to an act of congress from July 11, 1955

    3. There was a run of the initial coins that didn't have the edge stamped properly. This was a minting error and was confined to a small run. Apparently the knee-jerk reactionary twit who created that e-mail grabbed onto that and ran with it for the "OMG THEY'RE GETTING RID OF GOD IN AMERICA" message of the e-mail.

    Is it wrong of me to want to go smack this fool upside the head?
    If he has religious or political material on display in the office, you could make a stink, if you wanted to.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited November 2010
    If he has religious or political material on display in the office, you could make a stink, if you wanted to.
    I went and confronted him on it on the basis of the facts. He whined about the whole minting error thing and I pointed out that even though there was a short run of them that had that problem, that was the exception not the rule. He took it down. I figured that taking the "no posting political or religious stuff in the office" route would be the method I'd use if he refused, and I'd take that to my manager or the HR department. And here I thought my hobby of coin collecting would never amount to anything. :)
    Post edited by Techparadox on
  • edited November 2010
    Me: Wait, what?! How could you possibly compare MR ROGERS to fucking HITLER? Mr. Rogers did so much good in the world!
    Mom: So did Hitler!
    Me: Okay, wait a minute, what good did Hitler do?
    Mom: He got rid of a lot of trash.
    Me: What?! What "trash"?!

    My dad asked us to stop because Vigen was around but I am sure that, had my father let her, she was about to say that getting rid of jews and blacks was good.

    I love my mother, but I am fucking astounded at the sheer amount of racist and anti-semitic bullshit that comes out of her mouth
    (@_@) Mr. Rodgers to Hitler? Okkkaaaaayyy...?(So crazy.)

    Also, it is always weird to me that ethnic groups that have been put upon and discriminated against don't have more empathy for other groups that deal with prejudice. When the black vote helps out Prop 8, or when Jewish old ladies are racist against people with dark skin, I find it really weird that they don't see the similarities. I mean, your folks, they are Armenian, you'd think one group with a genocide in their history would be more empathetic to another group who lived through a holocaust.

    Unfortunately that logic doesn't follow with some people.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • (@_@) Mr. Rodgers to Hitler? Okkkaaaaayyy...?(So crazy.)
    Noticable acceleration of godwin's law. Will make note to monitor closely.
  • Unfortunately that logic doesn't follow with some people.
    This really just confirms my theory that most Americans only care about themselves.
  • Comparing Mr. Rodgers to Hitler should be followed by instant disowning.
  • edited November 2010
    It frightens me that unconditional love allows people to appreciate those who think the systematic extermination of more than six million people was good.
    Agreed. No offence, man, but I'm not sure I like your mom so much, and I think I shall politely decline meeting her.
    Believe me, I don't like her either, but one doesn't choose his parents.
    (@_@) Mr. Rodgers to Hitler? Okkkaaaaayyy...?(So crazy.)

    Also, it is always weird to me that ethnic groups that have been put upon and discriminated against don't have more empathy for other groups that deal with prejudice. When the black vote helps out Prop 8, or when Jewish old ladies are racist against people with dark skin, I find it really weird that they don't see the similarities. I mean, your folks, they are Armenian, you'd think one group with a genocide in their history would be more empathetic to another group who lived through a holocaust.
    You'd think that, but a good number people in my family are horribly racist. Not all are, thankfully. Most of my dad's side are pretty cool people, but my mom's side is fucking crazy.
    Unfortunately that logic doesn't follow with some people.
    In my family, logic is pretty rare.
    This really just confirms my theory that most Americans only care about themselves.
    Comparing Mr. Rodgers to Hitler should be followed by instant disowning.
    I've already consigned myself to the fact that my mother is batshit crazy on the inside and her usual calm exterior is just a facade. I've only ever disowned one person in my life, and that was my uncle, but I don't think I could ever turn my back on my parents. My mother would have to do something unforgivable, like hurting my brother, before I'd disown her.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2010
    Fail: Windows home networking. God damn. I just want to move 2GB of files to my sister's pc. In the end, I just put it on a USB drive.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I've only ever disowned one person in my life, and that was my uncle, but I don't think I could ever turn my back on my parents. My mother would have to do something unforgivable, like hurting my brother, before I'd disown her.
    Yea, i wasn't saying disown your mother. Just to make that argument without jesting is pretty much grounds to never listen to you again.
  • Fail: Windows home networking. God damn. I just want to move 2GB of files to my sister's pc. In the end, I just put it on a USB drive.
  • Nice find.
  • Fail: Windows home networking. God damn. I just want to move 2GB of files to my sister's pc. In the end, I just put it on a USB drive.
    I've been looking for something like this for a while. Simpler and easier to use than FTP. Excellent!
  • I've never really tried gambling, so I don't know how it feels. However, I know quite well that it's almost always a bad idea to gamble for monetary gain alone.
    Totally. It's fun though.
    It was boring when I tried it in Atlantic City. I gained, lost and gained, but found no interest at all.
  • It was boring when I tried it in Atlantic City. I gained, lost and gained, but found no interest at all.
    Indeed, I found my moneys to be better employed else where.
  • edited November 2010
    Also, it is always weird to me that ethnic groups that have been put upon and discriminated against don't have more empathy for other groups that deal with prejudice. When the black vote helps out Prop 8, or when Jewish old ladies are racist against people with dark skin, I find it really weird that they don't see the similarities.
    This. I always speak up when my family said disparaging comments like that about other groups and Jed does the same with him family. It wasn't that long ago in history when it was my people going through it. Why is it that everyone seems to forgotten it all.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • It was boring when I tried it in Atlantic City. I gained, lost and gained, but found no interest at all.
    Indeed, I found my moneys to be better employed else where.
    Booooooze! Well, for me anyway.
  • Unfortunately that logic doesn't follow with some people.
    This really just confirms my theory that most Americans only care about themselves.
    Unfortunately, America by no means has the market corned on that. But I agree, it kills me when I see people say that you can't choose your race, but some how feel that someone would "choose" to be gay. I mean look at all of the benefits the get for being gay in the US, much less some place like the middle east. I mean I can't honestly say that I ever made a conscious decision that I liked women, I just always did.
  • Booooooze! Well, for me anyway.
    Booze, food, cars, guns, computer parts...pretty much anything else.
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