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Fail of Your Day



  • Also, 8 weeks in is still time enough to withdraw, dude
    RIT quarters were only ten weeks long. 6 was the last one to withdraw.
    I go to RIT. I guess they changed it, because we have until week 8 to withdraw.
  • There was an Ant on the wall so I knocked him down, then couldn't find him. Ten minutes later I felt a crawling on the back of my head.
  • edited June 2011
    I shall one up you. There was a Japanese centipede in my sock, so I threw him out the back door, then couldn't find him. Ten hours later I felt a crawling on the back of my head as I lay in bed.
    edit: This happened years ago, I just thought it was a funny similar story.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited June 2011
    My short story for english class is so terrible. You don't even want to know. I'm so glad the year is almost over.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Blah got totally shot down attempting to get onto a creative writing course.
  • I shall one up you. There was a Japanese centipede in my sock, so I threw him out the back door, then couldn't find him. Ten hours later I felt a crawling on the back of my head as I lay in bed.
    edit: This happened years ago, I just thought it was a funny similar story.
    Except your story is far more horrifying. I hate centipedes, and don't Japanese Centipede's sting?
  • I find out yesterday that my step dad left my mom. I find out today that apparently he did that because my mom cheated on him. I don't want to deal with this.
  • I find out yesterday that my step dad left my mom. I find out today that apparently he did that because my mom cheated on him. I don't want to deal with this.
    That SUCKS. Are you still living at home? Generally you just want to be as supportive as possible to all of the above. Try to stay out of the B.S. and keep out of the line of fire if you can.
  • I find out yesterday that my step dad left my mom. I find out today that apparently he did that because my mom cheated on him. I don't want to deal with this.
    That SUCKS. Are you still living at home? Generally you just want to be as supportive as possible to all of the above. Try to stay out of the B.S. and keep out of the line of fire if you can.
    I'm not living with her which makes things less awkward. I feel bad for everyone involved, but I have my own life to live and don't need super drama in it.
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
  • edited June 2011
    I find out yesterday that my step dad left my mom. I find out today that apparently he did that because my mom cheated on him. I don't want to deal with this.
    That SUCKS. Are you still living at home? Generally you just want to be as supportive as possible to all of the above. Try to stay out of the B.S. and keep out of the line of fire if you can.
    I'm not living with her which makes things less awkward. I feel bad for everyone involved, but I have my own life to live and don't need super drama in it.
    Wow, it's pretty hard to avoid that drama a little bit. Good luck!
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
  • My hours for next week and the indeterminate future has been cut from 40 hours to 20. I'm told it has to do with budget.

    But you know what, I've applied to a similar job on campus that could pay more. You know what I'll tell my current job if I get hired away during their busiest season? "It has to do with the budget."
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    What career is that?
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    do what you love and you'll starve.
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    do what you love and you'll starve.
    I love medicine.
  • I wish I was lucky enough to love things that pay really well.
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    do what you love and you'll starve.
    I love medicine.
    Damn you outliers...
  • Client: "Do I need a SQL?"
    "You'll need at least two, at about $4,000 a pop."
    It may not be ethical, but it is so easy to bilk stupid clients.
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    What career is that?
    Video Game Design.
  • Fuck, I'm already 21.
  • edited June 2011
    ...I know some SQL now. I can't believe I've honestly chosen a career that will pay me nothing over the obvious terrible things I could do with a basic IT degree...*Sigh.*
    Here's the secret: Find a nice girl who does IT for the financials and you can do video game work no problem, while living in a nice apartment with a skyline view~! Tada! Worked for me!

    Oh, right. There aren't any IT girls at RIT.
    Or maybe 1 or 2.
    But don't keep your hopes up.

    edit: And before any accusations of gold digging occur, I want to tell you that one time when we were first dating, my mom gave Rym 20 bucks out of pity. He ate rice and ground beef for a week with that money. He was not always Mr. Fancy Manhattan, that's for sure.
    do what you love and you'll starve.
    Not on the 5 dollar lunch specials at the Taiwanese Diner. Tea Eggs are rich in nutrients!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Oh, right. There aren't any IT girls at RIT.
    Or maybe 1 or 2.
    I know two. They both have boyfriends. One of them was also my ex's roommate, so that would never work.
  • It was just a sad joke that the female to male ratio was so sorrowfully low in the IT department. Girls, get on that!
  • They're trying...But failing.
  • They both have boyfriends.
    Man, they are not playing their cards right, they should stay single the whole time living off casual dating and people paying for all the food they need ^_^
  • Encouraging girls to become painted harlots..
  • Encouraging girls to become Rym..
  • Bike was stolen.

    In broad daylight.

    On a crowded street in midtown.

    In front of a bank.

    With large windows and tellers looking directly at it through said large windows.

    In front of thee police officers who were 80 feet away.

    In a span of less than ten minutes from when I locked it.

    Cops said it was probably a professional bike stealing ring... I don't know if I'll bother getting another nice street bike at this point.
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