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Fail of Your Day



  • That seems stupid as all hell.
  • Nice bike or old bike?
  • Nice bike or old bike?
    Nice bike.
  • Nice bike or old bike?
    Nice bike.
    GRAAHH. Fucking world.
  • Reminds me of this video:
  • edited June 2011
    I'm pretty retarded sometimes. Doing Project Euler part 1 I forgot about % so I divided by 3.0 and 5.0, converted to string and used a regular expression to check if there was a 0 decimal (no remainder)
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Cops said it was probably a professional bike stealing ring... I don't know if I'll bother getting another nice street bike at this point.
    Nice excuse for the fact you were 80 feet away and didn't do shit, Bacon. f'Fuck'ssake
  • Shouldn't there be a camera they can look at?
  • There was a camera, but the angle was not good for catching the act, apparently. The security guy was pretty nice, though, and tried to help.
  • So I start to read Stuff of Legend Book 2: The Jungle and this happens:


  • I'm not a fan of working 12-8. It's throwing off my gym schedule...
  • Totally got screwed over by the staffing agency I'm working for.
  • I'm not a fan of working 12-8. It's throwing off my gym schedule...
    Work out in the morning.
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Apparently, not only are park enforcement unwilling to ticket anyone for smoking in Brooklyn parks, The police haven't issued a single citation for it either.
    They only seem to go after people if someone complains, which works out OK. Of course, even with the ban, smokers litter everywhere.

    However, I haven't seen or smelled a single smoker in Bryant Park since it went into effect. There used to be a few there every day, and you could always pick them out by the empty tables around them (despite the rest of the park being ultra crowded).
    But eating a doughnut in an empty public playground when you don't have kids? That's a Ticketin'.
    Fuck those regulations.
  • They only seem to go after people if someone complains, which works out OK.
    That's fair. Our city does the same thing.
    Of course, even with the ban, smokers litter everywhere.
    We do something a little different - if a cop catches you littering in the middle of the city, that's usually about $75-100 fine(my memory fails me on that one). If it's a cigarette butt? $150. Fines can range up to 200 dollars for general littering, $300 if it's from a vehicle, and $400 if it's Dangerous littering - so if you flick a cigarette but out the car window near a bushland, or if it hits another car or motorcyclist(that's a pet hate of mine. Nearly crashed my bike once, when I caught a tab end dead center in my visor - fucking lucky it was a closed face helmet), that's a dead cert for a $400 fine.

    Result? Fuck all litter.
    Fuck those regulations.
    Agreed. Because there's no reason a person would be sitting down somewhere where kids might be, if they don't have childeren of their own with them. Because parents NEVER molest children, and people without children near a playground are clearly looking for children to Molest, there is no other possibility. No childeren at the playground? Well, Duh, they're just waiting for some kids to show up. And when they do, they're gonna molest the shit out of them.
  • I'm on Birth Control because of a condition linked to my cycles that causes sickness, depression, faintness... a whole slew of things. Due to not having a regular doctor for various reasons related to finances and family, my prescription is through my school and I'm not sure if I can get it renewed if I'm not currently in classes, even though I'm still technically enrolled for the fall. The problem is, I'm currently out of pills, without a car, and the school health office has extremely limited hours, so the hours wherein I could go are the hours when the people I know with cars would be in class.

    It's not that far a walk and I know it, I know I need to just get up early and take care of it. Two days off and the symptoms are already beginning to kick in again and I know I can't just leave it to get worse. A lot of my troubles during the past semester linked back to trying to go without medication for the first half, and after a few months my medication anxiety picked back up and I found stupid excuses to not just go to the doctor and get it taken care of. It ultimately led to anxiety attacks and suicidal thoughts that I kept hidden from everyone and in so doing, caused me to push my friends away and act in ways that seemed irrational (suddenly leaving as to not let anyone see me have an attack, hiding in my room for hours, taking long "naps" at weird times) because I didn't want them to know or feel obligated to take care of me or think of me as a burden. Most of them still don't know, and I'm not saying something about it now for pity.

    What I'm posting for, really, is because I know I'll be more inclined to do something about it if I have it out there that I need to, instead of hiding it away and trying to pretend there's nothing wrong. I CAN NOT, WILL NOT let things get as bad as they did this past semester.
  • Ah, but, you have to take into account the fact that the world population has been increasing since the dawn of creation, so the actual number consumed is much lower. Also, that's the water supply we have NOW, not the water supply we've had since the dawn of time. If water did work that way, this could easily be explained by "Oh, yeah, we used to have more water".

  • Image.
  • edited June 2011
    Had to stare at Rym's characters until I figured out it was somebody flipping a table. I wonder if that counts as a fail too.

    Anyway, Bronzedragon's objection is invalid, because the entire calculation doesn't take other animals into account. However, the entire thing counts because it assumes that every living thing that ever existed on planet earth is a sponge and doesn't regularly pee or exude water at all.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • Image.
    (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ ┻━┻彡<(‵Д′<)
  • (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━┻ ┻━┻彡<(‵Д′<)</p>
    (╯‵Д′)╯彡┻━- - >|< - ━┻彡<(‵Д′<)
  • ... now I want to play table tennis
  • edited June 2011
    it has Citations so it must be true! That's what Wikipedia taught me.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Ahh, these last few posts puts a smile on my face. :D

    That image, however does not.

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