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Fail of Your Day



  • Was it sudden or expected?
    It's been a long time coming. He had some weird terminal illness and wasn't even expected to have made in into 2011. The past month or so had been getting bad for him. To the point where he couldn't even stand up by himself. It's probably for the better, but I've still got quite a sad.
  • edited June 2011
    So it seems my mom thinks I've started drinking or something. I've starting talking long walks and running barefoot recently. I like the solitude, so I usually go out just after dark. My mom doesn't know I run barefoot, and probably wouldn't approve. It had rained earlier today, so the ground was covered in wet gravel that stuck to my feet. When I got home, I went straight into the bathroom so I could clean my feet off. While I was, she called in and asked if I was okay. I said I was getting changed because I was sweaty (true). She said it seemed like something was wrong because I ran right to the bathroom. Later, she called me over and asked me if I had been doing something I should tell her about. She said it sounded like I had been throwing up in the bathroom (I have no idea where the fuck she got that from; I used the toilet, but there's no way it sounded like puke). I said no, I was just getting changed, but she seemed unconvinced.

    The kicker is, I'm pretty fucking straight-laced. I swear and such, but I've never used any drugs: no weed, no alcohol, nothing. I have no idea where she got this from, but I have a feeling things are really gonna suck for a while.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • So it seems my mom thinks I've started drinking or something. I've starting talking long walks and running barefoot recently. I like the solitude, so I usually go out just after dark. My mom doesn't know I run barefoot, and probably wouldn't approve. It had rained earlier today, so the ground was covered in wet gravel that stuck to my feet. When I got home, I went straight into the bathroom so I could clean my feet off. While I was, she called in and asked if I was okay. I said I was getting changed because I was sweaty (true). She said it seemed like something was wrong because I ran right to the bathroom. Later, she called me over and asked me if I had been doing something I should tell her about. She said it sounded like I had been throwing up in the bathroom (I have no idea where the fuck she got that from; I used the toilet, but there's no way it sounded like puke). I said no, I was just getting changed, but she seemed unconvinced.

    The kicker is, I'm pretty fucking straight-laced. I swear and such, but I've never used any drugs: no weed, no alcohol, nothing. I have no idea where she got this from, but I have a feeling things are really gonna suck for a while.
    Might I suggest taking her on a walk or two, or even for a short run if she's up to it? It might help, I don't know.
  • "Fail to the king, baby"
    Want to play the true successor to Duke Nukem 3D? It's called Bulletstorm.
    Pretty much this. More polished, prettier, more fun, etc. Not really an excellent game, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  • edited June 2011
    8 days working, and 6 days off is a great roster. It allows a solid, predictable time for completing long hikes and generally travelling around. This week coming features one such planned trip (Brisbane to my home town of Hobart), but with that cloud over Tasmania at the moment, my trip back home may be in peril.
    Post edited by Casa Vino on
  • My room mate is mad at me for being mad at her for drinking my beer.
  • My room mate is mad at me for being mad at her for drinking my beer.
    Don't room with crazy.
  • Don't room with crazy.
    Necessity makes for strange bed fellows.
  • My room mate is mad at me for being mad at her for drinking my beer.
  • My room mate is mad at me for being mad at her for drinking my beer.
    Why are you mad over beer? Just politely ask her to replace it and request that she ask you before she consumes your food and drink in the future. There is no need to get emotionally invested things like this as long as the offending person is more thoughtful in the future.

    If she continues her offending behavior, save up all the empty bottles/containers/etc. and then put them in a pile in her bed (in between the sheets) while she is out one day.
  • Why are you mad over beer? Just politely ask her to replace it and request that she ask you before she consumes your food and drink in the future. There is no need to get emotionally invested things like this as long as the offending person is more thoughtful in the future.
    In Ravenhome, we had communal Booze. Everyone chipped in an equal amount, and we grabbed a different carton of beer and few bottles of wine every week. Didn't like the beer or wine? Everyone else would drink it. Want something else? Buy it yourself.
  • In Ravenhome, we had communal Booze. Everyone chipped in an equal amount, and we grabbed a different carton of beer and few bottles of wine every week. Didn't like the beer or wine? Everyone else would drink it. Want something else? Buy it yourself.
    She buys Michelob Ultra, I buy Mikkeller Impreial IPA.
  • She buys Michelob Ultra, I buy Mikkeller Impreial IPA.
    We had six people in Ravenhome, so it was more just a case of "pull a beer and wine name out of a hat".
  • Why are you mad over beer?
    It was a $20 beer.

    I'd personally be mad about anyone using anything of mine without asking. It's rude, inconsiderate, and invasive. It's one thing if there was an understanding of some sort, but there wasn't in this case.

    I also suspect that this is part of an ongoing pattern of behavior.
  • I came to the realization today that over the last 3 months I have started to become a twisted, bitter and spiteful person and I don't care.
  • Why are you mad over beer?
    It was a $20 beer.

    I'd personally be mad about anyone using anything of mine without asking. It's rude, inconsiderate, and invasive. It's one thing if there was an understanding of some sort, but there wasn't in this case.

    I also suspect that this is part of an ongoing pattern of behavior.
    I would get pissed at that too. If you offer someone a beer or something expensive, that's something. But if they want to use your Xbox or specific edibles, then they really need to ask first. You can contact someone at ANY time these days.
  • Well, no more barefoot running until I get proper shoes for it. Not that I could if I wanted to, what with how I peeled back the skin on my big toe and all.
  • If she continues her offending behavior, save up all the empty bottles/containers/etc. and then put them in a pile in her bed (in between the sheets) while she is out one day.
    I SO thought you were gonna go the "pee in them and put them back in the fridge" route with that. It is kind of your MO.
  • If she continues her offending behavior, save up all the empty bottles/containers/etc. and then put them in a pile in her bed (in between the sheets) while she is out one day.
    I SO thought you were gonna go the "pee in them and put them back in the fridge" route with that. It is kind of your MO.
    1) Buy crown capper.
    2) Refill empty Michelob Ultras with urine. Cap and replace in fridge.
    3) ????
    4) PROFIT!!!!

    Also possible: She doesn't notice the difference.
  • Well, no more barefoot running until I get proper shoes for it. Not that I could if I wanted to, what with how I peeled back the skin on my big toe and all.
    I've said it before, but it bears repeating. Vibrams are nice, but you don't need them. If you want, you can make your own running sandals out of a piece of tire and a bit of rope following these instructions. Or you can get the $20 kit, but any protection is better than none. Also, if you are hitting your toe on the ground, you might want to look at your form. Make sure you are landing on the balls of the feet, and are using your calf muscle as a spring as you pick your foot back up. Your steps should be very light, the less noise the better, so make sure you are actually picking your feet up, and aren't just shuffling along.
  • So I haven't been as productive in writing my thesis as I needed to be the last three weeks. This is a problem because a completed draft is due in 2.5 days and I'm starting to panic that I won't finish. I'm so close to being free and I don't want to be the first person my department fails at their defense in 20 years due to a horribly written thesis. I've spent the last five days writing for over 12 hours a day and even with all of that it doesn't feel like it'll be enough.
  • Looking for a summer job in Tacoma sucks.
  • Yes, the beer was silly to get mad over. But I was mad at the time. Everything has since been resolved.
  • Today, for the first time, I felt remorse for the hundreds I have exterminated for pitiful, meaningless indiscretions. As my mind tumbles to further hoary complexes of morose contemplation I find myself questioning the fragile state of my own sanity. The wolves of conscience are a pack of drooling bitches that roam the swaying fields of my consciousness.
    I sit in the dark at a dying fire.
  • Nine, they banned your original account and then your second account; are you gonna wait until they IP ban you?
  • Nine, they banned your original account and then your second account; are you gonna wait until they IP ban you?
    Scott banned him. I have no reason to ban him, nor am I particularly happy with Scott banning him.
  • Scott banned him. I have no reason to ban him, nor am I particularly happy with Scott banning him.
    Seconded. He's kinda on probation, but as long as he is contributing and not spamming, let him be.
  • Scott banned him. I have no reason to ban him, nor am I particularly happy with Scott banning him.
    Why does he have to go and be a Nazi :-p
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