Screw fruit flies, the situation at my grandfather's house is infested with FLEAS. And I didn't know how much fleas suck, until being in there for 10 minutes just trying to put applicators in the dogs. The care there is just getting so depressing and worse by the day. My uncle is such a poor caretaker of not only my grandfather, but his own dogs, which got completely infested with fleas. And my grandfather, being a stroke victim, can't do anything to fight them, nor did my uncle do anything about the fleas because "He didn't notice them." We're immediately taking the initiative to hire a fumigator for the issue, but our doctor even yelled at my grandfather for not moving into a home because it clearly shows his house is an unsatisfactory place to live.
My uncle is just coming off as more and more of a shithead. And what's worse is that anytime I try to go to my grandfather's house or help the nurses, he's too scared to come in contact with me. He fears the one male nurse we have, he fears me and fears all the men in my family. We even came to an agreement, that we would give him enough money so that he could find a job and place to live within the DC Area, but it's really unraveling to be his last attempt to shake down my mom for money. Since he hasn't left the house as much as he should, and when he does leave, it's not with the proper attire. (I swear to god, he has to be the only broke, pothead lawyer in the world)
With today, Sept 1st, we aren't giving him any more money for Nursing Services. But it's such a pain in the ass, because he is somehow able to laser guide his insults and yelling fits at my mom whenever she visits or by sending angry text/voicemails. When we knew we had to get a fumigator, my mom cried for a good 10 minutes when she came home. It just makes me so fucking mad and contemplative over the issue. I'm almost at the point where I want to lock him in a room, and psychologically interrogate him so I can know why the fuck he squandered his life away to drugs and being such a shit-fucking-failure.
We have reached harsh conclusions with what to do with the family, but fuck, I hate seeing my mom this upset. And my brother has had mono for about a month, so it's only been me doing some of the crucial support/legwork. And my college semester did start back again this week...
A girl that I knew in high school just announced that she is pregnant for the second time, via Facebook. She's not even 22, and she'll have two kids. You think you'd learn the first time that you form babby without protection, but I suppose she didn't.
A girl that I knew in high school just announced that she is pregnant for the second time, via Facebook. She's not even 22, and she'll have two kids. You think you'd learn the first time that you form babby without protection, but I suppose she didn't.
A girl that I knew in high school just announced that she is pregnant for the second time, via Facebook. She's not even 22, and she'll have two kids. You think you'd learn the first time that you form babby without protection, but I suppose she didn't.
I weep for the future.
Some people who don't go to college have kids right out of high school.. That's super common.
A girl that I knew in high school just announced that she is pregnant for the second time, via Facebook. She's not even 22, and she'll have two kids. You think you'd learn the first time that you form babby without protection, but I suppose she didn't.
I weep for the future.
Some people who don't go to college have kids right out of high school.. That's super common.
She was in college for a bit, but dropped out after getting knocked up. She's not in any form of relationship, and is working as a waitress now; we went to a college prep school, so she has no vocational training to speak of. This isn't the type of situation you're referring to.
I had a friend in CC who grew up in Arkansas, and she said there most people were expected to get married right out of high school. It's so common that apparently that they have a system for no-hassle divorce put into place if the divorce happens within the first year and a half of marriage. So she divorced her husband and moved to California before she was even 20 years old. I can't even imagine.
It's not just the south. Generally, any poor rural area has a relatively high incidence of underage pregnancy.
Though, I wonder if the actual rate is any greater. In small rural towns, you're exposed to fewer people so you know everyone's business. In large cities, you have no idea who's doing what. The rates could be the same or higher.
I fix link later and find another source. But you get my point.
It's not just the south. Generally, any poor rural area has a relatively high incidence of underage pregnancy.
Though, I wonder if the actual rate is any greater. In small rural towns poor communities, you're exposed to fewer people so you know everyone's business. In large cities, you have no idea who's doing what. The rates could be the same or higher.
It's a survival technique. Poor urban populations do it to. This way they get to stay at home with a bigger check and medical benefits. More better speak later. Dealing with work and car stress.... More on how much I hate Sears Auto in a few too...
You guys really fucked up by not letting the south separate from the union like they wanted to. The north really should have just pretended to be mad but then celebrate once they're well rid of those hillbillies.
You guys really fucked up by not letting the south separate from the union like they wanted to. The north really should have just pretended to be mad but then celebrate once they're well rid of those hillbillies.
Not really true. The reason the south is poor today is because we took away their slaves which were their single largest asset.
You guys really fucked up by not letting the south separate from the union like they wanted to. The north really should have just pretended to be mad but then celebrate once they're well rid of those hillbillies.
Not really true. The reason the south is poor today is because we took away their slaves which were their single largest asset.
Not really true. The reason the South is so poor is because they didn't industrialize quickly due to having lots of farmland, and factories make a lot more money than farms.
And they didn't industrialize because their entire economy relied on slaves working the farms. It was a vicious cycle like that. I have no regrets about the civil war. Sure, now they're poor because we took away their slaves, but listen to that sentence: WE TOOK AWAY THEIR SLAVES. Argument over.
It is a frightening burden on society, but I'd prefer to avoid dehumanizing young and/or single mothers. Living in a small, rural southern town and attending a community college I've met a lot of them, and with a few infuriating exceptions their maturity and strength is far beyond their years. It's an idiotic mistake to make but, thankfully, one that forces most people to grow up quickly.
You will never be free until you cleanse them from your entire living space!
The author has rocketed to the top of the "people I hate" list.
Still no internets. Our landlady is kindly letting us use her network (which we set up for her) until ours is back.
My uncle is just coming off as more and more of a shithead. And what's worse is that anytime I try to go to my grandfather's house or help the nurses, he's too scared to come in contact with me. He fears the one male nurse we have, he fears me and fears all the men in my family. We even came to an agreement, that we would give him enough money so that he could find a job and place to live within the DC Area, but it's really unraveling to be his last attempt to shake down my mom for money. Since he hasn't left the house as much as he should, and when he does leave, it's not with the proper attire. (I swear to god, he has to be the only broke, pothead lawyer in the world)
With today, Sept 1st, we aren't giving him any more money for Nursing Services. But it's such a pain in the ass, because he is somehow able to laser guide his insults and yelling fits at my mom whenever she visits or by sending angry text/voicemails. When we knew we had to get a fumigator, my mom cried for a good 10 minutes when she came home. It just makes me so fucking mad and contemplative over the issue. I'm almost at the point where I want to lock him in a room, and psychologically interrogate him so I can know why the fuck he squandered his life away to drugs and being such a shit-fucking-failure.
We have reached harsh conclusions with what to do with the family, but fuck, I hate seeing my mom this upset. And my brother has had mono for about a month, so it's only been me doing some of the crucial support/legwork. And my college semester did start back again this week...
I weep for the future.
Though, I wonder if the actual rate is any greater. In small rural towns, you're exposed to fewer people so you know everyone's business. In large cities, you have no idea who's doing what. The rates could be the same or higher.
I fix link later and find another source. But you get my point.
It's a survival technique. Poor urban populations do it to. This way they get to stay at home with a bigger check and medical benefits. More better speak later. Dealing with work and car stress.... More on how much I hate Sears Auto in a few too...