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Fail of Your Day



  • Fail of my day related to the the computer problem thread. Mac got fixed, cost a lot of money, and now it's broken again with the same issue even after a replaced keyboard and NVRAM Reset. Pissed off, I KNOW I'm going to get charged again for some separate issue...
  • I tried to give blood today, but I didn't pass the hemoglobin/iron test. I eat a diet with a lot of iron in it and take a supplement. WTF? I made another appointment for a different time of day, so hopefully I will test better in the evening. I vow that I will not greedily hold on to my O+.
    Reading your post made me randomly wonder about the status of MSM blood donation restrictions and I was astonished to read it still exists pretty much everywhere in some way to some degree - I just can't believe this shit. When I went on Wikipedia I fully expected to read about how this sort of thing had been done away with a long time ago.
  • Perhaps, it's your body telling you it wants you to keep your O+. I can't donate blood because I lived in Germany over two decades ago. Some BS about Mad cow something or other.
    My girlfriend has the same issue, she was an army brat born in Germany in '82 and was there only into '83. Regardless that she was so young she probably didn't eat any meat there they wont let her give blood now. She's given blood before they made the law prohibiting it, so a bit weird.
  • Perhaps, it's your body telling you it wants you to keep your O+. I can't donate blood because I lived in Germany over two decades ago. Some BS about Mad cow something or other.
    My girlfriend has the same issue, she was an army brat born in Germany in '82 and was there only into '83. Regardless that she was so young she probably didn't eat any meat there they wont let her give blood now. She's given blood before they made the law prohibiting it, so a bit weird.
    Same, Originally when I was a Flight attendant, and Now that resets to 5 years after I got back from England.
  • Last time I went to give blood, they said they wouldn't take me because I'm O-. I guess they want to keep me for when there's an emergency...
  • I'm not sure why they don't want your blood. Flash freezing, powdering, and other techniques mean that banked blood keeps for a LONG time. Also, O- is some of the most useful blood; it's a universal donor.

    Also: O NEG 4 LYFE, BROTHA
  • edited August 2011
    Yeah, they've never turned down my bloods (also O-); quite the opposite, they always be spamming me.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited August 2011
    Got my Nyan Cat shirt in the mail. Used scissors to cut open the bubble mailer because I had trouble tearing it open.

    Snipped right though the shirt. I want to cry.

    [Edit] Aaaaand Baltimore wants to close Edgar Allen Poe's house. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Now's your chance to sew it up with rainbow thread and add another Nyan Cat! From despair, joy!
  • Got my Nyan Cat shirt in the mail. Used scissors to cut open the bubble mailer because I had trouble tearing it open.

    Snipped right though the shirt. I want to cry.

    [Edit] Aaaaand Baltimore wants to close Edgar Allen Poe's house. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    I must make a pilgrimage before it's gone!
    Oh christ, this is going to end up like that movie with the two secret gay lovers going up the mountain.

    What was that called again?

    Oh yeah, Lord of the Rings.
  • Just watched my spend half an hour playing Mass Effect 1 trying to find the Ferris system. He did not notice that it was labelled. He then managed to get stuck in the star chart. Not the screen but in the chart.
  • Facebook: Yo dawg, I herd u liekd news feeds, so i put a news feed in ur sidebar so u can e-stalk while you e-stalk.

    If only everyone would just switch to G+, then I could ignore stupid Facebook updates...
  • If only everyone would just switch to G+, then I could ignore stupid Facebook updates...
    Except, then you have the nymwars to deal with.
  • If only everyone would just switch to G+, then I could ignore stupid Facebook updates...
    Yes, because Google+ will NEVER have updates...
  • Punched my Xbox because I won a SSF4 Game...only for my Xbox to Disconnect from Live, which counts as an automatic loss of 100 points from both areas. Now I have...

    -A Broken Xbox Port
    -An unreadable SSF4 game
    -A controller with a broken piece of USB inside of it, so is unusable.

    I am majorly sucking this week.
  • edited August 2011
    Punched my Xbox because I won a SSF4 Game
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Sorry, but its kinda you're own damn fault.
  • My parents want me to "edit a video" for a neighbor of ours. They don't seem to understand that I have never worked with video before, and have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. He gave me the software that came with the camera, which doesn't seem to even edit video (I only looked at it briefly. So, I need to do I don't know what I don't know how using I don't know what. And my mom's pissed that I didn't start sooner.
  • My parents want me to "edit a video" for a neighbor of ours.
    Get Strong Bad to help you.

    But seriously, why did they ask you? That's like asking a photographer to take pictures at your wedding for free. Except not, because you don't have editing experience. Did they tell you what they wanted, or basically just "edit the video?"
  • edited August 2011
    Punched my Xbox because I won a SSF4 Game
    Well, I WON the Final Round, the KO Screen appeared after I successful threw someone and depleted all their life, but at the KO Screen, I got the "Xbox Live has Disconnected" and when that happens, before the points go through, it's an automatic-loss. And this is after atleast...10 loses. So I punched it once I got that message which really takes away all my hardwork. >_>
    Sorry, but its kinda you're own damn fault.
    I wasn't expecting so much shit to be broken, but yeah, it definitely is my own fault. Atleast SSF4 is cheap now...
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • My parents want me to "edit a video" for a neighbor of ours.
    Get Strong Bad to help you.

    But seriously, why did they ask you? That's like asking a photographer to take pictures at your wedding for free. Except not, because you don't have editing experience. Did they tell you what they wanted, or basically just "edit the video?"
    I guess I need to take out shaky bits and cut out some parts so it fits on a DVD. Not much, but it's still a little vague.

    The long story behind it was that the neighbor asked my brother to do it (he offered to pay), and my parents kind of agreed for him. He procrastinated then did it all right before he left for college. When he tried to burn to DVD, it crashed and he lost a lot of work (or something like that). Now he's at college and I'm stuck redoing some of it.
  • edited August 2011
    Goodnight, Vantas the fish. I'm so sorry...I couldn't do anything for you.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited August 2011
    Goodnight, Vantas the fish. I'm so sorry...I couldn't do anything for you.
    Was he bitten by a rattlesnake?

    Also, fuck everyone who thinks like this. Fun postscript: her date is actually incredibly wealthy and no longer plays Magic professionally. He joined a blackjack team, ran up a series of excellent win streaks with his team, and then poured all of his money into a hedge fund that he now manages. Too bad he likes a geeky game, eh? Total dealbreaker.

    Edited because my grammar and spelling falls apart around midnight, it appears.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Goodnight, Vantas the fish. I'm so sorry...I couldn't do anything for you.
    Was he bitten by a rattlesnake?
    No, he got in the way of a koala bear and was subsequently beaten to death.
  • Only realized today that Edison was born in 1847 and lived well into the 20th century. I always thought he lived somewhere around 1800 :(
  • My vacation is over. I have to go back to work tomorrow.

  • Girl meets former Magic World Champion Jon Finkel on an internet dating site, then posts on Gizmodo about it and how him having a geeky hobby and having met his best friends through it are strikes against him. Subsequently, the internet explodes.
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