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Fail of Your Day



  • Fuck. My roommate has 2 friends staying over in our room until monday, and they seem like drunken assholes. Plus I'm sick, and I didn't get a chance to go home for the weekend like I planned because I can't get a ride. Fuck this shit.
  • My fail of the day was a terrible lesson delivered by Rule 34, I was talking to a friend and Teddy Ruxpin came up and I happened to think "I bet Teddy Ruxpin is the only kids cartoon that hasn't been sexualized by the internet". A few keystrokes onto Rule34 later I was proven wrong and it felt really bad.

    I really liked that show as a kid ; n ;
  • edited September 2011
    Wow, men were really assholes to women back in the day. Why can't American get back to it's roots of good, traditional moral values? All those goddamn socialist hippies are ruining my coffee!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Bad day to be a football fan in austria. Euro Cup qualifcations and the team is getting their asses handed to them by the germans, down 3:0 and it's only 35 minutes in. Good thing I'm not watching that debacle.
  • @¡It Is GünterTime! Amen to your comment about demonizing young and/or single mothers. Plus, I must say that of the things my tax dollars pay for, I don't mind providing people with resources to feed and shelter their kids. (Sure, there's fraud and irresponsibility in the mix sometimes, but I can live with that.)
  • We had Thumper put down today.
  • We had Thumper put down today.
    OH NOES! ; _ ;

    I know he's been having medical issues. My sincerest condolences to you and Katie.
  • We had Thumper put down today.
    Sorry to hear that. It must be a very sad day.
  • Wow, men were really assholes to women back in the day. Why can't American get back to it's roots of good, traditional moral values? All those goddamn socialist hippies are ruining my coffee!
    Yeah! American used to be so great, but now look what's happened to it! I'm sure the the founding fathers of American would be disgusted.
  • We had Thumper put down today.
    I'm so sorry. It's really hard to lose a bun, especially one who has been around for so long and influenced your childhood memories. I never met him, but he looked like a sweet rabbit. I'm glad he got to spend the last years of his life with Katie, who took good care of him, and I'm glad he lived a long and full life before he returned to the moon.
  • edited September 2011
    We had Thumper put down today.
    I'm so sorry. It's really hard to lose a bun, especially one who has been around for so long and influenced your childhood memories. I never met him, but he looked like a sweet rabbit. I'm glad he got to spend the last years of his life with Katie, who took good care of him, and I'm glad he lived a long and full life before he returned to the moon.
    Thank you Emily. It's tough for me too, I love that bunny like he was my own. It's tough to see your friend hurting, too. I appreciate all the support from everyone for the both of us.

    EDIT/ADDITION: Also, the thought of the moon being bunny-heaven is super cute and definitely makes me feel better.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • I'm sorry, I know how hard it can be to lose a beloved pet.

    My fail, this is the 2nd night in a row someone drunk has thrown up in my bathroom.
  • EDIT/ADDITION: Also, the thought of the moon being bunny-heaven is super cute and definitely makes me feel better.
    Oh man they would be able to hop SO FAR.
  • EDIT/ADDITION: Also, the thought of the moon being bunny-heaven is super cute and definitely makes me feel better.
    Oh man they would be able to hop SO FAR.
    And eat all the delicious rice cakes.
  • EDIT/ADDITION: Also, the thought of the moon being bunny-heaven is super cute and definitely makes me feel better.
    Oh man they would be able to hop SO FAR.
    And eat all the delicious rice cakes.
    Going to the moon BRB.
  • EDIT/ADDITION: Also, the thought of the moon being bunny-heaven is super cute and definitely makes me feel better.
    Oh man they would be able to hop SO FAR.
    And eat all the delicious rice cakes.
    Going to the moon BRB.
    Bring me a souvenir!

    Sorry for your loss.
  • edited September 2011
    Facebook update. Normally I wouldn't complain, as I generally like the improvements. This time they've taken away my ability to ignore people. I have 1300 friends on Facebook, the vast majority of whom I don't care about, and don't want to see on my news feed. Most of them post in Spanish or French or other languages I don't know. Please, please, please let me ignore them and still be friends.


    Found the setting. It's still there, just hidden a few clicks beneath.
    Post edited by Luke Burrage on
  • I was really really good, yet for some reason I still feel like shit. Kahn!
  • edited September 2011
    I feel ya there, pal.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Guess who managed to burn his kitchen? I don't think I've ever been redder before, scary as hell too.
  • Like burn it down?
  • edited September 2011
    Like burn it down?
    Not that bad. I think, unless the inspector says otherwise, that it'll be repainting and getting new cabinet top/stove bad. Which is the bare minimum damage done, save for my reddened, aching face and shattered ego.
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • My computer fails to properly show me the awesomeness of "Redline" :(
  • Like burn it down?
    Not that bad. I think, unless the inspector says otherwise, that it'll be repainting and getting new cabinet top/stove bad. Which is the bare minimum damage done, save for my reddened, aching face and shattered ego.
    Same happened to me at our old place. Jumped just in time to not get fire to the face.
  • My computer fails to properly show me the awesomeness of "Redline" :(
    You should fix it... with a hammer.
  • Worst feeling in a long time: giving your all for someone, getting through something extremely tough on both of you, staying with them because you are upset and need them, thinking they appreciate you too. They act all understanding and nice, and as soon as they think you can't hear them, they complain about how annoying it is you're there and make jokes about it. I could hear all of it. Ironically, this is the day after we had a conversation in which I noted that a lot of people think said person treats me badly and isn't a good or caring friend and how much I had faith that wasn't the case.
  • edited September 2011
    Have you confronted them about it yet?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2011
    No. I left the place as soon as I could. There were too many people there for me to really confront them, and I wasn't in any state to want to, either. I don't want to stay where I'm not welcome. The other people there said they cared for me and wanted me there, but it's just a little much for me right now, after everything...
    Also, I heard them because they were right outside the window to the room I was in and they thought I was asleep. I left before they even got inside. I didn't really want to even see their face in that moment, I just felt like I had to get out.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • My computer fails to properly show me the awesomeness of "Redline" :(
    You should fix it... with a hammer.
    It looks like the little guy only want some more ram, I think I can handle that when I come back from my trip.
  • >buy new 500 GB hard drive for PC
    >open case up to install it
    >realize I don't have a SATA cable for it
    >realize the power line doesn't have enough plugs for a third drive

    Since one of my current drives is an older one and has an older type of plug on it, I should be able to finagle power, but I still need that SATA cable.
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