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Fail of Your Day



  • I have remained a militant agnostic since I was 14, been burning questionmarks into peoples lawns for years now.
  • RymRym
    edited December 2011
    Please guys, I don't get to have faith anywhere. I go to school where my peers question my beliefs, then I go home and have my mom constantly challenging me, so I escape her by going on the internet, where everyone's an atheist. I don't try to stop you guys from believing what you believe, so I just ask that you do the same for me.
    The measure of one's intellectual integrity is to never shy from challenges to one's beliefs.

    If everyone around you challenges what you believe, then you should yourself put said beliefs to the highest scrutiny. To shy from these challenges implies that the beliefs themselves cannot survive it. A belief that can only thrive unchallenged is weak beyond belief. Either you have some gnosis that has set you apart and above all of these people who challenge you, or your belief does not live up to any reasonable standard to the majority of the humans you ever talk to.

    Measure is unceasing. My beliefs, all of them, are challenged daily, and as such my beliefs change as they face the never-ending scrutiny of the world. There is no such thing as a "final" or "permanent" belief. All things, no matter how dear, crumble in the face of real evidence against them.
    I escape her by going on the internet, where everyone's an atheist.
    Did you ever stop to wonder why that's the case? Perhaps because any idea presented on the Internet is subject to the scrutiny of the uncountable millions of other thinking humans? Unevidenced beliefs collapse rapidly in the face of scrutiny and challenge.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • The measure of one's intellectual integrity is to never shy from challenges to one's beliefs.
    I think it's fairly analagous to facing fear. A fool can face fear, simply because he doesn't comprehend it. A stubborn man can face fear by ignoring it. A brave man can face fear by trying to overcome it. A wise man can face fear by accepting it.
  • Oh the temptation to insert the litany against fear.
  • I said hardly because you didn't make an argument. Also, please don't equate religious beliefs to issues about race or gender equality. Not only is it a fallacious analogy, it's fairly ironic given that the main reasons they are such issues is due in no small part to Christianity.
    Do you really see no hypocrisy in being intolerant of intolerance?
    No, there isn't.
    Well, there is hypocrisy, but it's necessary hypocrisy, due to the ideas set forth in Karl Popper's treatises on the paradox of tolerance.

  • And then the other truth is, no girl would go to see [a movie called] 'John Carter Of Mars'. So I said, 'I don’t want to do anything out of fear, I hate doing things out of fear, but I can’t ignore that truth
    Director Andrew Stanton on changing the name of "John Carter of Mars" to simply "John Carter."

    Mars would be a bonus in my eyes. I like Mars. And Disney, the reason I didn't go see "Mars Needs Moms" was not because of Mars, it was because it was creepy mocap baloney.
  • Last night my suitemate and his friend finally got charged with possession. I knew it was bound to happen since they smoke in the woods like every day, multiple times. I'm just glad I wasn't hanging out in their room when the cops came to the door. I still say they should have eaten the weed first or something instead of giving it to the cops first, but that's just me.
  • Gaga and Uffie
    Now you're just making up names.
  • I hate my brain. If I go to sleep too late, something like after 3am, then it has no problem keeping me dreaming for 12 hours so I wake up late in the afternoon. Then tonight I for once managed to go to sleep fairly early and then at 1am brain was like, "Hey, I don't want to sleep anymore, sleep is boring."

    And here I am, posting to the forums at middle of the night.
  • As smart as Facebook gets, it's not that smart.


  • Mythbusters, why? WHY?
  • Accidents happen.
  • I had to break up a heated, yelling argument in my classroom between two girls who were screaming about who cared less about what the other one was saying.
  • Accidents happen.
    If you're in a location where a misfire would launch a cannonball into a suburban area at 1000 ft/s, don't fire a cannon.
  • edited December 2011
    One word: Leave
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited December 2011
    Accidents happen.
    If you're in a location where a misfire would launch a cannonball into a suburban area at 1000 ft/s, don't fire a cannon.
    If you're in a specifically prepared range, in an area that is officially used by the state for exactly this sort of purpose, and an unforeseeable accident occurs, then what do you do? Especially considering that they had already taken two or three shots previously that went perfectly fine.

    Look, it was just a freak accident. Almost any other circumstance, it wouldn't even be news, it'd just be the next episode. Shit happens in the big city, and everyone makes mistakes, including the mythbusters. And I'd even bet that the full investigation will determine that they're not at fault. After all, they took every reasonable precaution they could, and not just by themselves, but under the advisement of professionals.

    I mean, I know this is the internet, so kicking some fuckers when they're down is the order of the day, right behind grabbing the torches and pitchforks for the slightest perceived problem - even if it doesn't exist - but seriously, everyone is freaking out over some bullshit. Nobody was hurt, this is pretty much the first time anything like this has happened to them. So everybody, just get over the internet habit of leaping on people with both feet for the slightest mistake, and move on.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just watched a group of people interviewed for my uni's prospectus. It was going to be recored so that it could be put on the website. The people that they interviewed were all sport scientists, and so far this seems to be the demographic that they are going for. They aren't talking to the world class biology department, not the history, hell our engineering department is pretty hot shit. No they chose to talk to the meat heads to described it as a 'good place for the lads'. This is the image of the university that they want to give. The added fail is that we have degree called sport science.
  • So a little story of the fail of my morning.

    Last night I went to the store to buy some food. I also checked my mailbox at that time because I had stayed the whole day home so I hadn't been at my mail box earlier. In my mail box there was a notice about a package that was waiting for me in my local post office. Sadly it was already too late to get it then so I had to wait till this morning to get it.

    I didn't remember that I'd had ordered anything packet worthy, so I was quite sure it had to be a gift of some kind from someone.

    Then today, little past 10 when the post office opened. I left my apartment and faced the snow and ice on my way to get the mysterious package.

    Then I finally got the package in my hands and instantly remembered that I had, a while ago, ordered some printer inc online and that was that package.

    Disappointed that it wasn't anything awesome I walked home and on my way home a hidden ice trap got me and a slipped and hit my knee to the ground in a painful manner.

    Didn't get a gift and hurt my knee. Fail.
  • I just watched a group of people interviewed for my uni's prospectus. It was going to be recored so that it could be put on the website. The people that they interviewed were all sport scientists, and so far this seems to be the demographic that they are going for. They aren't talking to the world class biology department, not the history, hell our engineering department is pretty hot shit. No they chose to talk to the meat heads to described it as a 'good place for the lads'. This is the image of the university that they want to give. The added fail is that we have degree called sport science.
    Sport science is legit. It's mostly a blend of kinesiology and biomechanics, as well as statistics and management. I know a brilliant girl back home who's really into baseball and is doing that degree right now, and I would most certainly not criticize her choice.

    That being said, selling your school based on the social allure for an extremely annoying and repulsive group of individuals is something no university should do. Every time I hear the phrase "lads on tour" I want to curl up into a ball and die. Not even the frat bros back home have found a way to be as egregiously scummy as some of the lads I've met here.
  • That being said, selling your school based on the social allure for an extremely annoying and repulsive group of individuals is something no university should do. Every time I hear the phrase "lads on tour" I want to curl up into a ball and die. Not even the frat bros back home have found a way to be as egregiously scummy as some of the lads I've met here.
    Seconded. I've know some real cunts, but they're practically gentle, pious and pure saints compared to some of the English lads I've known.

  • I've given up on the idea of having regular meals, due to family issues, so I'm spending a lot more money on snacks. Combined with buying Christmas presents, looks like I'm going to have to skip buying anti-depressants this month.
  • edited December 2011
    I've given up on the idea of having regular meals, due to family issues, so I'm spending a lot more money on snacks. Combined with buying Christmas presents, looks like I'm going to have to skip buying anti-depressants this month.
    Don't do that. I think anyone worth getting Christmas presents for would understand if you couldn't afford them after you bought your anti-depressants, or if you absolutely must get them, if they were late.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Draw them a picture, or do something that doesn't require money. Don't go off your meds.
  • Draw them a picture, or do something that doesn't require money. Don't go off your meds.
  • AmpAmp
    edited December 2011
    Trust me guys. What sport science says it is and what it actually is are two completely different matters. I have yet to meet anyone who can fully explain what the degree is about. That said I am slightly biased as they are taking money from some of the major academic departments and giving it to the sport science lot. For every one that does it legitimately there are perhaps a hundred that are purely there for the joy of getting "free money" and getting shit faced. This is in Britain so it might be a whole different story else where.

    Also fuck my stupid job where I have people asking what the difference between 9" and 12" is.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • 7:30am and hungover is no way to be trying to figure out things you don't know.
  • Friday evening I caught stomach flu from EVERYONE ELSE IN MY HOUSE. Even though I stopped puking around 3:30 Saturday morning, I am still recovering.

    |-P Bleh.
  • Trust me guys. What sport science says it is and what it actually is are two completely different matters. I have yet to meet anyone who can fully explain what the degree is about. That said I am slightly biased as they are taking money from some of the major academic departments and giving it to the sport science lot. For every one that does it legitimately there are perhaps a hundred that are purely there for the joy of getting "free money" and getting shit faced. This is in Britain so it might be a whole different story else where.

    Also fuck my stupid job where I have people asking what the difference between 9" and 12" is.
    Sports Science, Homoeopathy and English Lit! The trifecta of poor use of taxpayer money!

  • I might fail at least one class and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back here next semester either because my of my GPA or because my mom is pissed I failed and makes me go back to community college. This has helped sink my depression to the point where I can't really feel anything anymore. Yay
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