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Fail of Your Day



  • edited December 2011
    Andrew has a point - I doubt there are many here who are too young to remember Kylie "wiggle everything that can wiggle and shout lots" Minogue - she still fills venues, ten years after she was at Lady Gaga or Kesha levels of fame/popularity.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Kylie "wiggle everything that can wiggle and shout lots" Minogue
    Greatest ass in Australia.

  • Kylie "wiggle everything that can wiggle and shout lots" Minogue
    Greatest ass in Australia.

    Clearly you've never heard of Andrew Bolt.

  • edited December 2011
    I just posted it for fun. I honestly have no idea who that Ke$sha person is, and the fact she uses a "$" for her name just makes me already not like her.
    KeDollarSignHa is one of the most repellent people on the planet (seriously, she raps/sings/whatever the hell it is about brushing her teeth with Jack Daniels). She also egregiously uses auto-tune as she cannot sing in any way shape or form. Her being popular basically epitomizes my hate for pop music nowadays.

    Nah, dude. Ke$ha is a fucking genius. She will openly admit that she doesn't listen to her own music; as far as her intellectual acumen goes, she has an IQ of 140, reads Slavoj Žižek for fun, sat in on university-level Cold War history courses in high school for the sole purpose of learning and being entertained, and, if I recall correctly, was offered a Fulbright Scholarship but didn't accept it. She also writes and produces all her own music.

    Now, the music isn't the special part. Everything she does has been done by Gaga and Uffie before, and they likely do it better. Ke$ha's genius lies in the fact that she seems to have figured out the exact image of a pop star and sound of pop music that most audiences want nowadays, and she knows just how to spoon-feed it to them. That's why it's autotuned to shit and has all sorts of cookie-cutter breakdowns. She knows exactly what she's doing; she's a brilliant social engineer and a marketing wizard. Hell, I don't care for her music, but I'm sure as hell excited to see how she keeps it up.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • All of that forever. Ke$ha is basically living the geek fantasy of the smart person taking society for a ride in an entertaining and awesome way.
  • I wouldn't believe it were it not for what I've read of her on gender. She's not just taking society for a ride, her music actually does have a point -- it's just that that point isn't being good. She writes her music as a role reversal from contemporary garbage music that objectifies women, and instead objectifies men. Also, when asked if she would listen to her music, she answered "No, it's kind of trashy."
  • With regards to /r/christianity

  • I would argue with you, but I know you're too stubborn to listen to tolerance.
  • No true Christian argument.
  • No true Christian argument.
    That turn of phrase makes more sense than "No true scotsman".
  • Wow, it's a joke. /r/christianity is self-selecting for Christians that are more highly educated and liberal in their world views due to the nature of Reddit itself. It's not as if this is an actual argument...
    I would argue with you, but I know you're too stubborn to listen to tolerance.
    Why should I tolerate something which I think the world would be better without? Should I tolerate racism? What about government corruption? Now, you may disagree with my judgement that the world would be better without religion, but that is your prerogative.
  • In the original context I saw that posted in, in /r/atheism, it wasn't meant as a joke. All sorts of people really did make a No True Scotsman argument with regards to liberal Christians, which is why I took issue with it. I know you're above that, though. /r/atheism is just a load of derp, all the time.
  • So last night I had some weird dream about large grasshoppers. I was really grossed out. So then my brain said "You think large grasshoppers are gross? Well now you're thinking about large grasshoppers IN YOUR MOUTH, motherfucker!" Fuck you, brain, fuck you.
  • In the original context I saw that posted in, in /r/atheism, it wasn't meant as a joke. All sorts of people really did make a No True Scotsman argument with regards to liberal Christians, which is why I took issue with it. I know you're above that, though. /r/atheism is just a load of derp, all the time.
    It's funny, I actually went to /r/atheism and then hit up /r/christianity. It's quite scary how different the two are in terms of actual content. At least /r/christianity has coherent posts with some semblance of thought put behind them. /r/atheism is pretty much just 99% adviceanimals and rage comics.


  • Not terribly surprised, but The Cat Empire's not coming within 1000 miles of Florida during their North American tour. They've been avoiding the South like the plague since I've heard of them.
  • Nah, dude. Ke$ha is a fucking genius. She will openly admit that she doesn't listen to her own music; as far as her intellectual acumen goes, she has an IQ of 140, reads Slavoj Žižek for fun, sat in on university-level Cold War history courses in high school for the sole purpose of learning and being entertained, and, if I recall correctly, was offered a Fulbright Scholarship but didn't accept it. She also writes and produces all her own music.

    Now, the music isn't the special part. Everything she does has been done by Gaga and Uffie before, and they likely do it better. Ke$ha's genius lies in the fact that she seems to have figured out the exact image of a pop star and sound of pop music that most audiences want nowadays, and she knows just how to spoon-feed it to them. That's why it's autotuned to shit and has all sorts of cookie-cutter breakdowns. She knows exactly what she's doing; she's a brilliant social engineer and a marketing wizard. Hell, I don't care for her music, but I'm sure as hell excited to see how she keeps it up.
    Relevant -
  • Wow, it's a joke. /r/christianity is self-selecting for Christians that are more highly educated and liberal in their world views due to the nature of Reddit itself.
    Which was all I was arguing...
    Why should I tolerate something which I think the world would be better without? Should I tolerate racism? What about government corruption? Now, you may disagree with my judgement that the world would be better without religion, but that is your prerogative.
    It's not a matter of tolerance for the group, it's tolerance for the individual. It's that I tolerate you, so you should tolerate me. It's a mutual respect thing. I don't berate you for your beliefs, why do you I for mine?
    She's not Einstein, she's not going to produce anything world changing, she's just a smart troll on a massive scale, and I think that's something worth respecting.
  • Which was all I was arguing...
    It's not a matter of tolerance for the group, it's tolerance for the individual. It's that I tolerate you, so you should tolerate me. It's a mutual respect thing. I don't berate you for your beliefs, why do you I for mine?
    So, I don't have to tolerate corruption as a whole, but I should tolerate an individual's corruption?

  • She's not Einstein, she's not going to produce anything world changing, she's just a smart troll on a massive scale, and I think that's something worth respecting.
    I don't think taking her at her word is the smartest thing. I'm not saying she's stupid, I'm just also not saying she's smart, without further corroboration.

  • edited December 2011
    She's not Einstein, she's not going to produce anything world changing, she's just a smart troll on a massive scale, and I think that's something worth respecting.
    I don't think taking her at her word is the smartest thing. I'm not saying she's stupid, I'm just also not saying she's smart, without further corroboration.

    Have your read her stuff on gender? She's like the Wonder Woman guy: informed logical conclusions that you cannot place on a political map and do not see anywhere else. I wish he had lived long enough to meet her, because that would have been an argument like the world has never seen.
    Which was all I was arguing...
    My entire argument was within this post. I didn't add anything until you revived it:
    WUB, this is the front page of /r/christianity right now:
    In your defense, #1 is SquadronROE's SS posted as "Awesome secret santa gift", but here's the top voted comments on that:
    My argument was completely within the limits of Reddit. If I implied anything about Christianity beyond that, it was unintentional.
    So, I don't have to tolerate corruption as a whole, but I should tolerate an individual's corruption?
    You should tolerate an individual despite their corruption. Please guys, I don't get to have faith anywhere. I go to school where my peers question my beliefs, then I go home and have my mom constantly challenging me, so I escape her by going on the internet, where everyone's an atheist. I don't try to stop you guys from believing what you believe, so I just ask that you do the same for me.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • EDIT: I did not mean to imply that Ke$ha is as smart or important as the guy who invented Wonder Woman. Merely that they both have rather odd gender beliefs.
  • Posting pictures doesn't constitute an argument. Or even a coherent thought.
  • Posting pictures doesn't constitute an argument. Or even a coherent thought.
    You're dodging the point.
  • What point? You have made none outside of the fact that you want to live in a safe, little intellectual bubble.

  • What point? You have made none outside of the fact that you want to live in a safe, little intellectual bubble.

    You said I was arguing about more than /r/christianity. It's not that I want to live in a bubble, it's that I want some God damn tolerance. I want to be treated equally regardless of race sex or creed. I'm a white Christian male, that shouldn't be hard, but somehow it is.
  • edited December 2011
    Have your read her stuff on gender? She's like the Wonder Woman guy: informed logical conclusions that you cannot place on a political map and do not see anywhere else. I wish he had lived long enough to meet her, because that would have been an argument like the world has never seen.
    Not at this point. Can you give us a link to it?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I said hardly because you didn't make an argument. Also, please don't equate religious beliefs to issues about race or gender equality. Not only is it a fallacious analogy, it's fairly ironic given that the main reasons they are such issues is due in no small part to Christianity.
  • I said hardly because you didn't make an argument. Also, please don't equate religious beliefs to issues about race or gender equality. Not only is it a fallacious analogy, it's fairly ironic given that the main reasons they are such issues is due in no small part to Christianity.
    Do you really see no hypocrisy in being intolerant of intolerance?
  • I said hardly because you didn't make an argument. Also, please don't equate religious beliefs to issues about race or gender equality. Not only is it a fallacious analogy, it's fairly ironic given that the main reasons they are such issues is due in no small part to Christianity.
    Do you really see no hypocrisy in being intolerant of intolerance?
    No, there isn't.

  • All religious ideas get the same deference and respect as similarly evidenced ideas of any sort. All human ideas deserve the same scrutiny.
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