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Fail of Your Day



  • I worked really late in the costume shop trying to finish as much of my dress for Elephant Man as possible because the show opens next week and first dress is this Monday. At the beginning of today I had it in pieces, nothing was sewn together. When we all talked about who was planning on staying late, I told everyone I would need a ride home or I couldn't stay, even though I NEEDED to. I was promised a ride home. Time to leave rolls around, and everyone leaves me behind without so much as a batted eyelash.

    I get home (by calling a friend and freaking out a little), and immediately spent over an hour coaxing my awesome-roommate's dog out of her room so I could take her for a walk. Awesome-roommate is at Katsucon, and despite the fact that crazy-roommate is here all day and awesome-roommate and crazy-roommate are on reasonably good terms, I'm the one entrusted with taking care of the puppy. And yes, this does reflect on the nature of crazy-roommate.

    During this hour I spent coaxing puppy with food, petting, patience, and soft-tone words. CR yelled, KICKED THE DOG, got herself dinner, sat on the couch and bitched, and announced that there was NO WAY the dog would leave AR's room.

    I succeeded with Cook Out chicken, kind words, and LOTS AND LOTS of PATIENCE.

    But seriously. KICKED. MY ROOMMATE/FRIEND'S DOG. No WONDER she won't come out of the room for you, BITCH.
  • No, dubstep is this generation's boy bands.
  • edited February 2012
    What the actual fuck. You're dealing with some dangerous crazy right now, if she's abusing animals. Especially puppies. What's next, punting a kitten?

    Christ, I don't even know what to say here.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I received what looks to be an email from the RIAA about copyright infringement. Even though it ended up in my inbox, it wasn't sent to my address. I don't think it's real, but it's enough to spook me. It contains a zip file attachment which I don't plan to open at all.

    There's an address at the end of the email that is the RIAA's government affairs department office. How worried should I be about this?

    I should note that the email address the message was sent to is not one I use on any torrent sites that require an email address. At least, I don't think so.

    Again, it wasn't sent to my email, and it doesn't look the least bit official, but should I be worried? I'm someone who over thinks situations.
  • It contains a zip file attachment
    Then it's probably not from the RIAA.
  • @Matt -

    @Anrild - She's probably abused the dog before, if she's kicking it now. Also, if someone had kicked one of my dogs in malice, I'd fucking murder their neck and feed the remains to said dogs. No one kicks a dog.
  • If the dog is so scared as to hide in its owner's room like you said, GTM is probably right; she's probably tuned up the poor puppy when no one else is around. I'd seriously consider telling your other roommate. You don't want the puppy to develop a mean streak because of some bitch who's only going to be in its life for a little while longer.
  • Agreed. If A-R doesn't know, tell 'em. See if you can have animal cruelty charges brought against C-R if you want to go nuclear.
  • edited February 2012
    have animal cruelty charges brought against C-R
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited February 2012
    have animal cruelty charges brought against C-R
    I initially thought the same, but it's all hearsay. If you caught it on video, though, you'd have a case.

    If it was me, I'd try to kick the bitch out. Tenant Unions probably don't take too kindly to dog-kickers. Failing that, AR (assuming she's a cool person, and it sounds like she is) is immediately going to be on your side for everything in the future if you're like, "Yo, she kicked your dog."

    Dog kickers are scum.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If it was me, I'd cut the bitch.
  • I don't know (and don't have any evidence to support) if she's kicked the dog before. That's conjecture and I really don't have any way of knowing. I'm pretty sure it was just an act of frustration because it was late and we were trying to convince puppy to go on a walk late at night. The thing that bothers me is that I was the one asked to look after puppy and CR came in and just intervened without being asked, and proceeded to make things more difficult.

    The cowering/hiding in AR's room isn't really surprising or particularly indicative of abuse though; puppy has separation anxieties pretty damn bad and supposedly has gone entire weekends not eating when AR's been away before. She tends to run and hide from people and hide in AR's stuff when she misses her.

    All that's to say, I texted AR and gave her a full update. Apparently CR texted/called her a bunch last night complaining the puppy wouldn't come out and it got AR really worried. The good news is, she entrusted me with puppy because... well, she trusts me.
  • Okay, but
    If it was me, I'd cut the bitch.
  • Trust me, I have the burning ire of a thousand screaming, exploding suns. There are plenty of other reasons that I was already angry. I stopped giving a fuck when she was downright pointlessly bitchy to Ryan while Thumper was dying and I watched him take it and still try to be nice to her. That, and she's the only person I have ever had in my life that my dad has legitimately called a bitch.

    And believe me, I've thought of plenty of horrible, angry, passive-aggressive things I'd LIKE to do. But ultimately, she's leaving soon anyway and as soon as she's gone, I don't have to have her in my life. AT ALL.
  • edited February 2012
    See, now, that's why I'm saying you should pursue active-aggressive solutions. Passive-aggressive is just weak. But cutting a bitch? That leaves a scar. She'll remember that one.

    EDIT: Option 2 is to kick her repeatedly while screaming, "THIS IS HOW IT FEELS, BITCH!" Either one is a viable and proper response.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • have animal cruelty charges brought against C-R
    Fucking hell, THIS.
  • edited February 2012
    It contains a zip file attachment
    That sounds suspiciously similar to an email I got from the United States Postal Service a couple weeks ago... It was an email telling me that there was a package delivery failure, and that the document containing more detailed information was in this zip file. I opened up the zip in Google Docs so I could look at it's contents, and staring back at me was "USPS Document.exe". So I "lolnope"d and marked it as spam.
    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Mark Frauenfelder over at BoingBoing (you know, their resident shitty editor, the guy who runs the Raw Milk sympathy pieces) just ran a bit about soap that started with "For people who still think it's important to shower with soap..."

    Now, I can understand the argument that your skin produces less oil without using soap regularly. That's fair. My problem with no-soapers is biofilms. Water alone doesn't get the micrometer-thick polysaccharide matrices of crotch and armpit bacteria off of you, Mark. That shit takes a detergent, and ignoring it because of a questionably-sound environmental and aesthetic argument is gross.
  • I fucked my knee up in a scooter accident. Had to put my foot down while still going about 10 miles an hour to keep from falling and now my knee feels like rubber.
  • This a fail of all of NJ's day. Chris Christie wants the people to decide. And yes the people will probably vote in favor of gay marriage, but still. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE VOTED ON! IT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! FUCK YOU CHRIS CHRISTIE!
  • Using the whims of a majority to dictate policy is a classic way for bigoted politicians to disguise their own ignorant hatred. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to see through that.
  • This a fail of all of NJ's day. Chris Christie wants the people to decide. And yes the people will probably vote in favor of gay marriage, but still. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE VOTED ON! IT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! FUCK YOU CHRIS CHRISTIE!
    This popped up on my Facebook feed today:
    NJ governor Chris Christie hates gay marriage because gay pride parades count as physical exercise, something he is strongly against.
  • This a fail of all of NJ's day. Chris Christie wants the people to decide. And yes the people will probably vote in favor of gay marriage, but still. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE VOTED ON! IT IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT! FUCK YOU CHRIS CHRISTIE!
    This popped up on my Facebook feed today:
    NJ governor Chris Christie hates gay marriage because gay pride parades count as physical exercise, something he is strongly against.
    Oh god I lol'd. Though I won't be doing any physical activity for a bit.
  • Fuck Objective C
  • It contains a zip file attachment
    That sounds suspiciously similar to an email I got from the United States Postal Service a couple weeks ago... It was an email telling me that there was a package delivery failure, and that the document containing more detailed information was in this zip file. I opened up the zip in Google Docs so I could look at it's contents, and staring back at me was "USPS Document.exe". So I "lolnope"d and marked it as spam.
    I receive about two or three of those a week. They're annoying.

  • edited February 2012
    I wish Facebook let me hide entire spans of time from my timeline. I was an embarrassing, angry teenager, and probably a tremendous asshole, too!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Spot ran away. :(
  • I'm the worst pet owner in the world ;-;
  • Spot ran away. :(
    Do you have people who live around that may have seen him/her?
    I'm the worst pet owner in the world ;-;
    That cannot possibly be true, I know people in my area that would make you feel like a saint.
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