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Fail of Your Day



  • But seriously, Burger King is the shittiest shit. McDonald's makes a superior burger. This is what happens when I get hungry - the brain shuts down.
  • But seriously, Burger King is the shittiest shit. McDonald's makes a superior burger. This is what happens when I get hungry - the brain shuts down.
    I don't think you've had a McD's burger in a long time because BK makes a better one.

    Now I want fast food, fuck you Pete.
  • The School that hired me is going to let me go in two weeks since I fixed all their issues.
  • The School that hired me is going to let me go in two weeks since I fixed all their issues.
    Yay consulting. >_<
  • But seriously, Burger King is the shittiest shit. McDonald's makes a superior burger. This is what happens when I get hungry - the brain shuts down.
    I don't think you've had a McD's burger in a long time because BK makes a better one.

    Now I want fast food, fuck you Pete.
    Here's the thing. McD's doesn't really make a burger. They make McDonald's. It's garbage, but they don't pretend to be not garbage.

    Burger King pretends to be a burger, with their flame-broiled whatsit and the rest of their advertising. So I go in expecting burger, but I get garbage dressed up like a burger. And so the overall experience is worse.

    It's kinda how Taco Bell doesn't make Mexican food. There are places whose food might be objectively better than Taco Bell's, but it's still amazingly shitty Mexican food, and Taco Bell would actually be preferable.

    Also, I'm pissed off that I didn't get my free lunch.
  • I've been craving cajun fries all week and even bought malt vinegar for home. I plan on making my own sometime. Perhaps do that tonight. Ooh. Good idea.
  • edited February 2012
    It's kinda how Taco Bell doesn't make Mexican food.
    It's weird how true this is. I was there last night. The "verde" sauce packet's caption said "Verde: verde's fancy for 'green.'" Er, I think you mean Spanish. That's Spanish for green.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I had a dream in which both Scott and Rym were characters. And they were both dicks.

    I type these words knowing full well the consequences of the internet. I'm not sure if the dream is the fail or if sharing it is the fail, but either way it's my fail of the day.
  • When my choices are:

    1. Go hungry until my next meal.
    2. Eat Burger King.

    I go with option 1.
  • If you're at Burger King or McDonald's with no other choice (and, unlike Rym, you don't want to skip the meal entirely), get a chicken sandwich. Their burgers are terrible, but the chicken is at least edible. #FastFoodProtips
  • If you're at Burger King or McDonald's with no other choice (and, unlike Rym, you don't want to skip the meal entirely), get a chicken sandwich. Their burgers are terrible, but the chicken is at least edible. #FastFoodProtips
    I used to think that. But no, it's not.

    Go hungry. You'll be happier for it.

  • When my choices are:

    1. Go hungry until my next meal.
    2. Eat Burger King.

    I go with option 1.
    I had other choices. I had a plethora of other choices. Had I known the whole affair would've taken an hour and 15 minutes, I'd have gone a completely different route for lunch.

    But now I wanted a burger, and I was committed to it. Nothing else would do.

    Also, when I'm for-real hungry, I am incapable of functioning. I was starting to get weak with hunger - that's how fucking long this endeavor took.

  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
  • edited February 2012
    If I had a choice between McDonald's, Burger King, and hunger, I would go with McD's, primarily because I am confident that their meat does not have E-Coli or shit in it, and I get the worst headaches ever when I don't eat.

    Now if the choice is between a school lunch and hunger, I would go hungry.
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
    Fuck cash. It's primitive. Also, do you have any idea what the rate of contamination is on the $20 bill? I do.

    Besides, I get cash back. If I can pay for it with cash, I just use the card and pay it off, and make everything effectively cheaper.

  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
    I try to do this, but it rarely happens.
    I get the worst headaches ever when I don't eat.
    This happens to me. This is why I keep a granola bar in my purse and car.
  • Fuck cash. It's primitive. Also, do you have any idea what the rate of contamination is on the $20 bill? I do.
    Grow an immune system you wuss.
  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
    Fuck cash. It's primitive. Also, do you have any idea what the rate of contamination is on the $20 bill? I do.

    Besides, I get cash back. If I can pay for it with cash, I just use the card and pay it off, and make everything effectively cheaper.

    Same deal. I avoid cash-only transactions wherever possible for the same reasons.
  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
    Fuck cash. It's primitive. Also, do you have any idea what the rate of contamination is on the $20 bill? I do.

    Besides, I get cash back. If I can pay for it with cash, I just use the card and pay it off, and make everything effectively cheaper.
    Same deal. I avoid cash-only transactions wherever possible for the same reasons.
    I have cash as a backup, and for splitting bills at restaurants.
  • Also, as sad as I can say, Burger King has really fucking terrible chicken sandwiches.
  • Pete, this whole problem could have been avoided if you just carried some cash in your wallet like I do.
    Fuck cash. It's primitive. Also, do you have any idea what the rate of contamination is on the $20 bill? I do.

    Besides, I get cash back. If I can pay for it with cash, I just use the card and pay it off, and make everything effectively cheaper.

    Oh yeah, make sure you get some cash for the concert tomorrow. ;P
  • Burger King actually has a decent chicken sandwich, you just have to get the right one. They have the normal processed fake chicken (which is all McDs has, I think) and then the fancy more expensive chicken sandwich with fairly reasonable real chicken. (It looks/tastes real to me anyway). I always put buffalo sauce on it to make it amazing.

    I am on a personal ban of McDs and have been for awhile because I feel they are the biggest, scariest, fakest fast food chain out there. I feel like everything there is so horrible for you, even the salads. Are there worse offenders out there? Am I being irrational? Maybe, but whatever, I hate McDs. :-P
  • edited February 2012
    I used to think Burger King was way better but now I'm more for McD's. Like someone said earlier, burger kind tries to hard to be actual burgers instead of just fast food. I'm pretty sure I've tasted actual fake smoke flavor brushed onto a burger before. Also, the McD's around here are generally much nicer and cleaner than burger king's, and for some reason the food just feels like its slightly less likely to kill me.

    I've had that chicken sandwich at Burger King before and while it seems more like real meat, its so greasy that I just feel awful eating it.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited February 2012
    Burger King actually has a decent chicken sandwich, you just have to get the right one. They have the normal processed fake chicken (which is all McDs has, I think) and then the fancy more expensive chicken sandwich with fairly reasonable real chicken. (It looks/tastes real to me anyway). I always put buffalo sauce on it to make it amazing.

    I am on a personal ban of McDs and have been for awhile because I feel they are the biggest, scariest, fakest fast food chain out there. I feel like everything there is so horrible for you, even the salads. Are there worse offenders out there? Am I being irrational? Maybe, but whatever, I hate McDs. :-P
    Actually, McDonalds was actually been comparatively good about raising their food safety standards and bettering their slaughterhouse methods. Most mainstream fast food is just as bad or worse in terms of calorie content and preservatives, but it varies from item to item. I cannot hate McDonald's worse than other competing chains. They are definitely the biggest and most powerful of fast food chains, but that leads to them often being the vanguard when there needs to be a change in industry standards. I just generally avoid large fast food chains when I can, and get cheap pizza, deli sandwich, or felafel cart food. Wendy's has been pretty nice in terms of caring for workers and charitable causes, if I recall.

    Fast food I kinda like when I am traveling: Arby's, Tim Horton's, Taco Bell (For shame!), Nathan's, McDonald's Breakfast.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • There's a time for places like Taco Bell and Del Taco, and it's when you can't drive.
  • I just realized I made a horrifically bad decision trading my Miata for a Mazda2.
  • edited February 2012
    I just realized I made a horrifically bad decision trading my Miata for a Mazda2.
    You what? Damn.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I just realized I made a horrifically bad decision trading my Miata for a Mazda2.
    You what? Damn.
    It made sense at the time, and now I can't quite figure out why.
  • I just realized I made a horrifically bad decision trading my Miata for a Mazda2.
  • I went over to some friends' place to have my last hoo-rah before I totally sell my soul to the theater (I'm Assistant Stage Manager for a big production that the rehearsal process will last 6 weeks and I probably won't have another free evening for that time), and while there was pulled aside to have two different heavy/rough conversations.

    The first I was prepared for and was handled really well. Both of us listened to each other calmly and came out of the conversation feeling better for it. The second did not, partially because I wasn't ready for it. The other person left angry and I stepped out crying.

    In order to try to forget how the second made me upset, the first urged me to drink until I didn't care. It worked alright last night but...
    I woke up just feeling generally worse about myself, because the problem wasn't solved and I managed to act like a complete idiot while drunk. So much for drinking problems away.
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