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Fail of Your Day



  • edited February 2012
    One of my friends (a girl) got kicked in the fucking ribs last night by a guys at a club for politely turning down his offer of a one-night stand. Apparently she ran into the guy and his friends later and they just shrugged it off. I wasn't present, but had I been, I'm pretty sure I would have attempted to tune that motherfucker up.

    I mean, seriously? This is where we're at as a species? Kicking girls who don't immediately put out in the ribs and acting as if it's no big deal? I mean, fuck, this would be bad enough it if was a form of regression, but no. I can assemble a supercomputer capable of protein folding simulation for less money than a entry-level sports car, but people still can't accept the fact that having a Y chromosome doesn't allow you to coerce the opposite sex by force.

    I wish there was a soundproofed room in my dorm, maybe a sensory deprivation tank, that I could just lock myself in and scream until my voice gives out.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • WUB - Jesus shitting christ, they KICKED her because she wouldn't put out for a stranger? Back injury or no, I'd have mauled that motherfucker. I'd have taken his fucking eyes.
  • What the fuck is the deal with Skype for Mac? Is there a secret setting that makes the UI not stupid?
  • Fuck Objective C
    What's wrong with Objective C?
  • Fuck Objective C
    What's wrong with Objective C?
    It's biased.

  • Personally, I'm not a fan of subjective C.
  • Santorum is now a synonym for spooge.
  • edited February 2012
    Santorum is now a synonym for spooge.
    No it's not. Santorum is "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the product of anal sex." Source.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • No it's not. Santorum is "The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the product of anal sex." Source.
    I was scared for a moment that your source was a picture of Santorum. Would have been a funny source pun at least.
  • Oh god why didn't I make that a link to goatse. So much missed opportunity.
  • My friend has a habit of arguing with people who are anti-abortion and things like that. Well apparently they just made this page about her. I'm fucking pissed.
  • My friend has a habit of arguing with people who are anti-abortion and things like that. Well apparently they just made this page about her. I'm fucking pissed.
  • My friend has a habit of arguing with people who are anti-abortion and things like that. Well apparently they just made this page about her. I'm fucking pissed.

  • Thanks guys.
  • Liked.

    Just kidding. Reported.
  • Reported. It does my heart some good that it has 0 likes.
  • Thanks everyone. The person behind it is a total troll. The original image of my friend got taken down because of copyright violation so now they just keep stealing different peoples profile pictures to use. She has several troll accounts but we can't find her actual account.
  • Deleted the wrong Virtual Box .vdi file... Now I had to restart a couple of hours of tests from the beginning...
  • Not only is my beloved cat still missing, but I just found out our rent is going way up next term, almost $200. The price is way over what a 1 bed is worth, we could get a spacious 2 bed for the same price in the same area. I'm so mad, I don't want to move, but I don't want to let them rip us off >.<
  • Not only is my beloved cat still missing, but I just found out our rent is going way up next term, almost $200. The price is way over what a 1 bed is worth, we could get a spacious 2 bed for the same price in the same area. I'm so mad, I don't want to move, but I don't want to let them rip us off >.<</p>
    Play hardball. "Change rent and we move."

  • Not only is my beloved cat still missing, but I just found out our rent is going way up next term, almost $200. The price is way over what a 1 bed is worth, we could get a spacious 2 bed for the same price in the same area. I'm so mad, I don't want to move, but I don't want to let them rip us off >.<</p>
    Play hardball. "Change rent and we move."

    I've already started comparing prices to use it as ammo, and am prepared to move anyway if they don't budge. Wondering if they will let us keep our current rate if we sign a longer lease, since we want to stay a long time anyway. *sigh*

  • Locked my keys in my car and got a parking ticket. Extra points: I'm going to have to use the money I was going to spend on a parking permit today for the ticket.
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