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Fail of Your Day



  • I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

  • I tend to make a recurring joke about how the death of individuality is fantastic because it eliminates the competition. I can't tell if that's still a joke anymore.
  • I made a very nice bowl of oatmeal at work this morning, nice and creamy and perfect. Some women were standing around talking next to the kitchen, so I tried to slide around them. My clumsy elbow caught on a chair, and oatmeal went flying everywhere all over the carpet. ;-; Sooo embarrassing, and I couldn't even get the stuff off the carpet. I felt like I was trying to clean up tons of cat barf x_x
  • FAIL FROM FACEBOOK POST "What we call 'science' is a mass of different disciplines that rarely talk to each other and compete for funding and prominence. They focus on the various 'dots', but never connect them. Scientists have the image of being very knowledgeable, but most know a lot about a little and unless you connect the 'littles' you'll never see the bigger picture. They also have a song sheet called the 'scientific consensus' from which most dare not deviate for fear of losing funding, jobs, and perceived 'prestige'. Most 'scientists' are working to produce new technology, drugs, food additives and such - not investigating the nature of reality. The overwhelming majority are followers and advocates of a religion called 'Scientism' which, like all religions, is founded on fiercely imposed dogma that must he obeyed."
  • I like how it starts real and slowly sneaks the crazy in more and more until it's batshit insane by the end. :P
  • I failed at the career fair...Only got the balls to talk to one company, and I don't really expect anything back...I'm really under qualified for Software Engineering jobs right now, before I go to my advanced classes...
  • I failed at the career fair...Only got the balls to talk to one company, and I don't really expect anything back...I'm really under qualified for Software Engineering jobs right now, before I go to my advanced classes...
    The key to the career fair is just to do it anyway. At the very least, figure out what companies you like are looking for, and then work on bringing yourself closer to that. You're just a second year; you have time. Consider starting a side-project that was not assigned as part of a class. Make a flash game and submit it to Kongregate or ArmorGames or one of those sites? Make a Java version of an existing board game? Even if it's not great and only gets a 4/10 rating or something, the college student who has a 4/10 game on ArmorGames is better than the guy who's never done anything outside of class, right?
  • At the career fair they just held at my school, more than 3/4 of the employers were not hiring. Yeah, Moe & I didn't even bother showing up. I know theoretically you can get good networking experience at these things, even if they aren't hiring, but with all the students there I'd pretty much expect them to forget me as soon as I walk away form the table. In addition, most of them were based in a location that isn't feasible for me. Blah.
  • My last career fair was the week the stock market crashed in 2008. I'm jaded as fuck about career fairs.
  • edited March 2012
    Last careers fair I went to was basically a bunch of various schools and temp agencies saying either "Pay us lots of money to teach you how to do a job with no real guarentee you'll get the job after you finish paying us money", or "Let us pay you a small amount of money to go and work in an office/behind a bar/on a work site sometimes." There were no companies looking for people for actual jobs.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Axel, don't listen to these guys. RIT career fairs are a completely fucking different ball game. These companies are paying to be there, and the vast majority of them are determined to hire at at least one person they meet at some point during the day. I'm working at a job I got from the fall career fair and I know many other people who have done the same.
  • That's a fair point - this isn't an RIT careers fair, I've never been to one of those, and the last one I went to wasn't even a university or college careers fair(though admittedly, a lot of that does go on at the ones I've been to, just far less than the 100% of the last Careers fair I went to.)
  • I failed at the career fair...Only got the balls to talk to one company, and I don't really expect anything back...I'm really under qualified for Software Engineering jobs right now, before I go to my advanced classes...
    The key to the career fair is just to do it anyway. At the very least, figure out what companies you like are looking for, and then work on bringing yourself closer to that. You're just a second year; you have time. Consider starting a side-project that was not assigned as part of a class. Make a flash game and submit it to Kongregate or ArmorGames or one of those sites? Make a Java version of an existing board game? Even if it's not great and only gets a 4/10 rating or something, the college student who has a 4/10 game on ArmorGames is better than the guy who's never done anything outside of class, right?
    Problem is, I'm a year ahead, so I'm set to graduate. I actually need a co-op this summer or else I'm gonna pay lots of extra money to graduate.

  • Axel, don't listen to these guys. RIT career fairs are a completely fucking different ball game. These companies are paying to be there, and the vast majority of them are determined to hire at at least one person they meet at some point during the day. I'm working at a job I got from the fall career fair and I know many other people who have done the same.
    I never said he shouldn't go. I was simply posting my own career fair fail. Every career fair is different.

  • RIT JobZone. All day. Submit your resume to everything remotely interesting and relevant. I've heard of game design & dev students getting programming jobs that aren't really game jobs at all, but the co-op office counts them anyway. As long as you're using something you've learned from the RIT computing college, you're good.

    Also, make your resume sexy in terms of both content and visual design. Eye-catching, appealing, but not distracting.
  • edited March 2012
    RIT JobZone. All day. Submit your resume to everything remotely interesting and relevant. I've heard of game design & dev students getting programming jobs that aren't really game jobs at all, but the co-op office counts them anyway. As long as you're using something you've learned from the RIT computing college, you're good.

    Also, make your resume sexy in terms of both content and visual design. Eye-catching, appealing, but not distracting.
    I'm looking for programming jobs, I just actually feel underqualified, like I haven't been taught how to talk about code intelligently. Answering questions about code was 100% bullshit for me, but I feel like Software Engineers and Computer Scientists can talk about code in a meta-way just fine.

    Also, I have sent out some applications to places, and other emails, but it's gonna be a bit before I hear back from some of them, others haven't responded to emails at all...
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited March 2012
    Well I don't know if it's a job per se, but the guy who made the board game Innovation is looking for people who want to help put his game onto iOS. I would probably guess he will do a Kickstarter, because his past projects where Kickstarted and successful.

    If anything, it'd be good experience to put on a resume.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Funny, I feel like I predicted this several months ago. This is why game design as an undergrad was not the best idea. Why are you trying to get an SE job again?
  • Funny, I feel like I predicted this several months ago. This is why game design as an undergrad was not the best idea. Why are you trying to get an SE job again?
    Because I wanted to talk to someone at the career fair? Game companies don't go there, and apparently aren't good at responding to emails.

  • I suddenly have the feeling of vertigo for no reason I can explain. My mother's worry gene is being less than helpful and has determined the only possibility here is that I'm having a stroke. >_>
  • That can be related to blood pressure, blood sugar, inner ear, etc... there are a lot of causes other than a stroke. :P
  • Think FAST.
  • That can be related to blood pressure, blood sugar, inner ear, etc... there are a lot of causes other than a stroke. :P
    I'm sorry, the only explanation is the worst case scenario. I'm clearly dying.
  • That can be related to blood pressure, blood sugar, inner ear, etc... there are a lot of causes other than a stroke. :P
    I'm sorry, the only explanation is the worst case scenario. I'm clearly dying.

    Apparently today is awesome body day for us. I'm chairstuck because of a really painful problem in my waist. Possibly a pulled muscle or two. It's pretty rockin.

  • Yeah, applying for jobs for the first time is kinda scary and sad. As an underqualified CS major, I'm currently terrified I won't have a job for the summer.

    Of course, I'm currently thinking I'll probably go into research, so getting job experience doesn't matter TOO much for me...
  • So yeah, my "stroke" was totally just the pinched nerve in my neck acting up. >.<
  • That can be related to blood pressure, blood sugar, inner ear, etc... there are a lot of causes other than a stroke. :P
    I'm sorry, the only explanation is the worst case scenario. I'm clearly dying.

  • My shoulder is massively painful, muscle-wise. I hate this.
  • I might be homeless and currently do not have a couch to crash on, anyone here know of a place I could go to?
    What city are you in?

    In the suburbs of Philadelphia, however after today that can be changed (no job to tie me down).

  • So Michael Bay is producing a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie...

    ...where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not mutants, but are from an alien race. I have no words.
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