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Fail of Your Day



  • edited March 2012
    See new thread.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • If you were to replace the text with lorum ipsum, that website design alone would make me think crazy people.
  • Two of my best friends are way fucking over after a really good three-year relationship. I'm not sure the word "break-up" adequately describes how ugly this is and how bad the guy fucked up. I'll go with "Relationship Byford Dolphin Diving Bell Incident."
  • Accidentally deleted a necessary class, that wasn't committed to the repository yet, that was in a folder filled with junk. Gonna have to rewrite the whole thing -_-
  • Cops can strip search anyone for any reason now.
    I disagree. They can't strip search you for public nudity.
  • Cops can strip search anyone for any reason now.
    ... I'm confused. How did this even happen? This is the surpreme court, right? This is a couple of people how are smart that decided this is a GOOD idea? How-- What? I don't even...
  • I'd like to read an article about this from a trusted news source, please.
  • This one from NY Times was tweeted from Anonymous.
  • Here's the Times' take on it. They can only strip search you after they arrest you. Here's the official Supreme Court documents.
  • edited April 2012
    Herpaderp nevermind.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Here's the Times' take on it. They can only strip search you after they arrest you. Here's the official Supreme Court documents.
    I still disagree with it even if you have to arrested for it to matter.
  • Also, a cop can arrest you for basically any reason.
  • Also, a cop can arrest you for basically any reason.
    Or you can get arrested for something you did not even know you were doing wrong, like driving on a suspended license.
  • Also, a cop can arrest you for basically any reason.
    Or you can get arrested for something you did not even know you were doing wrong, like driving on a suspended license.
    Okay... I'm assuming you mean you were never told your license was suspended. Cuz otherwise... you're just an idiot.

  • Also, a cop can arrest you for basically any reason.
    Or you can get arrested for something you did not even know you were doing wrong, like driving on a suspended license.
    Okay... I'm assuming you mean you were never told your license was suspended. Cuz otherwise... you're just an idiot.
    Yeah, I meant that. I did word that a bit vague I guess. Not getting notified about that is a common thing, a lot more common than I thought actually.
  • Yeah, that's bull. They should be required to serve you notice in person just like with a lawsuit.
  • My Fail: It's not Wednesday. If it was Wednesday, I would be having my last day of work then getting ready for PAX.
  • My Fail: It's not Wednesday. If it was Wednesday, I would be having my last day of work then getting ready for PAX.
    Oh, did you think it was wednesday when you IM'd me happy hump day?
  • My Fail: It's not Wednesday. If it was Wednesday, I would be having my last day of work then getting ready for PAX.
    Oh, did you think it was wednesday when you IM'd me happy hump day?
    No, because it is my Hump Day. I only work three days this week. So I IM'd you correctly.

  • Some girl did this to a stretch of the Berlin Wall at the East Side Gallery (the world's largest open-air art gallery, established just after the Fall). I was standing there looking at the adjacent piece, and I couldn't believe she pulled this shit. There are signs marking the wall as a National Landmark and saying defacers will be prosecuted all down the length of it as well.

    The fact that she did it for this particular cause was just icing on the Ragecake.

  • edited April 2012
    Did she get caught? Please tell me the bitch got caught.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I see a lot of other tags on there from 2012, 2010, etc... looks like their policing of defacers is far from perfect.
  • My normal phlebotomist is no longer with the lab my doctor sends her orders to. This means I had to deal with a woman that in the last 3 months has tried and FAILED to properly stick me 3-4 times. I am a hard stick yes, but that means you listen to me when I tell you they're deep and they will roll and hide when you go for them. Don't act so damned surprised when you don't anchor them and suddenly you've lost the vein. And when you do have the vein be patient damn it, don't jiggle the needle around so you waste what little blood you managed to get after going through the vein. She and her supervisors complained about my veins collapsing but my old phlebotomist followed my directions and NEVER had one of my veins collapse on her.

    I'm fairly certain she's not even attempting to draw my blood correctly and now I don't see a point in going back when none of them can stick me.
  • Could you bring your own blood in a ziploc?
  • edited April 2012
    Could you bring your own blood in a ziploc?
    I prefer to use a jam-jar. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and all that.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited April 2012
    Fuck every unnecessary instance of a .exe file ever. Fuck it straight to hell.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
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