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Fail of Your Day



  • That sucks Nuri, I thought all insurance had to provide basic routine shit... or is that something that goes into effect next year?
    It's the plan through the school, which has changed every year I've been here. It's really unpredictable what they will cover each year - I've never had a problem until now. They denied the claim, so I looked up the plan. They pretty much only cover accident or sickness stuff and things that are medically necessary. Given my medical conditions, I think an annual physical IS medically necessary, but I have to talk to my doc to see if it can get coded as such.

    They don't even cover vaccinations! I think my flu shot does get covered though - because I'm asthmatic so I'm in the high risk group for whom the shot is considered necessary.

    I'm not even that upset about it because most medical places will work out a payment plan for you. It's just that I wish I'd known about this before getting the blood drawn so I could have said no.
  • Another fail: My mom is accumulating food allergies like I accumulate yarn. She just got out of urgent care after reacting to cashews and has been prescribed an Epi Pen. At this rate she'll never be able to go out to eat again.
  • Guess who just took a guitar string to the eye? It's more painful than anything I could imagine, it's a tiny whip about 11 thousandths of an inch going to your face. Guess I'm lucky I can still see. >.o
  • Guess who just took a guitar string to the eye? It's more painful than anything I could imagine, it's a tiny whip about 11 thousandths of an inch going to your face. Guess I'm lucky I can still see. >.o
    Oh crap, that's bad. Yeah, you're lucky you can still see. Did it break, or were you changing strings?

  • You know you're sick when you are sent home by your theater professor because you "look like death". What I had tried to convince myself was just my hormones has turned into all my professors and fellow stage managers sending me away and telling me to either go to sleep or get to a doctor. Preferably both.
    That, and my glasses broke suddenly during rehearsal last night. My spares hurt to wear so it looks like I'll have to go back to the eye doctor and get a new prescription because they are refusing to release my last one.
    Guess who just took a guitar string to the eye? It's more painful than anything I could imagine, it's a tiny whip about 11 thousandths of an inch going to your face. Guess I'm lucky I can still see. >.o
    I had this happen to me with a violin string. They're a bit softer than guitar strings, but I kinda know your pain.
  • I was doing regular maintenance to my guitar and one of the tuner pegs came loose under pressure, doctor says I was lucky that my cheek and eyebrow took most of the hit, but I should take it easy and under no circumstances wear contacts until it heals.
  • The battery connecting wires of my mintyboost came off. I reattached them , red wire to + and with no visible shorts. Now I just get minty battery smoke.
  • So, I've been following the "squirtle" tag on Tumblr because of my new blog, and I just saw a drawing of a Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise having a threesome. Fuck you, internet.
  • Never trust the internet.
  • edited March 2012
    My girlfriend is on her way to the hospital for the third time in the past two weeks. She says she can't breath and has been vomiting. The doctors say she's going to need surgery. God damn it.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • My girlfriend is on her way to the hospital for the third time in the past two weeks. She says she can't breath and has been vomiting. The doctors say she's going to need surgery. God damn it.
    That really sucks. I hope they figure out what's wrong and can fix it. I wish you both the best of luck.
  • In class, someone's phone went off and the ringtone damn near gave me a heart attack.
    This was the ringtone.

    I played WAAAAAAAAY too much Sonic growing up. Shit.
  • In class, someone's phone went off and the ringtone damn near gave me a heart attack.
    This was the ringtone.

    I played WAAAAAAAAY too much Sonic growing up. Shit.
    Now I'm tempted to change my ringtone (right now, I have the Sonic invincibility song as my ringtone).
  • I'm at school working on robotics (our competiton is tomorrow) and there was a bank robbery nearby with two suspects on the loose.
  • I need to order more 5.56. >.<
  • edited March 2012
    Something failed. Posting it may have also been a fail.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Ate too much pizza so now I'm up in the middle of the night.
  • Yesterday, a friend and I were standing in a Bart station waiting for a third party. While standing, a girl came sprinting out from around the corner and ran right in front of us. As she kept going, we joked about how easy it would have been to trip her. Just then, another girl ran from that same corner, shouting "Stop her, she took my phone!"

    If only we were bigger assholes. Then we could've been heroes. (3 minutes later we started talking about how easily we could've caught that girl if we had acted on it, and felt even worse)
  • edited March 2012
    HAHAHA, lesson learned, be bigger assholes. Was this with Tony? Tony needs to be more of an asshole.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • HAHAHA, lesson learned, be bigger assholes. Was this with Tony? Tony needs to be more of an asshole.
    No, it was Eric. A half an hour later we started talking about how we were such pieces of shit for not chasing her. That girl ruined our day! >:U
  • She could have also been late for the train.
  • I might be homeless and currently do not have a couch to crash on, anyone here know of a place I could go to?
  • I might be homeless and currently do not have a couch to crash on, anyone here know of a place I could go to?
    What city are you in?

  • She could have also been late for the train.
    She did not run to the train.
  • edited March 2012
    She could have also been late for the train.
    She did not run to the train.
    *Sighs disappointedly* Not tripping her, that's the right thing to do. But you should have gave chase after learning of her deeds. Don't become an asshole, become a man of men.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • She could have also been late for the train.
    She did not run to the train.
    *Sighs disappointedly* Not tripping her, that's the right thing to do. But you should have gave chase after learning of her deeds. Don't become an asshole, become a man of men.

    Yeah, we started talking about that a few minutes later. We could have caught her very easily if we were good people. It was a very terrible point in our lives, because we learned we were both "that guy" that just stands around and watches stuff happen. ;_;
  • The ladyfriend is being extremely distant and unaffectionate. Not that I expected much else, but it's still frustrating. I don't even know if she realizes how worried I am. I really hope this is worth getting through.
  • edited March 2012
    Yesterday, a friend and I were standing in a Bart station waiting for a third party. While standing, a girl came sprinting out from around the corner and ran right in front of us. As she kept going, we joked about how easy it would have been to trip her. Just then, another girl ran from that same corner, shouting "Stop her, she took my phone!"

    If only we were bigger assholes. Then we could've been heroes. (3 minutes later we started talking about how easily we could've caught that girl if we had acted on it, and felt even worse)
    About a month ago, I was walking down the street around 9:00pm. All of a sudden, I see this guy bolt past me, getting chased by a much bigger guy. After the chaser passed me, he shouted something about the other guy going down. If the guy said that before he passed by me, I might have interfered, but instead I just watched.

    All of a sudden, a third guy pops out of an alley, startling the chase-ee. The big guy catches up to the other two, and knocks the chase-ee to the ground. It's only then that the big guy takes out handcuffs and arrests the smaller guy. It was actually a sting operation, and the criminal was a drug dealer.

    And so, in a potential moment of weakness, I was reminded of New York Rule No. 1: Mind your own business if you don't know what precisely what is going on.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • My parent's (family) dog, Lucky, was just given a diagnosis of spleen cancer. The prognosis is not good and the dog is fairly old. I've been helping out my parents take him to the vet here and there for other medical conditions, but these last few weeks he's taken a turn for the worse.

    My mom had a prior appointment so the vet called me to break the bad news. I couldn't get a hold of my mother, but when I called my father to tell him the news, he broke into tears and wept. I finally got a hold of my mother who was at the vet and was crying to me over the phone. She couldn't handle it and broke down telling me she couldn't take this. She went home to my dad to make a decision, which will more than likely be to put him to sleep. It will be the 3rd dog we had as a family that we were close to.

    I barely lived with Lucky for the few years before I moved out, but I got attached. Whenever I visit my parents, he's always so excited to see me because I would give him the best scratches and take him for a walk . I know it's really hard on my parents right now because he's only one there with them now that my brother and I are no longer there.

    I could barely take hearing my parents break down like that over the phone. Part of me wants to be there when they put him down, but part me doesn't want to. The pain and sadness is too much right now, and I am reminded of the times I was there when I had to put down 3 other pets.

    Update: as I was finishing up this post, my parents called me. They are both at the vet now and decided to put him down. I know this eventually happens to all pets, but dammit, it doesn't make it any easier or any less painful than it is.

    I'm going to drink some wine, hug my cats, and call it a day.

  • The title of the video is not the worst part, a mother of a child being told their kid with cerebral palsy is banned from using her walker at school is the worst part. My brain hurts.
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