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Fail of Your Day



  • Apparently this is a photo of the guy.

    Should have guessed he'd have a fedora.
  • He looks like a stereotype.
  • He looks like a stereotype.
    Yeah, it's RIT. That shouldn't surprise you.

  • Computer problem at the check cashing place. The universe must really want me to remain poor.
  • He looks like a stereotype.
    Yeah, it's RIT. That shouldn't surprise you.
    Yeah, pretty much :/
  • I've never been to RIT, nor Rochester at all. The only experience I have with RIT is the graduates we've snagged. They are not really stereotypes.
  • There is bull shit down the street that somehow got my room mate involved. Now I'm worried our cars may be vandalized. Or we might get harassed by county cops. We'll see.
  • Should have guessed he'd have a fedora.
    Trilby, not fedora. Indiana Jones wears a fedora. That little short brim hat is a trilby.

  • Should have guessed he'd have a fedora.
    Trilby, not fedora. Indiana Jones wears a fedora. That little short brim hat is a trilby.

    From Wikipedia: "A trilby hat (commonly called a trilby) is a type of fedora."

  • We've had this discussion before.
  • We've had this discussion before.
    Yes. Yes we have. If chevre is cheese, than a trilby is a fedora.
  • *Googles chevre to check if it's cheese*
    Damn liberal intellectuals and their fancy words. Why don't you just call it goat cheese?
  • The point was to call it a name that didn't include the word cheese. I was pointing out that just because something is a subset of an overall category doesn't render it outside that category.
  • You didn't answer my question.
  • I'm pretty sure I said I didn't call it goat cheese because I wanted a name that didn't include the word cheese. Now, as to why everybody else calls it chevre... well, I dunno. Since that's only the French word for goat, everybody seems to be saying they're eating goat when they're actually eating goat cheese.
  • I've been putting off doing a paper for my world religions class. Turns out its to write about a book in the suggested readings of one of the chapters of our textbook. I can't find any of them free online so far. Fuck, I don't want to/can't pay $50 to do a goddamn book report.
  • To the library!
  • edited March 2012
    We've had this discussion before.
    Well spotted, make a Tumblr about it.

    But okay, yes. It's a Fedora, with a much shorter brim that's upturned at the back, a sharply turned-down front, and a different, shorter crown. So, it's a fedora, that's nothing like a traditional fedora hat, but it's still a fedora, so doesn't deserve to be called by it's proper name.

    And Since we're quoting Wikipedia, here's another - "The term is usually generic, describing any men's hat that does not already have another name; a few fedoras have names of their own, including the trilby." Thus, the logic would follow, that if a hat already has another name, it would be more proper to refer to it by that name.

    So, unless you also call everything by a completely generic name, humans, then I'd say we're finished here. So, let's all just movement into our vehicle and slip away to business for a quick liquid.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm having trouble getting the mintyboost mounted with the double sided tape. Any ideas?
  • I'm having trouble getting the mintyboost mounted with the double sided tape. Any ideas?
    Mounted to what?
  • edited March 2012
    I'm having trouble getting the mintyboost mounted with the double sided tape. Any ideas?
    Mounted to what?
    The altoids tin. So far I've got a chunk of high-density packing foam filling the spaces.
    Excuse the pic, this was taken on my galaxy tab running ics which doesnt yet have proper camera drivers.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • It looks like you're supposed to use an Altoids GUM tin.
  • edited March 2012
    Yeah, but I thought I read somewhere that this one works too.

    Edit:"The charger circuitry and 2 AA batteries fit into an small space such as an Altoids gum or mint tin"
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Yeah, but I'd probably just spend the extra $1 or whatever and just get the gum tin since it looks like its a perfect fit.
  • Okay so, I was fairly sure I couldn't eat bananas. They make me extremely sick. Today, after my mother mocked me about it and questioned the validity of my claim, I ate a banana for the first time in three years in order to prove her wrong.

    I am regretting that decision now.

    In fact, I regret everything.

    I pray death comes for me soon.
  • edited March 2012
    Time to identify best quality/price speakers in existence: 5 minutes. (Pioneer SP-BS41-LR, in case you are wondering).

    Time to find a place that'll ship them to Finland: 1.5 hours and counting... rageface.png

    I did find a dubious solution that has all my spidey senses tingling.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Okay so, I was fairly sure I couldn't eat bananas. They make me extremely sick. Today, after my mother mocked me about it and questioned the validity of my claim, I ate a banana for the first time in three years in order to prove her wrong.

    I am regretting that decision now.

    In fact, I regret everything.

    I pray death comes for me soon.
    I had a similar experience with Tropicana orange juice. It makes me very, very ill, and my entire family thought I was making it up because no other brand of orange juice makes me sick. Except the proof came when my dad drank nothing but Tropicana orange juice on a group trip once, and he was sick for several days afterward.
    So we buy Minute Maid.

    ...on an unrelated note, I get the day off and all I want to do is go see a movie, and three separate people have either not wanted to make plans or let plans fall through. It's left me rather mopey.
  • I had a similar experience with Tropicana orange juice.
    That's interesting. You're obviously not actually allergic to Tropicana orange juice; you're allergic to some chemical or ingredient that is only in Tropicana. Possibly a byproduct of their purification/pasteurization process?
  • Possibly, but we never figured out quite what made us sick. We just know to avoid Tropicana, and if you don't know the brand of the orange juice, don't drink it!

    Going back to my lonely predicament; that feel when all your friends are having a party and you aren't invited, and you find out through calling someone who WAS invited hoping they'd hang out with you.
    I'd understand the whole, "I'm busy with Stage Management" thing, but I know plenty of people get courtesy invites in these scenarios...
  • I thought Sriracha would be good on Kraft Dinner.
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