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Fail of Your Day



  • Tequila is always a good thing. Deadlines are always bad things.

    It occurs to me I have not shared the story of The Great Tequila Night with the forums. Perhaps one day.
  • I just got back from an internetless holiday to find out I had missed the Qualification Round for Google Code Jam.
  • Looking in to new banks because HSBC is selling all their branches in my area.
    Goddamnitsomuch. Banks suck.
  • I was trimming my beard just a few minutes ago. While I cleaning off the trimming attachment, I absentmindedly forgot to put it back on the razor and I ended up shearing off half of my beard/mustache. Because I would look like a total freak if I didn't, I shaved off my entire beard. I am very sad now.
  • That happens to every man with facial hair every few years. I've done it myself.
  • Looking in to new banks because HSBC is selling all their branches in my area.
    Goddamnitsomuch. Banks suck.
    I ragequit looking for physical banks and just opened a USAA checking account.

  • That happens to every man with facial hair every few years. I've done it myself.
    Yep. Last time I fucked it up, I was cleaning up my cheeks after doing my neckline, and ended up trimming it way too low on one side. Whole thing had to go.
  • Whenever I see the Mazda Log I think Of George Patches first and Mazda second. George, what fate have you doomed me to?
  • Burn a PS2 ISO.
    Remember my PS2 has a hard drive I can send things to via the network.
  • Whenever I see the Mazda Log I think Of George Patches first and Mazda second. George, what fate have you doomed me to?
    Secretly I'm an advertising agent for Mazda who is really bad at his job.
  • edited April 2012
    So, I just took a car service home from South Brooklyn. The driver was exhibiting almost Timecube levels of crazy. He had a strange and meandering monologue the whole way (about 45 minutes), and talked about JFK assasination conspiracies, chiropractic, regenerations, the eternal soul, the theft of America by the "Christians" from the "Spiritual", and many other things. This man could rationalize how he was, himself, a god, how murder is completely justified, and how humans were actually plants (up until very recently). Also, animals want us to eat them so that they can attach themselves(?) to our immortal souls, and therefore achieve immortality themselves.

    Like I said, Timecube. It was also incredibly racist against pretty much everyone: Isrealites, Jews, Europeans, Christians, "sub-human" Muslims, blacks (which he, possibly realizing how that might be taken offensively, politely corrected himself as "darkies"). Seriously, nobody was innocent.

    Physically, he was a bald, late-40's white guy, with a HUGE hoop earring and a 3/4 open tibetan shirt.

    EDIT: I forgot to include the "power of wanting something"/Secret/invocation of worldly desire thing, with which he accused basically everyone of hubris (and parroted the MLK plagiarism claims). He really, really likes Abraham Lincoln, and said he was the "Link" between the spiritual and material realms.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • tl;dr - Listened to the crazy rantings of a cab driver
    And this is fail... how, exactly? :D

  • I love listening crazy cab drivers. It's like a glimpse into a roiling cauldron of insane paranoia and belief that no other humans save other crazy cabbies have access to.

    I also like wise cabbies, but that's a different story.
  • edited April 2012
    Wise cabbies are great, but this guy thought he was a god, and heard voices telling him it's alright to kill people. And I was stuck in a car with him driving. There's a fine line between "crazy cabbie" and "legitimately insane possible serial killer."
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited April 2012
    Could be he wanted to make absolutely sure you paid your fare.

    Today I went out to return a laptop I'd refitted and forgot my keys, but now I have the chance to sit outside in the not-quite sun and read http://
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Oh my god what is happening to my leg. So much pain!!!!!
  • Oh my god what is happening to my leg. So much pain!!!!!
    Has a doctor's appointment been made?!

  • Oh my god what is happening to my leg. So much pain!!!!!
    Charlie horse? Thrombosis?
  • I have no idea. I went out for my morning run and my leg was giving throbs of disagreement, so I called it off. Hours later, it felt like the bones in my legs were trying to forcefully separate, and I simply could not walk for the pain. Just under my knee was swelling slightly to boot.

    I took some painkillers and stuck an ice pack on it, and the pain has since subsided and the swelling has gone down. If it returns, I'm getting on the phone with the doctor, but I think I might be alright for now.

    This knee suffered the most from the heavy lifting at my stocking job, but it's never been like this.

  • RymRym
    edited April 2012
    Just under my knee was swelling slightly to boot.

    That's the key. I'd talk to a doctor just as you're planning, but I doubt there's an immediate emergency (like Thrombosis can become). I'd hazard a guess at some joint issues, but I'm no doctor.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Yeah, the pain is mostly gone, but I'm keeping it on ice just in case and I'm going to bring it up to a doc. I wanted to get it looked at anyway because I'm starting to worry I actually fucked it up in some way while working last year, so this is one hell of a motivator in that regard.

    The worst part is that this is distracting as all hell. I was supposed to get a lot of painting done today, but I am having a rather hard time focusing.
  • Sounds to me like it could be a cartilage thing, what you described the pain to be is much like what mine is like when my meniscus tears and get's out of the proper placement inside the joint.
  • The comic book store I've gone to off and on for most of my life had to close down. There was a fire in the building next door and the damage from the fire and the water damage from putting the fire out made the stores contents un-salvageable. I knew it was closed down at least temporarily but we drove by there the other day and the whole place was torn down. I mean I never bought much there but I feel awful for the owner because he was a really nice guy and seemed to love it there. I has a sad.
  • Back in uni on my larry. Oh well least the books shall keep me company.
  • Worst rehearsal yet. We're two days before opening and it was a complete clusterfuck of terrible shifts, breaking props/set pieces, conflicting communication, incomplete items, last minute changes, faulty cue calling, bad attitudes, and high tensions. It looks like we're cutting a member of our running/stage crew because he can't take direction and only gets in the way. He's slowing us down monumentally during every single shift by 10-15 seconds, and when you have a 20 second shift wherein you are moving 50+ props, that is unacceptable in every way.

    Not to mention that today, outside the theater:

    -Crazy roommate pitched a sudden bitch-fit and went back on several of the things she'd said, including blaming me because I "didn't tell her" things I clearly had multiple times already. That, and her checks are bouncing when she "pays" us for things she owes us.

    -The electricity in our apartment cut off because a bill that was supposedly paid was not actually, and we just got the check for it today.

    -I had to fight the pharmacy AGAIN to get my prescription because they had it in the system wrong and told me I didn't have any refills. Then they tried to tell me they HAD to give me a name-brand that's different than what I'm on because of insurance.

    -I have three or more papers, a portfolio, and a huge project to do in the next week and I haven't even started because of the show. NO SLEEP TONIGHT.

    As a result I'm in super extreme bitch mode, which makes me snap at people who don't deserve it, then I'm pissed at myself, then it compounds, and right now I just don't think I'm fit for human interaction.
  • I've found that the worst rehearsals are always the day or two before opening, then the people get yelled at and everything pulls together in the end as long as people are serious.. but that was high school theater so who knows ^_^
  • I came into the rehearsal with little to no patience thanks to the messes with working on schoolwork, my prescription, the electrics, the shit with crazy roommate, etc. By the end of the night, I was the one who kept my head the most, which is unreasonable. A large majority of the problem was that we were all super tense beforehand and shit just went down from there.
    I'm having nightmares about the theater catching on fire or us running endless shift rehearsals. Every single one of my most recent dreams has involved crazy extreme lighting changes and haze. I'll be so glad when this next week is over. We've been doing this show for awhile now and this is the first truly abominable rehearsal (some have been bad, but not THIS BAD), so hopefully that means everyone will shape up or get kicked out.

    I'm getting by reminding myself that I'm on stage during the last scene, army-crawling across the floor and then barrel rolling off all so I can lock a set of pivoting stairs in place. And my barrel rolls are getting awesome. I really wonder if people can see the top of my head behind the stairs, but no one has commented on it and they refuse to put masking in it so OH WELL.
  • Argh, writing recommendation letters for yourself is the most awkward thing in the world.
  • AmpAmp
    edited April 2012
    Spent most of the day in the library doing work, as normal. First couple of hours are ok nothing to special. After a while I notice a group of "ladies" have dominated a corner and proceed to start to hold forth in conversation over their sex lives. Ok no worries just turn up the volume. This carries on for a while with the ocasional burst of "OMG hash-tag slut" or "LOL they are so dumb? Lol", ok fine then you are those type of people. Their conversation is punctuated with the occasional greeting for "the studs". One such individual holds court and expressing some lovely anti-Semitic views. Four people including me left there and then. I had the joy of later seeing him carted off by security. Fuck those douche bags I cannot wait for them to die off.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • -Crazy roommate pitched a sudden bitch-fit and went back on several of the things she'd said, including blaming me because I "didn't tell her" things I clearly had multiple times already. That, and her checks are bouncing when she "pays" us for things she owes us.
    If I didn't know better, I'd almost say that someone has discovered that you changed the locks. But I don't think you've had it done yet.
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