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Fail of Your Day



  • 401 messages
  • -Crazy roommate pitched a sudden bitch-fit and went back on several of the things she'd said, including blaming me because I "didn't tell her" things I clearly had multiple times already. That, and her checks are bouncing when she "pays" us for things she owes us.
    If I didn't know better, I'd almost say that someone has discovered that you changed the locks. But I don't think you've had it done yet.
    We haven't. All we've done is ask the office if it's possible.
  • I ordered something tiny off ThinkGeek for my girlfriend and a huge box just showed up. Wow guys, think you could have wasted any more space?

  • Ah but think of all the free air you're getting!
  • On that note, I don't get why my graphics card has to come in a bigger box than my motherboard. Both of which came in yet bigger parcels.
  • Also, Le Whif is totally not worth it. ^^;
  • Had my first encounter with a Birther today. He's currently trying to argue that the basic logic of conditional statements is wrong, because I'm, quote, "Retarded."
  • edited April 2012
    Had my first encounter with a Birther today. He's currently trying to argue that the basic logic of conditional statements is wrong, because I'm, quote, "Retarded."
    I can top that. I met a biomedical science student last night who believes that the US government developed and released HIV to kill gay people and that the Moon Landing was faked. But, he said, 9/11 was definitely real.

    Meanwhile, the club we went to for my friend's birthday last night has my right ear ringing quite significantly. I hate nightclubs so fucking much; I only go to them when it's for a friend's birthday or similar, and I always pay more than I want to to get in. Then its hot, sweaty, gross, and there's shit music out of every speaker, and meanwhile I risk permanent hearing loss.

    Last night, I ended up with two assholes trying to pull me out of a toilet stall while I was taking a piss. I considered wrapping the screwlock carabiner I use to secure my keys to my belt around my fist and turning one of them into a dentist's favorite meal ticket, but decided against it.

    I am so glad house and apartment party culture is more popular than clubs among college students in the US. Christ.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Given the terrible, terrible experiments the US Government has done coupled with their historic enthusiasm for eugenics and intolerance, I can sort of see why somebody would believe the US might be behind HIV. Like, I don't believe it myself, but I can understand how such a belief wouldn't really be a stretch from the right perspective. It is a disease that hit hardest a lot of groups the US population traditionally hates and oppresses, that emerged in the wake of the reveal of a great many of seriously fucked-up US government experimental programs, and Regan's refusal to talk about it could be taken as suspicious.

    The moon landings, though? That's just silly.
  • Gin and Pear Cider. Just did not sit well for me all night.
  • I've been drinking a bit too much lately, I think I'm gonna take a week off.
  • I've been drinking a bit too much lately, I think I'm gonna take a week off.
    Watch out for the DTs. ;^)
  • I've been drinking a bit too much lately, I think I'm gonna take a week off.
    Watch out for the DTs. ;^)
    Thankfully I'm only a slight alcoholic so I don't drink enough for those. It's really just that my stomach has been bothering me when I drink lately. :(
  • Reading ScoJo & friend dealing with Birthers on FB.
  • Christ when I have to ally in an argument with someone who starts their rant against birthers like this "I am constantly amazed at how many people continue to swallow a hoax, manipulated to seem like sound tea party rhetoric, but advanced by the very Zionist globalists they hate! I mean, it doesn't even take much googling to find out:"
    It really shows me how fucked up we've gotten.
  • Reading ScoJo & friend dealing with Birthers on FB.
    There goes my Thursday night.
  • Reading ScoJo & friend dealing with Birthers on FB.
    There goes my Thursday night.

  • That would be a rather good read.

    Also, fuck my unis stupid exec. I have never before seen such a warped idea of political justification. Nor have I seen stupidity like this in a long time. It is beyond putting your dick in a blender dumb. The person has made me take up smoking again, fuck that bitch.
  • Fuck, my right ear is so blasted from that stupid fucking nightclub last night that it's causing me discomfort. I just hope my stapedius will have slowed its roll a bit tomorrow.

    I can't believe a single fucking night for the sake of a friend's birthday is the source of this much grief. Christ.
  • Fuck, my right ear is so blasted from that stupid fucking nightclub last night that it's causing me discomfort. I just hope my stapedius will have slowed its roll a bit tomorrow.

    I can't believe a single fucking night for the sake of a friend's birthday is the source of this much grief. Christ.
    I leave my Ety earplugs on my keychain for just this reason.
  • Fuck, my right ear is so blasted from that stupid fucking nightclub last night that it's causing me discomfort. I just hope my stapedius will have slowed its roll a bit tomorrow.

    I can't believe a single fucking night for the sake of a friend's birthday is the source of this much grief. Christ.
    I leave my Ety earplugs on my keychain for just this reason.
    Yeah, defs investing in something like that. I usually use silicone putty ones, but I didn't think to bring the carry case with me. If I had something on my keychain, I wouldn't have this fucking problem.

    Oh well, it's not like I spend huge sums of time in clubs; this is just one very bad accident. I'll pick up a set of Etymotic plugs and hopefully never have to deal with this misery again.
  • Fuck, my right ear is so blasted from that stupid fucking nightclub last night that it's causing me discomfort. I just hope my stapedius will have slowed its roll a bit tomorrow.

    I can't believe a single fucking night for the sake of a friend's birthday is the source of this much grief. Christ.
    I leave my Ety earplugs on my keychain for just this reason.
    Yeah, defs investing in something like that. I usually use silicone putty ones, but I didn't think to bring the carry case with me. If I had something on my keychain, I wouldn't have this fucking problem.

    Oh well, it's not like I spend huge sums of time in clubs; this is just one very bad accident. I'll pick up a set of Etymotic plugs and hopefully never have to deal with this misery again.
    You will not be sorry. Speaking as someone who briefly attended one of the concerts at PAX (but then left soon after due to fatigue related to PAX Pox), it works like wonders.

  • Oh god, writing a paper about taxes and studying the bias of each party puts me at a new level of "Don't Give a FUCK." However, the paper is due today AND requires an Annotated Bibliography.

  • If I had something on my keychain, I wouldn't have this fucking problem.

    Oh well, it's not like I spend huge sums of time in clubs; this is just one very bad accident. I'll pick up a set of Etymotic plugs and hopefully never have to deal with this misery again.
    Totally worth it. $10 or so for the earplugs and the keychain carrying case comes with it.
  • The Beer Festival I've been hyping over for a month, apparently sold out of tickets. Despite having an "At-The-Enterance" Cost for people on all of their signs, they completely sold out of tickets and had a time limit for this. And I didn't even have any idea about this until this morning.

    I wouldn't feel so awful about this, if I didn't hype up to of my friends majorly about this scenario. And I didn't buy tickets because I've NEVER encountered this issue with a beer festival. I'm so fucking stupid. >_<

    However, the Silver Lining to this...It's 3,000 people within a really small area in middle of downtown Harrisonburg. I'm talking 8000 sq ft and half of that is for maybe 50 cars worth of parking where they can't set up tents or beer officials. Considering the lack of parking in the area, the distance, how cramped the roads are...I might be saving myself from a major car crash JUST WAITING to happen.
  • I just got stung by fuck knows what while in my house.
  • If I had something on my keychain, I wouldn't have this fucking problem.

    Oh well, it's not like I spend huge sums of time in clubs; this is just one very bad accident. I'll pick up a set of Etymotic plugs and hopefully never have to deal with this misery again.
    Totally worth it. $10 or so for the earplugs and the keychain carrying case comes with it.
    Sounds like I'm going to have to get my own set of these my hearing is starting to go.
  • Skipped a concert due to overwhelming backlog of work. Did not get work done.
  • Discovered not 1, not 2, but 3 separate piles of cat vomit on the carpet by stepping on them bare foot in the dark while walking to the bathroom. So much for sleeping in.
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