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Fail of Your Day



  • The DoD community has a pervasive culture of horrible, horrible PowerPoint design. In fact, I think I can safely say that blind people could make better slides.
  • Spoony/TGWTG were never really on my radar. I never really enjoyed their antics, and barely knew who they were. I can't even rightly figure out what everyone's all fighting and tweeting about right now. Just a stream of insults, and another guy for whatever reason responding to most of them.

    What actually happened? I see no reasonable source for an explanation of what this is all actually about anywhere.
  • Spoony was extremely misogynistic towards another reviewer (I believe the exact breaking comment was basically "Hey, if it doesn't work out with (other reviewer you're dating), I can always chain you up in my basement and love way." ), and someone finally stood up to him as a result of his behavior. His behavior is due to his admitted clinical depression, but Spoony doesn't want help for it and is lashing out as it gets worse, and his behavior is not acceptable under any circumstance. After fighting with other reviewers, he was put on probation and told not to fight with them or make rude Twitter comments. He lashed out against other TGWTG members and several of his confused/hurt fans over Twitter, and ultimately turned his probation into him leaving TGWTG so he could make whatever Twitter comments he wanted, and spawned a war between himself and other reviewers.

    It just hurts because unlike you, I am a fan of TGWTG antics. *Sigh.*
  • edited June 2012
    As someone who knows the guy personally I can sum up this simply. In person he is a great guy, online he is a bad comedian. When you can not turn off the switch between character and person to people who know you, you have a problem. I feel bad about the whole thing but in the end I hope this gives him a wake up call (much like me a long time ago) to become a better person.

    @Rym The very short answer is that he made a rape joke to two of the female members of TGWTG, and said sorry about it afterwards in a joke manner. One of them still thought it wasn't cool that he would often call them out in an inappropriate jokes. She wrote a tumblr post about it and Spoony went on a BAD tirade when it was brought up again. She was pointing out that it wasn't cool to make hate comments to other people for the sake of bad comedy.

    There is A LOT more to it then that but that particular event really got the ball rolling.

    @Axel I know how you feel man, at times like this I remember who is close and make sure that they alright, both professionally and emotionally.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • So, standard Internet drama.
  • Friend of mine just got out of the hospital; he was there with a blood infection due to advanced Salmonellosis.

    Make sure your chicken is cooked to 7log10 lethality, kids. Especially if you're out west--there's an outbreak on!
  • I was threatened with physical violence on reddit today by somebody's ostensible boyfriend because I told her that her own designs on etsy were impressive and she should stop bootlegging Nintendo's characters on her other products because it's grifting off of somebody else's effort and marketing.
  • Friend of mine just got out of the hospital; he was there with a blood infection due to advanced Salmonellosis.

    Make sure your chicken is cooked to 7log10 lethality, kids. Especially if you're out west--there's an outbreak on!
    7log10 is my favorite level of lethality. ^_^
  • After this, though (especially considering that this link is in the video description), there may be worse consequences than just shame. It could easily drive some of those bullies to commit suicide.
    Yeah you're right, I was mainly focusing on the amazing support the woman got, as well as the bullies being potentially punished by the school, as opposed to being ignored like every school seems to be doing. The human side of me says these kids deserve to know what it feels like, deserve to be shamed and ridiculed. However, the logical side of me says they shouldn't be attacked and threatened like this, no matter what they did, because really they just are just incredibly stupid kids that think they're being cool.

    Brings up another thing I have gripes about, everyone is blaming the parents for this. They are attacking the parents and family members, which is just horrible. Why does everyone blame parents for everything these days? Sure there are some bad parents out there, but these kids are horrible from mostly a peer pressure mob mentality etc. etc. kind of thing, not that the parents are the direct reason. (Sorry, if I don't rant somewhere, I stew on stuff like this all day >.<)</p>
    Perhaps it is cold of me...but these entitled little shits deserve anything that comes to them. Some spoiled 12 year olds decided that it was not only okay to harass and belittle an elderly woman, but then to film it, and then post it on a social network because clearly they thought they were being awesome and nothing would be done about it.

    The lesson, naturally, would be don't be an asshole or the world will hate you, or at very least if you so choose to be an asshole, don't go and brag about what an asshole you are to the entire world. Behavior like this in ANY person that age is not a "Oh gee, I didn't know any better" situation. These evil little shits thought it was hilarious to cause someone else pain (and I'd bet a large sum that it's not the first time), and they get exactly zero sympathy for anything bad that happens to them.

    Harassed on the internet? Bothered by people angry at you in real life? BOO HOO. Don't pick on old ladies you filthy little mutants. God forbid I have a child who behaves like that.
  • So, standard Internet drama.
    Not exactly, but if that's how you see it, whatever.

    And Coldguy, yeah, that was the feeling I got. I think Spoony is latching onto his internet comedian self to retain any sense of self-worth he has left. It's sad. I hope he realizes people don't like him for that.
  • So, standard Internet drama.
    Not exactly, but if that's how you see it, whatever.

    And Coldguy, yeah, that was the feeling I got. I think Spoony is latching onto his internet comedian self to retain any sense of self-worth he has left. It's sad. I hope he realizes people don't like him for that.
    I've seen minor Internet celebrities spiral down this exact road so many times it doesn't even stand out. Hell, ultra-minor "celebrities" withing small online communities have the same thing happen.

    Call me jaded, but this is standard Internet drama to me.
  • Spoony isn't really minor, honestly. He's pretty popular.
  • So the greeks are pissed at the germans for one economic reason or another and before they faced off today they were more or less crowing about how they're going to beat germany at the Euros in order to boost their national morality. Well, they're losing 4-1 right now.

    This becomes even more entertaining when you consider that german coach Otto Rehagel was the prime factor of Greece winning the 2004 Euros.
  • Spoony isn't really minor, honestly. He's pretty popular.
    There's a difference between Popular, and celebrity popular. Reddit has far more users total than Spoony has viewers, but I'll bet you that more people are fans of, say, My Super Sweet Sixteen or Johnny Depp than people who regularly visit reddit.

    He's a minor celebrity at best.
  • I know other people who go by Spoony, but not that guy. And all the Spoony people I know are drama bombs.
  • Internet celebrities that I wouldn't call minor:
    -- Doug Walker
    -- Nigahiga (debatable)
  • Spoony isn't really minor, honestly. He's pretty popular.
    There's a difference between Popular, and celebrity popular. Reddit has far more users total than Spoony has viewers, but I'll bet you that more people are fans of, say, My Super Sweet Sixteen or Johnny Depp than people who regularly visit reddit.

    He's a minor celebrity at best.
    I meant he's not a minor internet celebrity. Rym said "minor internet celebrities." Spoony isn't a minor internet celebrity. He's more like...An internet celebrity. You don't really need to attach minor.

  • Spoony isn't really minor, honestly. He's pretty popular.
    There's a difference between Popular, and celebrity popular. Reddit has far more users total than Spoony has viewers, but I'll bet you that more people are fans of, say, My Super Sweet Sixteen or Johnny Depp than people who regularly visit reddit.

    He's a minor celebrity at best.
    I meant he's not a minor internet celebrity. Rym said "minor internet celebrities." Spoony isn't a minor internet celebrity. He's more like...An internet celebrity. You don't really need to attach minor.

    Gabe And Tycho are Internet Celebrities. Will Wheaton is an Internet celebrity. Spoony is no Gabe and Tycho, nor is he any sort of Will Wheaton. Minor internet celebrity.

  • Spoony isn't really minor, honestly. He's pretty popular.
    There's a difference between Popular, and celebrity popular. Reddit has far more users total than Spoony has viewers, but I'll bet you that more people are fans of, say, My Super Sweet Sixteen or Johnny Depp than people who regularly visit reddit.

    He's a minor celebrity at best.
    I meant he's not a minor internet celebrity. Rym said "minor internet celebrities." Spoony isn't a minor internet celebrity. He's more like...An internet celebrity. You don't really need to attach minor.

    Gabe And Tycho are Internet Celebrities. Will Wheaton is an Internet celebrity. Spoony is no Gabe and Tycho, nor is he any sort of Will Wheaton. Minor internet celebrity.

  • Who?

    He's an internet celebrity to you. And if you say perhaps, when comparing him to Gabe and Tycho, Wil Wheaton, or even The Oatmeal, you are deluding yourself.
  • He may not be up there with those guys, but he probably has many thousands of viewers on his videos. Yeah, Gabe and Tycho are leagues above that, but the simple fact is, there also tons of people who, despite being popular, are leagues below Spoony. I put him in that middle area.
  • I'm sorry but you aren't even a blip on the radar unless your videos consistently get millions of hits within a couple days. This dude isn't any sort of celebrity. I mean, maybe he's a Y-List geek district of the internet celebrity. Maybe.
  • Y-List?
    If Scrym could once honestly describe themselves as F-List, Spoony is not Y-List. No offense to Scrym, I can guarantee without hesitation that he has a multitude more fans than them.
  • Y-List?
    If Scrym could once honestly describe themselves as F-List, Spoony is not Y-List. No offense to Scrym, I can guarantee without hesitation that he has a multitude more fans than them.
    So he's at best E-list. Still nothing great. I've never heard of this guy either.

  • edited June 2012
    The whole idea of "internet celebrity" is entirely subjective 100% of the time because of how easy it is to isolate yourself into your own interests on the internet. There is no such thing in an objective sense. It is always a relative measure.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Who?

  • The way to work out who is famous isn't by asking "How many people know who this person is?" but "How many people think this person is famous?"
  • edited June 2012
    I've heard of him, but I've never watched his shit. Hell, I barely watch Brows Held High (oancitizen doesn't really understand film, to my chagrin), and that's my favorite part of TGWTG network. No offense meant to Coldguy; while I'm sure Spine Breakers is really good, I just haven't given it a listen yet.

    Just another example of a dude thinking that because people know his name on the intertubes, he's white-hot shit.
    The way to work out who is famous isn't by asking "How many people know who this person is?" but "How many people think this person is famous?"

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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