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Fail of Your Day



  • My cell battery is at the end of it's life, I'll have to replace it.
  • These kids are from a part of NY close to mine. Appalling.
    I have to wonder at the psychology behind this. It would be nice if those kids were just evil mutants, but it's unlikely at best.
  • I keep having recurring nose bleeds (made more annoying by being on blood thinners). Called my doctor for advice and he gave me some additional first aid tricks other than just "pinch it closed until it stops bleeding," but he did warn me that if it still stays this bad, I may need to have my nostril cauterized.
  • (video)

    These kids are from a part of NY close to mine. Appalling.
    I just saw that this has exploded on teh internets. (Man, the internet is awesome lately). Wow, poor lady. People have donated tons of money to her and she may get to retire, which is really amazing.

    I know the bullying thing is a hot topic right now, so this gets me thinking, what about all those kids who get bullied and end up doing drastic things like killing themselves? As we know, unfortunately the kind of bullying this bus monitor got is extremely common. I wish the people that care could out number and weed out the kids (and adults) who do severe bullying. Where is the anger and disgust when this happens everywhere every day? (Uh oh, I feel a rant coming on...) Well, what did it in this situation was that video, even though the video taker intended it to be mean, not as evidence. Makes me wonder what the other kids on the bus thought, and if they were disgusted. Makes me wonder about all witnesses to bullying being disgusted and not doing anything. Maybe its because people are afraid they'll get bullied too? Maybe seeing a video puts you out of the situation and you feel "safer"? (Not trying to be uppity here, I'm sure I "ignored" bullying at least once as a kid)

    Now that almost everyone has phones with cameras, its easy to record whats going on. I wish everyone would record crap like this when they see it (and then react appropriately once gotten the evidence). I wish all severe bullies would get called out and shamed like this. Grrrr... >.< (Yeah yeah, there may be repercussions from the law for recording people, whatever)
  • edited June 2012
    After this, though (especially considering that this link is in the video description), there may be worse consequences than just shame. It could easily drive some of those bullies to commit suicide.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Seems my D3 account got hacked. >_>
  • Seems my D3 account got hacked. >_>
    That sucks <_<
  • After this, though (especially considering that this link is in the video description), there may be worse consequences than just shame. It could easily drive some of those bullies to commit suicide.
    Yeah you're right, I was mainly focusing on the amazing support the woman got, as well as the bullies being potentially punished by the school, as opposed to being ignored like every school seems to be doing. The human side of me says these kids deserve to know what it feels like, deserve to be shamed and ridiculed. However, the logical side of me says they shouldn't be attacked and threatened like this, no matter what they did, because really they just are just incredibly stupid kids that think they're being cool.

    Brings up another thing I have gripes about, everyone is blaming the parents for this. They are attacking the parents and family members, which is just horrible. Why does everyone blame parents for everything these days? Sure there are some bad parents out there, but these kids are horrible from mostly a peer pressure mob mentality etc. etc. kind of thing, not that the parents are the direct reason. (Sorry, if I don't rant somewhere, I stew on stuff like this all day >.<)
  • Someone was able to copy my credit card and make fraudulent charges. Luckily I was able to get them refunded. Weird, because I hardly use the thing.
  • It took me 10 days to get my money back when my bank card numbers were stolen. The thief spent $1,000+ at an outlet mall in Texas (I live in Connecticut). Despite charges on the same card on the same day IN THE SAME HOUR in both states, the bank let them all through.
  • Only once was any account of mine ever stolen. When I was 17, a charge appeared on my credit card for, and I kid you not, "Pornotherapy." I disputed the charge, and it was removed no questions asked. I received a new credit card with a new number the next day (they overnighted it to me).
  • I'm incredibly shocked my card(s) or identity haven't been stolen yet, with how often it seems to happen these days. I checked my credit report for the first time recently (yeah I know, bad Lyddi) and I half expected to see bad stuff on there, and was surprised to see it clean. (Now that I've stated this, my card will get stolen tomorrow :-P)
  • Yeah, years ago that was the norm. Refunded on your say so. I had to sign an affidavit saying it wasn't mine, and I had the money back before I walked out of the bank.

    It's not like that any more. It's way more customer hostile out there.
  • I lost a steam account with a crappy password once, and a diablo 2 account that I shared with a friend. I've not yet had to deal with anything credit card fraud related.
  • There is a man in in florida who took out a mortgage with his name under my social security number.
  • edited June 2012
    My retina is partially detached. I never saw it coming.... HA!
    Post edited by Wyatt on
  • My retina is partially detached. I never say it coming.... HA!

    How'd you do that?
  • Arrow to the knee during some rather vigorous intercourse.

    No idea. It can just happen to near sighted people apparently.
  • Arrow to the knee during some rather vigorous intercourse.

    No idea. It can just happen to near sighted people apparently.
    Well fuck. I did not want to know that.
  • I'm assuming that some disgruntled waiter/waitress copied it in a backroom. That or card readers have become much more sophisticated because I always make sure to check before I swipe.
  • My bank just sent me an email asking about the quality of my customer service call on the 15th.

    I did not call my bank on the 15th.
  • My bank just sent me an email asking about the quality of my customer service call on the 15th.

    I did not call my bank on the 15th.
    That was how I found out my battle net account was hacked. I got an email from Blizzard saying I was suspended from chat for an hour for spamming.
  • edited June 2012
    I think this is probably a fluke, but I'm on the phone now to get to the bottom of it.

    EDIT: I'm linked to my mom's account, and I guess I'm the primary or something. At any rate, it appears that she called, and I got the customer service email. Irritating, but better than the alternative.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Stumbled into the christian forums due to looking up the Coexist bumper sticker on someone's wall sooo much crazy in one place!
  • I'm assuming that some disgruntled waiter/waitress copied it in a backroom. That or card readers have become much more sophisticated because I always make sure to check before I swipe.
    Probably the former - It's easy enough to hide a two-piece skimmer rig in a waiter or waitress's uniform, let alone behind a counter or in a back room. The latter would be hard to do, those little machines do not take well to tampering.

  • Only once was any account of mine ever stolen. When I was 17, a charge appeared on my credit card for, and I kid you not, "Pornotherapy." I disputed the charge, and it was removed no questions asked. I received a new credit card with a new number the next day (they overnighted it to me).
    You had a credit card when you were 17? I am definitely using this when I argue for one from my parents.
  • Only once was any account of mine ever stolen. When I was 17, a charge appeared on my credit card for, and I kid you not, "Pornotherapy." I disputed the charge, and it was removed no questions asked. I received a new credit card with a new number the next day (they overnighted it to me).
    You had a credit card when you were 17? I am definitely using this when I argue for one from my parents.
    Well, I had it when I was 16. My parents co-signed on it until I turned 18, but it was in my name. I used it pretty-much exclusively to buy gas.

  • edited June 2012
    Same deal here, sorta - My parents offered me one around that age for emergencies, except I declined - Any emergency that I would need a credit card to get out of, I probably wasn't stupid enough to get into in the first place, the only thing I might have used it for were petrol and Phone credit(I had a hand-me-down phone from my father at that point, long story, but it was a pretty huge deal at the time), both of which I paid for myself by working. I had a small discretionary fund that I'd built up, too, along with an emergency fund, both of which had debit cards attached, so I was already set.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Spoony, a now former member of That Guy With the Glasses, has self-destructed and seemingly turned into a vicious hatemonger. He has literally embraced the character from his videos and replaced his formerly nice and seemingly good-spirited self with it. It's painful to watch him fall. He's been clearly suffering from depression and it's turned him into a monster. I hope I don't fall that way.
    We'll see what happens to his video quality. But if his behavior continues, I don't know that I can support him.
  • Spoony, a now former member of That Guy With the Glasses, has self-destructed and seemingly turned into a vicious hatemonger. He has literally embraced the character from his videos and replaced his formerly nice and seemingly good-spirited self with it. It's painful to watch him fall. He's been clearly suffering from depression and it's turned him into a monster. I hope I don't fall that way.
    We'll see what happens to his video quality. But if his behavior continues, I don't know that I can support him.
    I've been reading up on this. I feel really bad for him, but I'm not sure why he's suddenly snapped and turned on people trying to help him. I mean, we have no idea how this is going to end up, lots of people are strapping in for the worst.

    If anything, I've always learned to have faith in people and understand that most people are simply exceptions from certain stereotypes and plotted-out-lives. I've recently had a talk with some podcasting buddies who recently gotten rid of a friend due to some age/comical issues. This stuff can be taken really intensely, and you'd be surprised how angry and hateful people can get over certain issues. I hope the best for Noah, but fuck, who knows.
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