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Fail of Your Day



  • Personally I think you should always attack the strongest point someone made in their argument. If you knock that, or if you are able to knock that, the weakest points just fall away.
    Yeah; if you're actually interested in the truth, you need to refute the central point of their argument. It's even better if you can actually help fix their argument and then refute it anyway.

    However, if you just care about "winning" the argument, then it's much easier and more effective to divert attention to weak side points.
  • Tripped walking up the stairs and landed on my knee onto the stone steps while spilling my mocha on my hands and jacket.
  • Tripped walking up the stairs and landed on my knee onto the stone steps while spilling my mocha on my hands and jacket.
    Gahhhh. >_<
  • Well it's not too bad, my mocha has been salvaged. I am currently icing my knee. It's pretty fucking tender.
  • edited June 2012
    Why do I keep getting fucked up discs from Netflix?
    They're trying to get people to stop using discs.
    Well it's not too bad, my mocha has been salvaged. I am currently icing my knee. It's pretty fucking tender.
    Still... Gah.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I got a new battery and my phone is still hemorrhaging battery life.
  • On Android:
    Settings --> About Phone --> Battery Use
  • On Android:
    Settings --> About Phone --> Battery Use
    Screen: 68%

    Stupid gigantic screen.
  • edited June 2012
    On Android:
    Settings --> About Phone --> Battery Use
    Not a newb here. :P

    Yeah, it's nothing abnormal.
    cell standby
    phone idle
    android OS

    Yet the battery went from near full when I went to sleep to 40% when I got up. I think something has gotten funky with the Dalvik cache or something.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Did you go wipe the battery stats?
    Also: I don't think I've seen a third party battery outlast the original, they generally have less or equal charge. It's a shame someone like Sanyo doesn't make them but every phone insists on it's own custom shape.
  • I got an OEM battery specifically because of that.
  • edited June 2012
    Not sure if the old method of putting it through a few complete charge and drain cycles when you first get it still applies.

    Spend an hour writing an advert for my TV. Website won't stop crashing when I click post.
    Site also has a 10 character password limit.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I seem to be going through an increasingly severe quarter life crisis.
  • i realize this is old but lol:
  • A few months ago I bought a copy of Fallout New Vegas for PS3 (please no flamewar for this). It was scratched and wouldn't play past a certain point. Today I bought another copy and it won't play past the same point. What in the fuck.
  • edited June 2012
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited June 2012
    If I can't sit on the couch, I'll do something else. It's a psychological thing. And before you tell me to hook my computer up to my TV, my TV is from before HDMI was standard in them.

    EDIT: and I specifically requested not to have a flamewar. Fuck you.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Well, after 5 or 6 years of trying to figure out what is wrong with my digestive system, it all points out to be an allergy to gluten... I am truly depressed right now.
  • Gluten allergy is a bitch but it sure beats Crohn's Disease. You have an almost sure-fire way to never experience a symptom ever again. Given the options, you got one of the better ones, even though it still blows.
  • Gluten intolerance still really sucks though.
  • Gluten allergy is a bitch but it sure beats Crohn's Disease. You have an almost sure-fire way to never experience a symptom ever again. Given the options, you got one of the better ones, even though it still blows.
    Crohn's is still not off the plate.

  • I just realized my card hasn't been charged yet from Holiday Inn. I'm guessing it finally went through when I added a deposit to my card/account, but it's been more than 8 days. It just had me worried, through I thankfully noted that my reservation has been gone and Holiday Inn has sent me the e-mails of "Thank You For Staying" and "Please Respond to Our Survey."

    Think I just went through a bit of a financial scare.
  • edited June 2012
    EDIT: Oops. Double post.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Children in some US schools are being taught the Loch Ness monster is real, and its existence disproves Darwin's theory of evolution.
    Well, if it was real, it would definitely cast a lot of things into some serious doubt, so the second part of that isn't too wrong. It's probably a better tactic to make up facts when the real facts aren't in your favour than to try to make up absurd justifications.
  • I just realized my card hasn't been charged yet from Holiday Inn. I'm guessing it finally went through when I added a deposit to my card/account, but it's been more than 8 days. It just had me worried, through I thankfully noted that my reservation has been gone and Holiday Inn has sent me the e-mails of "Thank You For Staying" and "Please Respond to Our Survey."

    Think I just went through a bit of a financial scare.
    ...don't you keep a check register?

  • ...don't you keep a check register?
    Rent is literally the only thing I've written a check for in many, many years. I don't even have a register.

  • I don't keep mine just for checks. I keep it for everything I use a debit card for. Buy a coffee? I keep the receipt and put it in my register.

    I don't rely on the bank's balance for anything. It's always going to be higher than reality unless you go 3-4 days without buying a thing.

    Maybe if I had several thousand dollars in the bank I wouldn't do it, but I like knowing exactly, to the penny, what I've got in there.

    I wrote a PHP application just for this purpose when sharing an XLS between me and my wife was problematic. I can access it on my phone from anywhere via VPN and update it, but I usually just do it every evening.
  • Wow. I don't take receipts for anything that isn't a big deal purchase. Even when I was fairly poor, I managed it all in my head and through an online bank balance.

    Of course, other than rent and utilities, I never pay anything out of a bank account directly. I've always used credit cards as a buffer, so there's never a chance of overdrafting. Every month, I go over my expenditures and make adjustments as needed.

    But even at my poorest, with less than $20 in the bank on average, I never tracked receipts.
  • (that is all)
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