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Fail of Your Day



  • No, I just said that I don't want him to be bullied. I just want him to be known for the truth of what he has done, and if that includes people not wanting him in their businesses or homes, that's their decision.

    You know, all I want from any villain is just the realization of how they have been wrong all along. I don't even want them to die. My favorite stories are the ones where the villain realizes he has been bad all along in a moment of Peripeteia, and tries to make amends or perishes knowing the truth of his sins. Villians who go to the grave thinking they were right all along are boring and sad.
    I only want people to be punished in so far as they learn from their mistakes and try to change. I want people to be fixed.
    On this we agree.

    Throwing him to the wolves via news article is going to get him bullied and worse, though.
  • edited October 2012
    News Flash, fellas, if someone's contemplating or committing suicide, there's something fucked up going on in their head, all the outside world can do is hold a magnifying glass to it. I've stood on my roof trying to figure out if the fall would kill me, planned out how I would end it if I needed to, the whole shebang. The way to stop that is solving the persons internal problems (with whatever methods you prefer). Amanda Todd shouldn't have been pushed to do what she did, but the fact that she did it shows that something was already going on, and someone should've been taking better care of her.

    EDIT: holy shit, I was Ninja'd so much this post isn't even relevant any more.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • News Flash, fellas, if someone's contemplating or committing suicide, there's something fucked up going on in their head, all the outside world can do is hold a magnifying glass to it. I've stood on my roof trying to figure out if the fall would kill me, planned out how I would end it if I needed to, the whole shebang. The way to stop that is solving the persons internal problems (with whatever methods you prefer). Amanda Todd shouldn't have been pushed to do what she did, but the fact that she did it shows that something was already going on, and someone should've been taking better care of her.
    I agree with this up to a point. I don't believe for a second that someone's external (to self) situation can't be made SO intolerable that even a healthy person will commit suicide to escape it.

    The people jumping out of the WTC on 9/11 comes to mind as a ready (if cliched by now) example.
  • Are bullying, stalking, and harrassment OK as long as the subject is a bad person?
    Ultimately, no skin off my nose. That's karma, bro.
    That's an utterly despicable and reprehensible viewpoint that has been used to justify atrocities in the past and you should be ashamed to hold.
    Nah, fuck that. I probably would have cyberbullied me while I was in high school. I was a punk, I deserved it.

  • edited October 2012
    Are bullying, stalking, and harrassment OK as long as the subject is a bad person?
    Ultimately, no skin off my nose. That's karma, bro.
    That's an utterly despicable and reprehensible viewpoint that has been used to justify atrocities in the past and you should be ashamed to hold.
    Nah, fuck that. I probably would have cyberbullied me while I was in high school. I was a punk, I deserved it.

    The Geneva Conventions, US Army Field Manual, etc were written to counter thinking like this. The enemy is still a human being entitled to basic human dignity and compassion, even if they don't recognize those rights in others. Cyberbullying is no joke. It's serious shit. Victims live in fear of their lives and can become agoraphobic, depressed, paranoid, etc.

    Part of being a moral person in a moral society is recognizing that punishment, rehabilitation, and revenge are all discrete concepts and honestly there's almost never any real overlap.

    This Violent Acrez dude should do time, but he probably won't unless somehow somebody finds actual child porn on his computer (is there even reasonable cause to seize or search his computer?) He should be made to do community service and he should be made to understand the fear and humiliation that predatory behavior creates in its victims.

    But he shouldn't be followed around for the rest of his life by harassers who will prevent him from ever being rehabilitated or ever contributing positively to society ever again even if he tries. What's the point of that? Driving him to be an even more damaged, even worse person?
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Dude, I was suicidally depressed in high school. I wasn't cyberbullied, but I still think I should have been. I really hated myself then, too. I probably would have just agreed with the texts.
  • News Flash, fellas, if someone's contemplating or committing suicide, there's something fucked up going on in their head, all the outside world can do is hold a magnifying glass to it. I've stood on my roof trying to figure out if the fall would kill me, planned out how I would end it if I needed to, the whole shebang. The way to stop that is solving the persons internal problems (with whatever methods you prefer). Amanda Todd shouldn't have been pushed to do what she did, but the fact that she did it shows that something was already going on, and someone should've been taking better care of her.
    I agree with this up to a point. I don't believe for a second that someone's external (to self) situation can't be made SO intolerable that even a healthy person will commit suicide to escape it.

    The people jumping out of the WTC on 9/11 comes to mind as a ready (if cliched by now) example.
    I don't consider that suicide, because they're fucked either way. Let me retroactively add "unless you're in a war zone" to my post.
  • He should be made to do community service and he should be made to understand the fear and humiliation that predatory behavior creates in its victims.
    No better way to do this then someone outing him in a newspaper and the people of his neighborhood bricking out his windows faster than he can replace them.

  • He should be made to do community service and he should be made to understand the fear and humiliation that predatory behavior creates in its victims.
    No better way to do this then someone outing him in a newspaper and the people of his neighborhood bricking out his windows faster than he can replace them.

    So mob justice is cool as long as you agree with the mob. Fuck hundreds of years of social progress because you're REALLY mad.

  • He should be made to do community service and he should be made to understand the fear and humiliation that predatory behavior creates in its victims.
    No better way to do this then someone outing him in a newspaper and the people of his neighborhood bricking out his windows faster than he can replace them.

    They need to use the bricks of his house.
  • News Flash, fellas, if someone's contemplating or committing suicide, there's something fucked up going on in their head, all the outside world can do is hold a magnifying glass to it. I've stood on my roof trying to figure out if the fall would kill me, planned out how I would end it if I needed to, the whole shebang. The way to stop that is solving the persons internal problems (with whatever methods you prefer). Amanda Todd shouldn't have been pushed to do what she did, but the fact that she did it shows that something was already going on, and someone should've been taking better care of her.
    I agree with this up to a point. I don't believe for a second that someone's external (to self) situation can't be made SO intolerable that even a healthy person will commit suicide to escape it.

    The people jumping out of the WTC on 9/11 comes to mind as a ready (if cliched by now) example.
    I don't consider that suicide, because they're fucked either way. Let me retroactively add "unless you're in a war zone" to my post.
    I'm not sure a literal warzone is required to approximate the same psychological stakes.
  • Lower case w and z, you'll notice.
  • He should be made to do community service and he should be made to understand the fear and humiliation that predatory behavior creates in its victims.
    No better way to do this then someone outing him in a newspaper and the people of his neighborhood bricking out his windows faster than he can replace them.

    So mob justice is cool as long as you agree with the mob. Fuck hundreds of years of social progress because you're REALLY mad.

    I mean, we've never really been without mob justice. I don't think we've advanced past the point of its innate necessity to self-regulate the dregs of society.

  • He's got a point. What is "Jury of Peers" but a curated mob?
  • edited October 2012
    Muppet, the more I think about it, the more I realize you're just like Violentacrez, content to sit by and watch people go about their vile business. With VA, it was people posting JB pictures on subreddits he created. With you, it's allowing people like Violentacrez maintain a peaceful private life.

    If you wouldn't support the public blackballing of a person like VA, you're no better.
    He's got a point. What is "Jury of Peers" but a curated mob?
    Exactly. Riots and bullying are just shortcuts to the same end. Prisons are just where we gather bullies to do our bullying of other bullies for us.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Guys! Guys!

    Carl Sagan has something to say.

    Now, you might be asking, "Victor, dafuq does this have to do with what we were talking about?"

    The universe is bigger than us and certainly bigger than this shit. Lets get this thread back to posting pictures of people's Facebook conversations where they exhibit ironically bad spelling or grammar.
  • I think you have a pet hate for me and love to be inflammatory.

    Blackballing and mob harrassment are not the same thing.
  • Oh God are you typing this bullshit with a straight face, or what?
  • I think you have a pet hate for me and love to be inflammatory.

    Blackballing and mob harrassment are not the same thing.
    Not at all; I actually believe what I'm saying. Be it publishing his name so he is never hired again OR people beating him up, I'm all for it. As a felon, he couldn't get a job again, and other inmates would regularly beat him up. At least this way, the taxpayer saves all the money it would cost to be imprisoned, and VA is free to drink himself to death.
  • I can understand being suicidally depressed.

    I also have no idea what any of you are talking about.

    So I'll just let you know that the RIT Center for Women and Gender did not allow one of the singing groups on campus to sing "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen. They said it's sexist.

    I understand the argument, but...Just...No.
  • Right and not supporting your warped view of morality makes me a perverted stalker. I think you need some sleep.
  • Right and not supporting your warped view of morality makes me a perverted stalker. I think you need some sleep.
  • I think you have a pet hate for me and love to be inflammatory.

    Blackballing and mob harrassment are not the same thing.
    Not at all; I actually believe what I'm saying. Be it publishing his name so he is never hired again OR people beating him up, I'm all for it. As a felon, he couldn't get a job again, and other inmates would regularly beat him up. At least this way, the taxpayer saves all the money it would cost to be imprisoned, and VA is free to drink himself to death.
    I want Muppet to explain why he thinks a man who posts pictures of girls his daughter's age on the internet should not be subject to this treatment.

    I'm waiting.
  • edited October 2012
    I should point out, I'm not in favor of anything he did, nor do I think that the article shouldn't exist at all(though it does have other problems, they're just stylistic choices) - I just think that it was extremely unethical to reveal his identity, from a professional standpoint. That's it. Just to make my position crystal clear.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I can understand being suicidally depressed.

    I also have no idea what any of you are talking about.

    So I'll just let you know that the RIT Center for Women and Gender did not allow one of the singing groups on campus to sing "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen. They said it's sexist.

    I understand the argument, but...Just...No.
    But... But... They make the Rocking World go round...
  • I know.
  • edited October 2012
    I think you have a pet hate for me and love to be inflammatory.

    Blackballing and mob harrassment are not the same thing.
    Not at all; I actually believe what I'm saying. Be it publishing his name so he is never hired again OR people beating him up, I'm all for it. As a felon, he couldn't get a job again, and other inmates would regularly beat him up. At least this way, the taxpayer saves all the money it would cost to be imprisoned, and VA is free to drink himself to death.
    I want Muppet to explain why he thinks a man who posts pictures of girls his daughter's age on the internet should not be subject to this treatment.

    I'm waiting.
    So basically, explain the rule of law to you from first principles? Aren't you in college?
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
    So clearly a soccer mob is just an extension of the government feeling pissed their team lost, right?
  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
    So clearly a soccer mob is just an extension of the government feeling pissed their team lost, right?
    Football hooligans have their place. Sometimes the working class needs to express it's disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Sometimes letters of complaint aren't enough.
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