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Fail of Your Day



  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
    So clearly a soccer mob is just an extension of the government feeling pissed their team lost, right?
    Football hooligans have their place. Sometimes the working class needs to express it's disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Sometimes letters of complaint aren't enough.
    This guy's precious, can we keep him?
  • You think he's precious? You probably haven't seen me start an argument. ;)
  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
    So clearly a soccer mob is just an extension of the government feeling pissed their team lost, right?
    Football hooligans have their place. Sometimes the working class needs to express it's disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Sometimes letters of complaint aren't enough.
    This guy's precious, can we keep him?
    Oh, I'm precious? Cute. What the fuck do you have against the working man, Jack? It isn't enough that you're voting for Romney, but now the blue collar, meat and potatoes Joe Sixpacks of America can't even voice their opinion the only way they know how?

    You're a real 1% asshole, sir. My friends didn't die on Iraqi soil for this bullshit.

  • I'm a biologist, not a lawyer. Sometimes there are things a legitimate government can't do without serious time and paperwork. Riots and mobs just help those things along. It's the natural order.
    So clearly a soccer mob is just an extension of the government feeling pissed their team lost, right?
    Football hooligans have their place. Sometimes the working class needs to express it's disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Sometimes letters of complaint aren't enough.
    This guy's precious, can we keep him?
    Oh, I'm precious? Cute. What the fuck do you have against the working man, Jack? It isn't enough that you're voting for Romney, but now the blue collar, meat and potatoes Joe Sixpacks of America can't even voice their opinion the only way they know how?

    You're a real 1% asshole, sir. My friends didn't die on Iraqi soil for this bullshit.

    I don't pay taxes.

    Because I make $12K a year.

    Your argument is invalid.
  • You make $12k? Why are you voting for Romney? You know the GOP party platform is basically "Fuck Jack124 in his low-income asshole," right?
  • You make $12k? Why are you voting for Romney? You know the GOP party platform is basically "Fuck Jack124 in his low-income asshole," right?
    maybe I like it up my bum.
  • You make $12k? Why are you voting for Romney? You know the GOP party platform is basically "Fuck Jack124 in his low-income asshole," right?
    maybe I like it up my bum.
    It really says something about America that people like you will just roll over and let grinning liars rob you blind when you have the chance to let the government be your advocate.

  • You make $12k? Why are you voting for Romney? You know the GOP party platform is basically "Fuck Jack124 in his low-income asshole," right?
    maybe I like it up my bum.
    It really says something about America that people like you will just roll over and let grinning liars rob you blind when you have the chance to let the government be your advocate.

    What are they gonna take when I end up with $.01 in my bank account at the end of the month? And if you haven't noticed, I don't WANT the government to be my advocate.
  • You make $12k? Why are you voting for Romney? You know the GOP party platform is basically "Fuck Jack124 in his low-income asshole," right?
    maybe I like it up my bum.
    It really says something about America that people like you will just roll over and let grinning liars rob you blind when you have the chance to let the government be your advocate.

    What are they gonna take when I end up with $.01 in my bank account at the end of the month? And if you haven't noticed, I don't WANT the government to be my advocate.
    They'd raise taxes on the rich. You'd pay the same you do now. You only stand to gain. What negative does "free shit from the government" possibly have to you?
  • How does raising taxes on the rich affect my personal income?
  • It doesn't. It just means you wouldn't have to pay for healthcare. That's a pretty penny in your pocket.
  • edited October 2012
    It doesn't. It just means you wouldn't have to pay for healthcare. That's a pretty penny in your pocket.
    Apparently I HAVE to buy a policy or I get charged a "fine."
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • It doesn't. It just means you wouldn't have to pay for healthcare. That's a pretty penny in your pocket.
    Apparently I HAVE to buy a policy or I get charged a "fine."
    Unless your employer provides it. Which, under law, they have to.
  • It doesn't. It just means you wouldn't have to pay for healthcare. That's a pretty penny in your pocket.
    Apparently I HAVE to buy a policy or I get charged a "fine."
    Unless your employer provides it. Which, under law, they have to.
    To full time employees. Suddenly everyone only gets 29 hours.
  • So the government lays down regulations for hour requirements. The people unionize and threaten action. Conditions are set, and healthcare is provided.

    Australia and Germany have been through literally every step of this exact same process already, and they are 100% fine.
  • So the government lays down regulations for hour requirements. The people unionize and threaten action. Conditions are set, and healthcare is provided.

    Australia and Germany have been through literally every step of this exact same process already, and they are 100% fine.
    And they also have a history of governmental interference. We were founded on the principle that we didn't want the government telling us what to do. I DON'T want a government that gives me everything, I WANT to do it ON MY OWN. I WANT to be like Romney, who's family came from nothing and became rich off their own hard work and sweat. I want to be independent, not dependent.
  • Ideally, the archaic and hostile practice of employer-based healthcare would disappear from the face of this nation and earth, replaced with a state wide single payer system. Alas, this is America, where freedom is dying or going bankrupt if you lose your job or your private, for-profit insurance company denies your coverage.
  • Note: according to Wikipedia, the fine will be about $100 for you. Also, the government will give you subsidies so that you'll only be paying up to about $250 for health insurance per year.
  • edited October 2012
    So the government lays down regulations for hour requirements. The people unionize and threaten action. Conditions are set, and healthcare is provided.

    Australia and Germany have been through literally every step of this exact same process already, and they are 100% fine.
    And they also have a history of governmental interference. We were founded on the principle that we didn't want the government telling us what to do. I DON'T want a government that gives me everything, I WANT to do it ON MY OWN. I WANT to be like Romney, who's family came from nothing and became rich off their own hard work and sweat. I want to be independent, not dependent.
    But the government giving you free healthcare isn't a crutch. It's a stepping stone to let you spend money on bettering yourself, to one day BE Romney instead of paying out the ass for insurance, when you could buy books and night school. Or a trip anywhere in the world.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Note: according to Wikipedia, the fine will be about $100 for you. Also, the government will give you subsidies so that you'll only be paying up to about $250 for health insurance per year.
    $100 is half my car payment. $100 is half my car insurance. That $100 could go to other things.
  • So the government lays down regulations for hour requirements. The people unionize and threaten action. Conditions are set, and healthcare is provided.

    Australia and Germany have been through literally every step of this exact same process already, and they are 100% fine.
    And they also have a history of governmental interference. We were founded on the principle that we didn't want the government telling us what to do. I DON'T want a government that gives me everything, I WANT to do it ON MY OWN. I WANT to be like Romney, who's family came from nothing and became rich off their own hard work and sweat. I want to be independent, not dependent.
    But the government giving you free healthcare isn't a crutch. It's a stepping stone to let you spend money on bettering yourself, to one day BE Romney instead of paying out the ass for insurance, when you could buy books and night school. Or a trip anywhere in the world.
    Actually I'd be okay with a single-payer system. If Obama had said "Okay, everyone gets Medicaid as basic coverage, and you can buy a la carte as you need." But he didn't!
  • Note: according to Wikipedia, the fine will be about $100 for you. Also, the government will give you subsidies so that you'll only be paying up to about $250 for health insurance per year.
    $100 is half my car payment. $100 is half my car insurance. That $100 could go to other things.
    But you will never be fined, because ALL EMPLOYERS will be boxed in by legislation so that they can have to provide you with healthcare.
  • These are yearly costs. Of course, you'll actually just be eligible for Medicaid (it's up to 133% of the federal poverty line), so yeah, very cheap government-funded health insurance for you.
  • I WANT to be like Romney, who's family came from nothing and became rich off their own hard work and sweat. I want to be independent, not dependent.
    Romney's family built wealth through hard work, independent in the classic sense. Romney was absolutely dependent on his family's wealth to further is own. The difference is neither subtle nor trivial.

    Point of record: I support a 100% estate tax.
  • Also, dude, if your employer doesn't provide health insurance, get a better job. Seriously.
  • Also, dude, if your employer doesn't provide health insurance, get a better job. Seriously.
    They do. That's not my point though.
  • I am also sketchy about the government "boxing in" private companies and telling them what to do and what not to do. Kinda goes hand-in-hand with me not wanting the government to tell me what to do and what not to do.
  • Also, dude, if your employer doesn't provide health insurance, get a better job. Seriously.
    They do. That's not my point though.
    Your point is that you'd rather stick your dick in a lubricated copy of Atlas Shrugged while telling yourself that you never relied on anyone else to get you to where you are today, rather than realize that nobody has ever gotten anywhere without the help of countless others. Yes, including the government.

    Spoiler alert: you're one of them.

  • edited October 2012
    I just don't believe that government is the answer to everything.

    Edit: Case in point, riots.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • edited October 2012
    Then why are you acting like you don't believe the government is the answer to anything?

    Spoiler alert: The government is the best solution to getting everybody health care.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
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