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Fail of Your Day



  • I do enjoy when I get to talk to people about hiking and things like that. What I hate is dressing like a fucking sheep! A sheep has nothing to do with christmas or anything! The fact that Im 6'2 and its designed for a lady of 5'8 is beside the point.
  • Well it has more to do with Christmas than some things... I mean, the story goes that an angel appeared to shepherds who then went to see the new baby. Hence the sheep in some of the creches.
  • Shawn the Sheep from Wallace and Grommet was not in the nativity scenes.

    For reference to the animal in question;
  • The current time here is 5:13pm, but the time for me is 8:13pm, and I woke up way early this morning so it feels like 11:13pm. Beugh.
  • I can't lick my eyebrow.
  • edited December 2012

    It's time to go from r/rage to r/justiceporn.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Is his name seriously Austin Cooper.

  • Austin Cooper. Returning the ring to Mordor.
  • edited December 2012
    Brain zaps are mildly interesting for about three minutes, and then you just want to throw up your brain and put it in a jar.

    It's kind of like someone is setting off EMP grenades in my brain. There's a huge burst of ideas followed by these waves of what feels like electricity "popping out" of the top of my head and propagating to the rest of my body. I feel like I'm going to throw up and eating is incredibly difficult. Probably have to make an appointment with my doc, ugh. >.<
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Awwww, feel better dude.
  • My cold has turned into strange jaw pain, ear popping noises, and a poor sense of balance. Also tiny little bumps on my forehead that are probably not related.
  • Inner ear infection. Go to a doctor: if it's bacterial you need antibiotics.
  • My roommate just made a ramen sandwich. Cooked ramen between two pieces of bread.
  • That sounds like perfectly normal student fare.
  • It's better with ketchup.
  • I Remember putting beef jerky in chicken ramen. Pretty good.
  • Inner ear infection. Go to a doctor: if it's bacterial you need antibiotics.
    Yeah, there's also a massive nerve that runs along the back of your jaw. So a lot of it is connected. If you didn't go to the doctor yesterday you need to today.
  • I'm all about putting leftovers (Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.) in ramen; it's the perfect vehicle for them. But ramen does not a good sandwich make.
  • Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of carbs on carbs.
  • Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of carbs on carbs.
    Don't you dare say anything bad about waffle sandwiches, they are amazing.
  • Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of carbs on carbs.
    Don't you dare say anything bad about waffle sandwiches, they are amazing.
    What do you put between the waffles? Nothing that comes immediately to mind counts as carbs.

  • A piece of fried chicken immediately springs to mind, and would be spot-on.
  • No waffle is satisfying for me since the ones they had at the beerfest at second PAX East. Even chicken 'n' waffles fall short.
  • Peanut butter. You put two waffles together with peanut butter, and then encapsulate that in bread.
  • edited December 2012
    In what part of the country can I order that from a restaurant, because I will drive there to try that.

    Edit: The chicken one not the peanut butter one. I can do the peanut butter one myself.
    Post edited by Drunken Butler on
  • Peanut butter. You put two waffles together with peanut butter, and then encapsulate that in bread.
    And then fry that fucker.
  • In what part of the country can I order that from a restaurant, because I will drive there to try that.

    Edit: The chicken one not the peanut butter one. I can do the peanut butter one myself.
    Anywhere in the south. Probably other places too.
  • I'm sick again for the third time in four weeks.
  • My roommate just made a ramen sandwich. Cooked ramen between two pieces of bread.
    Cold canned spaghetti sammiches are good.
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