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Fail of Your Day



  • Canned spaghetti is a thing?
  • image

    It's barely spaghetti, but it makes for good sammich middles.
  • Canned spaghetti is a thing?
    Stuff like Spaghettios(sp) I guess?

    I invented the hot sauce and potato sammich once (diced cooked/fried potatoes slathered in hot sauce with white bread). Twas tasty.
  • edited December 2012
    Also if you can get your mitts on some vegemite a vegemite and lettuce sammich is pretty good too.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited December 2012
    My roommate just made a ramen sandwich. Cooked ramen between two pieces of bread.
    I can't imagine anything being worse than the smell of a Hungryman frozen dinner. Fuck, I can't stand when someone makes one of those.
    Also if you can get your mitts on some vegemite a vegemite and lettuce sammich is pretty good too.
    I ate a vegemite sandwich once. I literally felt like puking after every bite. Don't ask me why I did it.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Vegemite on toast is a breakfast delight, also high in vitamin b
  • Massive inner ear infection. Don't think I have any significant permanent hearing loss, but this means that I contracted it in April, my ENT thought it was just allergies back in July, and now I'm in an absurd amount of discomfort all over the right side of my head.

    Also, there's some associated post-nasal drip which explains the insane morning nausea I've been having.
  • Wonderful. Well, keep on whatever drugs they managed to give you.
  • edited December 2012
    The nice thing about being a microbiology student is that I can pretty reliably discern between a bacterial and a viral infection. I shot my dad a text this morning and he called in a prescription for Biaxin. I should be fine, but woe be unto my ENT if I've lost hearing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • The nice thing about being a microbiology student is that I can pretty reliably discern between a bacterial and a viral infection. I shot my dad a text this morning and he called in a prescription for Biaxin. I should be fine, but woe be unto my ENT if I've lost hearing.
    Big Pharma strikes again.
  • Shills, shills to the gills.
  • Nearly got run down by some self-important prick with a bluetooth who assumed stop signs didn't apply to him. He was absolutely appalled that I had the temerity to cross when he was meant to be stopped.
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
  • Game of Thrones?
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
  • Nearly got run down by some self-important prick with a bluetooth who assumed stop signs didn't apply to him. He was absolutely appalled that I had the temerity to cross when he was meant to be stopped.
    Clearly he is a good example of why you should barricade your doors and windows and never never leave your house again.
  • edited December 2012
    I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
    Brace yourself. Huck Finn (which was my serious guess, but I digress) is pretty densely dialectic, but TEWWG is borderline unreadable at points.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Nearly got run down by some self-important prick with a bluetooth who assumed stop signs didn't apply to him. He was absolutely appalled that I had the temerity to cross when he was meant to be stopped.
    This is the reason behind EVERY TIME I've been hit while riding my bike.

  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
    Brace yourself. Huck Finn (which was my serious guess, but I digress) is pretty densely dialectic, but TEWWG is borderline unreadable at points.
    I am aware. This is the English course I'm repeating.

    >inb4 "you failed English? WTF"
    Depression is one hell of a drug. At least I'm a Junior in reachback. A girl in my class went through outpatient treatment so extensive she's repeating the year.
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
    Brace yourself. Huck Finn (which was my serious guess, but I digress) is pretty densely dialectic, but TEWWG is borderline unreadable at points.
    Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) novels can be fairly unreadable at times too.
  • edited December 2012
    >inb4 "you failed English? WTF"
    Depression is one hell of a drug. At least I'm a Junior in reachback. A girl in my class went through outpatient treatment so extensive she's repeating the year.
    Don't sweat it, bro. I can't say I've ever failed something due to my depression, but I have fucked up exams and laid in bed all weekend as a result. Keep calm and carry on; it gets a little better every day.
    Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) novels can be fairly unreadable at times too.
    It's the textual equivalent of Brad Pitt in Snatch. Different accents, same principle.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2012
    Irvine Welsh (Trainspotting) novels can be fairly unreadable at times too.
    I really prefer the way Charlie Stross handles it. His Scottish characters are somehow particularly scottish, without having them written like "aye ahl slit is fuckin' banjo like" or "argh ya wee ned fuck ayel fuckin' burst ye", or "ah da bahs sa' jus' donna weigh a wee, hangalef denna straigh' on, yahl seet", it's in the way they behave and talk, without being obnoxious.

    I fuckin' know people who talk like that. Christ, there are plenty of people in my family who talk EXACTLY like that.
    It's the textual equivalent of Brad Pitt in Snatch. Different accents, same principle.
    I had almost no problem understanding Brad Pitt's accent in snatch, oddly enough.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Don't you dare say anything bad about waffle sandwiches, they are amazing.
    Not sure if I was alone in this but when I went to Waffle House for the first time as a kid I was depressed to find they did not have a waffle burger.
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
    That was going to be my other guess, but it's not really historical fiction. All that stuff was current when the book came out. And yeah, the dialect in that book is nothing compared to Their Eyes.
  • edited December 2012
    Huck Finn is pretty good compared to Their Eyes Were Watching God. I also read it in like, the 3rd grade for some reason.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I don't like fiction. I hate realistic fiction. I fucking hate historical fiction. I really fucking hate historical fiction where the narration is written in a southern dialect. Guess what I'm reading.
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Close. Going to have to read that later. Right now it's Huck Finn.
    That was going to be my other guess, but it's not really historical fiction. All that stuff was current when the book came out. And yeah, the dialect in that book is nothing compared to Their Eyes.
    I've actually gotten into multiple fights with my teacher over how close to the book life was at the time of its publication. I tend to win.

    I didn't mean written as historical fiction. I meant fiction that takes place in history.
  • edited December 2012
    Huck Finn is pretty good
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Huck Finn is pretty good
    That too.

  • It's the textual equivalent of Brad Pitt in Snatch. Different accents, same principle.
    I had almost no problem understanding Brad Pitt's accent in snatch, oddly enough.
    Me neither, but I've got a hell of a time reading it.
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