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Fail of Your Day



  • edited December 2012
    HSBC was mostly just a huge launderer for British opium money and a shunt for things that were more-or-less opium futures/commodities during the Opium Wars. [source]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2012
    That makes a lot more sense now, knowing what HSBC stands for.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • HSBC was mostly just a huge launderer for British opium money and a shunt for things that were more-or-less opium futures/commodities during the Opium Wars. [source]
    Quite a few of the kids I went to school with had "Links" to HSBC and other organisations. Also went to school with the son of the guy who ran british security who's uncle was leasing the garrisons guns off to the mob.
  • It's weird having no caffeine tolerance. Just a half a shot of espresso has me completely wired. @_@
  • There was a kitten on the freeway this morning. Definitely got winged by something low on the bottom of another car, but got to the median. My hopes are low for it having gotten off the freeway safely.
  • edited December 2012
    Noooooooo :(
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • People who don't back up their work files on the network and hide them in places I don't look when I'm wiping out their computer...
  • Upstairs neighbor's girlfriend just tore up her bus ticket home and then called in a domestic. Jesus Christ.
  • Upstairs neighbor's girlfriend just tore up her bus ticket home and then called in a domestic. Jesus Christ.
  • Chained CPI is bull shit.
  • I failed Statistics and now I've been academically suspended. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
  • Go to a community college for a year/semester and present a case to the board to be readmitted. You're not the first one.
  • Go to a community college for a year/semester and present a case to the board to be readmitted. You're not the first one.
    That, but also don't fail statistics again. It's no big deal, just get back into the grind.
  • Well I can come back in a year but I don't know if anywhere would take me in the time being with my shitty gpa, and even if they would I don't know if there would be any courses that would do me any good anyway.
  • edited December 2012
    I failed Statistics and now I've been academically suspended. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
    You need to figure out why you failed. Was it just not doing the work or was it not understanding the work? And then you need to think about why you didn't do it or didn't understand it. If it's something you can and want to change, change it. If it's something more fundamentally part of you, then you might consider taking a different path in life. Not everybody is cut out for a life path that involves a curriculum including statistics.

    If your GPA is so shitty, maybe you need to think about why that is and decide if you wouldn't be better off in a technical or apprenticeship program. Don't believe the propaganda that everyone has to go to college.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited December 2012
    Well I can come back in a year but I don't know if anywhere would take me in the time being with my shitty gpa, and even if they would I don't know if there would be any courses that would do me any good anyway.
    I guarantee somewhere will, my girlfriend's GPA was really shitty when she was on academic suspension and she did well at a local CC and then went back and recovered her GPA.

    Also fuck statistics I hated that class, I should have failed but the class did worse than I did so I ended up with a B somehow. I UNDERSTAND I SHOULD KNOW STATISTICS but I just didn't really care. Probably the worst I've done in any subject.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I failed Statistics and now I've been academically suspended. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do.
    You need to figure out why you failed. Was it just not doing the work or was it not understanding the work? And then you need to think about why you didn't do it or didn't understand it. If it's something you can and want to change, change it. If it's something more fundamentally part of you, then you might consider taking a different path in life. Not everybody is cut out for a life path that involves a curriculum including statistics.

    If your GPA is so shitty, maybe you need to think about why that is and decide if you wouldn't be better off in a technical or apprenticeship program. Don't believe the propaganda that everyone has to go to college.
    I know why. Its because I procrastinated too much, and because sometimes I can't sleep until 5am and then I oversleep, missing class, fucking up my whole day and making it even harder to sleep the next night. Of course those two often go hand in hand. I rarely actually decided to skip, but I missed class either way. I still hated it and really wasn't looking forward to the next class, so I can't say its exactly my passion.

    And I agree. I've been thinking that a while but I just feel like I've come so far already I don't want to have wasted all of my parents money for nothing and the wouldn't have let me straight-up drop out anyway. I wish I knew some trade or something but I really don't know what I would do.
  • Your school should have some kind of career counseling department. Find it and go talk to somebody there. It is their job to help you figure out what the best path is for you and what kind of trade you might be interested in/good at.

    If you have the ability, it's not a terrible idea to go see a doctor/counselor about the sleep and motivational difficulties. My college had a clinic that provided free services to the students, and they had one of the best relationship counselors I have even encountered. (There was also a really shitty shrink, so you have to keep trying sometimes.) I would not ASSUME that something is wrong with you, but if you feel like there is something you want to fix, that is an option you might have.
  • Nuri is good people, apparently. I can only offer jokes and really shitty Steam games.
  • Yeah, true but I don't know if I'll really have much option for that anyway. I'll probably end up having to move back home for now unless I can get a job right away.

    Its probably just that I'm either doing homework or on the internet right before bed and that keeps me awake, which eventually led to a shitty sleep schedule that I just can't get out of. Putting off the homework I hate just makes it worse. For a while I thought I might have had "Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder" but now I think its probably just a similar result because of my shitty lifestyle.
  • So what if everything you just said is true? Does that make you not a worthwhile person? Does it mean you aren't allowed to talk to someone to try to get help managing your lifestyle? Does it mean you shouldn't try to find out what kind of job you would be good at?

    You won't know what your options are and if you can take them until you talk to someone about them. For changing your lifestyle, for education, and for career paths. Not having a job and having to get help doesn't make you any less worthwhile as long as you are still trying. It is only when you give up on improving that you lose your worth.

    I graduated undergrad Summa Cum Laude and law school Cum Laude. I still don't have a job and would be living with my parents if I was still in NC instead of with my fiance in NY. I loved what I studied and don't regret going to school for it, even though I could have been making money right now if I didn't go to law school. Degrees aren't everything, so you better make sure if you go after one that it is worth your time!
  • My story is along the lines of, "Failed some stuff because I had no fucks to give for it." Working for a little while and paying your own way does wonders for a lot of people, whether it's pushing them to go back to school or to progress in a career of some sort.

    Step one to just about everything: Figure out what the objective is.
  • Nuri is good people, apparently. I can only offer jokes and really shitty Steam games.
    There's a reason we keep her around.
  • Thanks guys, I know I need to get my shit in order and figure out what I'm going to do from here. I don't know how I'm going to break it to my parents though. They'll kill me.
  • I've been there, man, and it was the hardest part of failing classes. The goal should be to separate yourself from their wishes, though, and be your own person. As much as it'll hurt, this will be good practice.
  • Nuri is good people, apparently. I can only offer jokes and really shitty Steam games.
    There's a reason we keep her around.
    I always assumed it was because she would kill us if we didn't.
  • You'd be surprised at how much fury and killing rage you can fit into so tiny a body.
  • Thanks guys, I know I need to get my shit in order and figure out what I'm going to do from here. I don't know how I'm going to break it to my parents though. They'll kill me.
    They are your parents. I know some people's parents suck, but I hope that yours don't. I hope they love you a lot and care more that you can talk to them about what is happening in your life than that you failed a class. It is scary to tell the people we care about that we failed in something that was important to them. I hope that if you tell them you messed up, and you know you messed up but you are going to KEEP TRYING and work hard to find what works for you, then they will understand.

    They may be disappointed, but that is okay. Everybody gets disappointed sometimes. You can usually overcome that by taking responsibility and working toward a goal, maybe with their help.
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