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Fail of Your Day



  • edited January 2013
    While it's the closest to good in that it hasn't included the problematic cuts previously considered, it still involves some ill-advised concessions.

    I wonder if it would have been better for Obama to go all out on removing the debt ceiling.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I got really drunk at a New Years party last night and got driven home covered in my own vomit. I don't remember what happened after around 12:30 and my mom would very much like to know why she had to wake up at 3 AM to take care of me and wash the puke out of my clothes.

    To add insult to injury, my iPhone was in the pocket of the cardigan I was wearing last night and is currently sitting in a bag of rice with the hope that it is not completely destroyed.
  • wait your mom can't figure it out?
  • Upside-down'd.
    You FLIPPED your car?!
    It was in the bad Saturday weather on the thruway. That part of the road was TERRIBLE; there were 3 or 4 accidents in the same area the same day. Shit happens when you hit a sudden change in road conditions and lose traction. They are both ok, but as you can imagine, upside down car may be debatably recoverable.

  • edited January 2013
    Post edited by Icenrose on
  • How long before somebody goes on amazon, buys a million copies of a really shitty FPS for two bucks a piece, and flips them to the town for money?
  • How long before somebody goes on amazon, buys a million copies of a really shitty FPS for two bucks a piece, and flips them to the town for money?
    I'd be surprised if the local GameStop or equivalent isn't sold out of every failed FPS of the last couple years by the time this event happens.
  • Who would have thought that censorship would save GameStop?
  • “I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks..."

  • How long before somebody goes on amazon, buys a million copies of a really shitty FPS for two bucks a piece, and flips them to the town for money?
    Am I a bad person for wanting to do that?
  • The best way to show people that they're being dumb is through their wallets.
  • How long before somebody goes on amazon, buys a million copies of a really shitty FPS for two bucks a piece, and flips them to the town for money?
    If I was sure that I could turn a profit, I would totally do that, but i doubt my earnings would be worth the 6 hour drive both ways.

  • After two days of ownership, I gently set my Nexus 4 down on the table and ~5 seconds later...*pop*...*pop**pop*...*pop*.
  • Did the magic smoke get out?
  • edited January 2013
    The magic "tough" glass back got lots of cracks because of a grain of sand. The magic blue smoke is still in place.

    EDIT: Free replacement though, so there's that.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited January 2013
    Your First Post: Saved. That image is definitely going to come in handy.

    Your Second Post: Alolololol. That site is utterly hilarious. Proof that slick web design does not equal a good point.

    The best part about this is most of those infographic style sites are exhaustively sourced. This has literately nothing but a series of extraordinary claims and stupid allegories.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
    Oh my god, where to start...

  • Unreal Tournament 1 features a stereotypical black guy voice option, but not non-white characters.

    Just, wow.
  • edited January 2013
    I enjoy how the quiz at the end of that capitalism thing tells you you're "incorrect" for disagreeing with them. "Oops!" No oops, I did it on purpose, bro.

    Edit - What. The thing is literally made by a Texas-based capitalist graphic/web design firm. No exaggeration.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited January 2013
    I love how the only way capitalists can make a decent analogy is to frame everything and anything as a competition. They never heard of cooperation apparently.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Yet even the competition analogies fail...
  • They made the show I'm playing on Saturday 21+ when it previously was going to be all-ages. I am so mad. Soooo mad.
  • They made the show I'm playing on Saturday 21+ when it previously was going to be all-ages. I am so mad. Soooo mad.
    Ughhh. Why can't they just do the X's-on-hands thing? Isn't that, like, industry standard?
  • death to websites that put all their content on one page and have javascript transitions.
  • death to websites that put all their content on one page and have javascript transitions.
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